I hope – Specific training to prevent, eliminate and reduce colo-rectal cancer (Q3096283): Difference between revisions
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J’espère — Formation spécifique pour prévenir, éliminer et réduire le cancer du colo-rectal |
Revision as of 10:02, 26 November 2021
Project Q3096283 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | I hope – Specific training to prevent, eliminate and reduce colo-rectal cancer |
Project Q3096283 in Romania |
6,616,876.494 Romanian Leu
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7,836,620.36 Romanian Leu
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1,567,324.0720000002 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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84.44 percent
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Obiectivul general al proiectului este lmbunătățirea nivelului de competențe ale profesioniștilor implicati în implementarea programelor prioritare de sănătate in domeniul cancerului colo-rectal, prin formare specifica și schimburi de bune practici la nivel european pentru 800 de profesionisti din sectorul medical implicati in desfasurarea programelor prioritare de sanatate in domeniul cancerului colo-rectal din toate cele 8 regiuni ale tarii. OG contribuie la indeplinirea OS 4.8 Imbunatatirea nivelului de competente al profesionistilor din sectorul medical al POCU 2014-2020 (Prior invest 9.iv Cresterea accesului la servicii accesibile, durabile si de inalta calitate, inclusiv asistenta medicala si servicii sociale de interes general) prin derularea unui program de formare specifica cancerului colo-rectal pentru personalul din cele doua categorii specificate de ghid, A.personal din institutii publice implicat in implementarea programelor prioritare de sanatate - epidemiologia, diagnosticul, tratamentul cancerului colo-rectal (CCR) SI B.medici de familie implicati in furnizarea de servicii medicale, aflati in relatii contractuale cu Casa de Asigurari de Sanatate. Din categoria A.personal din institutii publice vor fi recrutate 600 de persoane, respectiv 400 medici (200 de medici specialisti chirurgie generala si 200 medici rezidenti chirurgie generala) si 200 persoane din asistenta medicala. Din categoria B.medici de familie vor fi recrutate 200 persoane. Imbunătățirea nivelului de competențe ale profesioniștilor implicati în implementarea programelor prioritare de sănătate in domeniul cancerului colo-rectal are la baza dezvoltarea si acreditarea programei de formare la cele mai inalte standarde de calitate conform Strategiei Nationale de Sanatate 2014-2020 in mod prioritar sunt vizate OS 3.2. Reducerea poverii cancerului în populatie prin depistarea în faze incipiente de boala si reducerea pe termen mediu-lung a mortalitatii specifice prin interventii de screening, si mentioneaza pag41: Implementarea de proiecte pilot cu baza populationala pentru dezvoltarea capacitatii tehnice si organizatorice în domeniul depistarii precoce a cancerelor la san si colorectal conf ghidurilor europene(2014-2016) si evaluarea adecvata a acestor interventii anterior extinderii pe plan national sau subnational(2017-2020). Solutionarea necesitatilor specifice ale grupului tinta printr-un program de formare de ordin national are potentialul de a duce in final la imbunatatirea starii de sanatate a populatiei, cu cresterea sperantei de viata la nastere la nivele apropiate celor din Uniunea Europeana. Prin intermediul acestui program de formare si participare la schimburi de experienta/de bune practice, persoanele care beneficiaza de formare contribuie la realizarea indicatorului 4S55 al POCU, stabilit la valoarea tinta de 208.987 pentru anul 2023, si respectiv indicatorului 4S48 stabilit la valoarea tinta de 164.021 cf Doc de Program. Proiectul de fata urmareste r (Romanian)
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The general objective of the project is to improve the skills level of professionals involved in the implementation of priority health programs in the field of colo-rectal cancer, through specific training and exchange of good practices at European level for 800 professionals from the medical sector involved in the development of priority health programs in the field of colo-rectal cancer from all 8 regions of the country. GO contributes to the achievement of OS 4.8 Improving the level of competence of professionals in the medical sector of POCU 2014-2020 (Prior invest 9.iv Increasing access to affordable, sustainable and high quality services, including healthcare and social services of general interest) by conducting a specific training program for colo-rectal cancer for staff from the two categories specified by the guide, A. personnel from public institutions involved in the implementation of priority health programs – epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment of colo-rectal cancer (CCR) and B.family doctors involved in the provision of medical services, who are in contractual relations with the Health Insurance House. From category A. personnel from public institutions will be recruited 600 persons, respectively 400 doctors (200 general surgery specialists and 200 doctors resident general surgery) and 200 persons from medical assistance. From category B.family doctors 200 people will be recruited. Improving the skills level of professionals involved in the implementation of priority health programs in the field of colo-rectal cancer is based on the development and accreditation of the training program at the highest quality standards according to the National Health Strategy 2014-2020 as a priority are targeted OS 3.2. Reducing the burden of cancer in the population by detecting early stages of the disease and reducing in the medium to long term specific mortality through screening interventions, and mentions pag41: Implementation of population based pilot projects for the development of technical and organizational capacity in the field of early detection of breast and colorectal cancers in European guidelines (2014-2016) and the appropriate assessment of these interventions prior to the national or subnational expansion (2017-2020). Solving the specific needs of the target group through a national training program has the potential to ultimately lead to the improvement of the health of the population, with the increase of life expectancy at birth at levels close to those in the European Union. Through this program of training and participation in exchanges of experience/good practice, the persons receiving training contribute to the achievement of the POCU indicator 4S55, established at the target value of 208.987 for 2023, and the indicator 4S48 set at the target value of 164.021 cf Program Doc. The girl’s project follows r (English)
14 September 2021
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Municipiul Bucureşti, Romania
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