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Revision as of 13:45, 6 October 2021
Project Q2740978 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Community services for adults with disabilities |
Project Q2740978 in Romania |
3,517,020.121 Romanian Leu
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4,137,670.73 Romanian Leu
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85.0 percent
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1 July 2017
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31 December 2021
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Crearea de noi servicii sociale comunitare pentru dezinstituționalizarea persoanelor cu dizabilități din cadrul Centrului de Recuperare și Reabilitare a Persoanelor cu Handicap Comănești. Prin investitiile propuse, proiectul “Servicii comunitare pentru persoane adulte cu dizabilitati” contribuie la infiintarea serviciilor sociale (locuinte protejate si centru de zi) necesare realizarii dezinstitutionalizarii persoanelor adulte cu dizabilitati aflate intr-o institutie de tip vechi cu o capacitate de peste 120 de beneficiari indentificata in Anexa 7, concomitent cu prevenirea institutionalizarii acestora si sustinerea serviciilor in comunitate. Obiectivul general al proiectului va fi atins prin infiintarea de servicii sociale respectand un raport de 4 locuinte protejate cu o capacitate de 6 beneficiari fiecare la un centru de zi, astfel incat fiecare beneficiar din locuintele protejate va beneficia de serviciile oferite in centrul de zi. Serviciile sociale sunt rezultatul construirii si dotarii a 4 Locuinte Protejate pentru 24 persoane adulte cu dizabilitati institutionalizate in cadrul CRRPH Comanesti si reabilitarea, modernizarea si dotarea unei cladiri existente pentru infiintarea unui centru de zi. Investitiile vor fi realizate in orasul Tg. Ocna in parteneriat cu UAT Tg. Ocna care pune la dispozitie spatiul necesar infiintarii centrului de zi si terenul pentru dezvoltarea locuintelor protejate. Prin urmare, prin activitatile propuse proiectul contribuie la atingerea obiectivului specific 8.3 al Programului - “Cresterea gradului de acoperire cu servicii sociale” pentru grupul vulnerabil persoane cu dizabilitati. Locuintele protejate vor asigura servicii de cazare in sistem protejat, ingrijire personala, asistenta si suport beneficiarilor iar in cadrul centrului de zi vor fi organizate activitati diverse in scopul prevenirii institutionalizarii si sustinerii integrarii/reintegrarii in comunitate a persoanelor cu dizabilitati prin dobandirea de noi abilitati, cresterea stimei de sine si a increderii in fortele proprii. (Romanian)
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Creation of new community social services for the deinstitutionalisation of persons with disabilities within the Center for Rehabilitation and Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities. Through the proposed investments, the project “Community services for adults with disabilities” contributes to the establishment of social services (protected dwellings and day care center) necessary to achieve the deinstitutionalisation of adults with disabilities located in an old institution with a capacity of over 120 beneficiaries identified in Annex 7, while preventing their institutionalisation and supporting services in the community. The general objective of the project will be achieved by establishing social services respecting a ratio of 4 protected dwellings with a capacity of 6 beneficiaries each at a day centre, so that each beneficiary in the protected dwellings will benefit from the services offered in the day care center. Social services are the result of the construction and endowment of 4 Protected Housing for 24 adults with institutionalised disabilities within CRRPH Comanesti and the rehabilitation, modernisation and endowment of an existing building for the establishment of a day care center. The investments will be made in Tg. Ocna in partnership with ATU Tg. Ocna which provides the space necessary for the establishment of the day care center and the ground for the development of protected dwellings. Therefore, through the proposed activities the project contributes to the achievement of the specific objective 8.3 of the Programme – “Enhancing coverage with social services” for the vulnerable group of people with disabilities. Protected dwellings will provide services of sheltered accommodation, personal care, assistance and support to beneficiaries, and within the day centre will be organised various activities in order to prevent institutionalisation and support integration/reintegration in the community of people with disabilities by acquiring new skills, increasing self-esteem and trust in their own forces. (English)
14 September 2021
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Oraş Târgu Ocna, Romania
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