CAREER- Advice and Practice Adapted to Economic Reality, Efficiency and Relevance at Work (Q3097254): Difference between revisions
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Revision as of 14:10, 6 October 2021
Project Q3097254 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | CAREER- Advice and Practice Adapted to Economic Reality, Efficiency and Relevance at Work |
Project Q3097254 in Romania |
662,868.175 Romanian Leu
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779,844.9 Romanian Leu
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85.0 percent
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27 September 2018
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30 April 2021
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Titlul proiectului: CAREER- Consilierea si practica Adaptate Realitatii Economice, Eficiente si Relevante la locul de munca Obiectivul general al proiectului CAREER este cresterea nr. de absolventi de la Universitatea Ioan Slavici din Timisoara, care isi gasesc un loc de munca conform pregatirii de specialitate din domeniu (80 studenti de la Facultatea de Inginerie și 20 studenti de la Facultatea de Stiinte Economice) prin participarea la un program inovativ de consiliere si practica. Scopul activit propuse este de a-l face pe studentul/viitorul absolvent sa obtina, sa se adapteze si mentina locul de munca relevant pregatirii educationale. Din cei 100 de studenti selectati in cadrul proiectului 80% provin din domeniul de specializare inteligenta mentionat in SNCDI: tehnologia informaţiei şi a comunicaţiilor, spaţiu și securitate. Proiectul isi propune sa ofere studentilor posibilitatea de a-si dezvolta competente prin stagii de practica si consiliere profesionala in concordanta cu nevoile firmelor din domeniu. Obiectivul general vine in concordanta cu obiectivul Axei prioritare 6, obiectivul tematic 10, “efectuarea de investitii in domeniul educatiei, al formarii si al formarii profesionale in vederea dobandirii de competente si a invatarii pe tot parcursul vietii ”prin* relevanta abordarii activitatilor de consiliere profesionala (A3) pentru integrarea mai rapida a studentilor pe piata actuala a muncii, ce vizeaza insusirea unor competente relevante de catre studenti inainte de a ajunge sa fie angajati;* organizarea stagiilor de practica pentru 100 studenti cu firme din domeniul IT si economic (A5); *crearea unei retele inovative: IN-CO (INTELLIGENT CONNECTION)(A4). Proiectul atinge punctul mentionat in prioritatea de investiții 10.iv, sporirea relevantei pe piaţa fortelor de munca a educatiei si a sistemelor de formare, prin punctele forte ale proiectului: *expertul cheie in traininguri si coaching la firme pentru managementul conflictelor, perseverență și orientare către rezultate, are o experienta de peste 10 ani cu rezultate remarcabile in cresterea angajabilitatii; *parteneriatul cu Clusterul ROSENC (care au experienta in org. stagiilor de practica a studentilor/elevilor), cluster care se va ocupa de desf. activ de practica a studentilor din grupul tinta si de crearea unui pachet privind competentele transversale necesare accesului pe piata muncii. Clusterul va organiza si seminarii cu studentii pe diverse teme transversale: antreprenoriat, management, energie regenerabila, realizarea unui Ideajam in vederea deschiderii de start-upuri. Consilierea abordata in cadrul proiectului, implementata de catre P1, presupune un program format din 5 etape elaborat impreuna cu firmele de IT (pe baza unor colaborari anterioare). Proiectul atinge punctul mentionat in ob tematic 10, adaptarea programelor de învăţământ şi instituirea şi dezvoltarea unor sisteme de învăţare la locul de muncă, prin activitatea A4. Crearea unei retele inovative: *IN-CO (Romanian)
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Project title: CAREER- Advice and Practice Adapted to Economic Reality, Efficiency and Relevance at the Workplace The general objective of the CAREER project is to increase the number of graduates from Ioan Slavici University of Timisoara, who find a job according to the specialised training in the field (80 students from the Faculty of Engineering and 20 students from the Faculty of Economic Sciences) by participating in an innovative program of counseling and practice. The purpose of the proposed activity is to make the student/future graduate to obtain, adapt and maintain the relevant place of work for educational training. Of the 100 students selected within the project 80 % come from the field of intelligent specialisation mentioned in SNCDI: information and communication technology, space and security. The project aims to offer students the opportunity to develop their skills through internships and professional counselling in accordance with the needs of the companies in the field. The general objective is consistent with the objective of Priority Axis 6, thematic objective 10, “making investments in the field of education, training and training in order to acquire skills and lifelong learning” through* the relevant approach to professional counseling activities (A3) for faster integration of students into the current labor market, aimed at acquiring relevant competences by students before becoming employed;* organising internships for 100 students with IT and economic companies (A5); *creating an innovative network: IN-CO (INTELLIGENT CONNECTION)(A4). The project reaches the point mentioned in investment priority 10.iv, increasing the relevance on the labor market of education and training systems, through the strengths of the project: *the key expert in training and coaching at companies for conflict management, perseverance and result orientation, has an experience of over 10 years with remarkable results in increasing employability; *partnership with the ROSENC Cluster (who have experience in internships of students/students), which will take care of the active practice of students from the target group and create a package of transversal skills necessary for access to the labour market. The cluster will also organise seminars with students on various cross-cutting themes: entrepreneurship, management, renewable energy, realisation of an Ideajam in order to open start-ups. The counseling approached within the project, implemented by P1, involves a 5-stage program developed together with IT companies (based on previous collaborations). The project reaches the point mentioned in the theme 10, adaptation of curricula and the establishment and development of work-based learning systems, through activity A4. Creating an innovative network: *IN-CO (English)
16 September 2021
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Municipiul Timişoara, Romania
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