Project Phase Integrated Solid Waste Management System in Vaslui County (Q3095594): Difference between revisions
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Système intégré de gestion des déchets solides dans le comté de Vaslui |
Revision as of 09:58, 26 November 2021
Project Q3095594 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Project Phase Integrated Solid Waste Management System in Vaslui County |
Project Q3095594 in Romania |
15,218,088.83 Romanian Leu
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3,043,617.7660000003 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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17,903,633.92 Romanian Leu
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3,580,726.7840000005 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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85.0 percent
0 references
1 January 2014
0 references
31 December 2021
0 references
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Obiectivul general al proiectului „Sistem integrat de management al deşeurilor solide în judeţul Vaslui” este dezvoltarea unui sistem durabil de gestionare a deşeurilor cu reducerea impactului asupra mediului în judeţul Vaslui, prin îmbunătăţirea serviciului de gestionare a deşeurilor şi reducerea numărului de depozite neconforme existente, în conformitate cu practicile şi politicile Uniunii Europene. De asemenea, obiectivul acestui proiect este implementarea practicilor care vor alinia judeţul la legislaţie şi vor elimina/reduce contaminarea şi neplăcerile suferite de populaţia judeţului Vaslui. Proiectul va contribui în mod substanţial şi la atingerea unuia dintre principalele obiective ale Strategiei Europa 2020, pe baza cărora a fost promovat şi Programul Operational Infrastructura Mare, respective obiectivul ce vizează cresterea durabila – promovarea unei economii mai eficiente, mai verzi şi mai competitive. Acest obiectiv este atins prin investitiile din cadrul proiectului ce contribuie la reducerea riscul degradarii mediului prin inchiderea a 3 depozite neconforme (Bîrlad, Negreşti si Huşi) si al utilizarii nesustenabile a resurselor (dezvoltarea de 4 noi statii de transfer la Vaslui, Bîrlad, Negreşti si Huşi; toate aceste activități contribuind la valorificarea şi reciclarea deşeurilor și protejarea resurselor naturale. Scopul acestui proiect constă in conformarea cu cerințele directivelor europene din sectorul de deșeuri și continuarea, în vederea finalizării, a investițiilor demarate prin POS Mediu 2007 - 2013. Proiectul respectă prevederile cadrului strategic aferent POIM 2014-2020 - Axa 3 (“Dezvoltarea infrastructurii de mediu în condiţii de management eficient al resurselor”), OS 3.1 (“Reducerea numărului depozitelor neconforme şi creşterea gradului de pregătire pentru reciclare a deşeurilor în România”). Acesta promoveaza sistemul de management integrat al deseurilor la nivelul județului Vaslui ceea ce este în deplină concordanţă cu politicile UE în domeniu, precum şi cu documentele agreate la nivel naţional și local. Se poate concluziona, astfel, ca proiectul “Sistem de Management Integrat al Deseurilor in judetul Vaslui”, propus pentru finantare din POS Mediu 2007-2013 şi care se va finaliza în cadrul Programului Operational Infrastructura Mare 2014-2020, va contribui la îndeplinirea tuturor angajamentelor asumate de Romania prin Tratatul de Aderare, precum si a celor stabilite prin documentele strategice la nivel naţional (POIM 2014-2020, Strategia Nationala de Gestiune a Deseurilor pentru orizontul de timp 2014-2020, aprobata în 2013, Planul National de Gestiune a Deşeurilor, în curs de actualizare, etc), regional (PRGD Regiunea 1 Nord-Est) şi local. (Romanian)
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The general objective of the project “Integrated Solid Waste Management System in Vaslui County” is to develop a sustainable waste management system that reduces the environmental impact in Vaslui County, by improving the waste management service and reducing the number of existing non-compliant landfills, in accordance with the practices and policies of the European Union. Also, the objective of this project is to implement practices that will bring the county in line with the legislation and will eliminate/reduce the contamination and inconveniences suffered by the Vaslui county population. The project will also contribute substantially to the achievement of one of the main objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy, on the basis of which the Large Infrastructure Operational Programme was also promoted, namely the objective of sustainable growth – promoting a more efficient, greener and more competitive economy. This objective is achieved through the investments within the project that contribute to reducing the risk of environmental degradation by closing 3 non-compliant landfills (Bîrlad, Negresti and Huşi) and the unsustainable use of resources (development of 4 new transfer stations in Vaslui, Bîrlad, Negreşti and Huşi; all these activities contribute to the recovery and recycling of waste and the protection of natural resources. The aim of this project is to comply with the requirements of the European directives in the waste sector and to continue, with a view to completing the investments initiated by SOP ENV 2007-2013. The project complies with the provisions of the strategic framework for LIOP 2014-2020 – Axis 3 (“Development of environmental infrastructure under resource efficiency conditions”), OS 3.1 (“Reducing the number of non-compliant landfills and increasing the readiness for recycling of waste in Romania”). It promotes the integrated waste management system at Vaslui County level, which is fully in line with EU policies in the field as well as with documents agreed at national and local level. It can therefore be concluded that the project “Integrated Waste Management System in Vaslui County”, proposed for financing from SOP Environment 2007-2013 and which will be completed within the framework of the Large Infrastructure Operational Programme 2014-2020, will contribute to the fulfilment of all the commitments undertaken by Romania through the Accession Treaty, as well as those established by the strategic documents at national level (POIM 2014-2020, the National Waste Management Strategy for the 2014-2020 time horizon, approved in 2013, the National Waste Management Plan, currently being updated, etc.), regional (PRGD Region 1 North-East) and local. (English)
14 September 2021
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Municipiul Vaslui, Romania
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Oraş Negreşti, Romania
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Municipiul Huşi, Romania
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Municipiul Bîrlad, Romania
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