Future-ANTREPRENOR – increasing the participation of students from vulnerable categories in Bachelor Studies programs through innovative entrepreneurial frameworks (Q3097289): Difference between revisions

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Project Q3097289 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Future-ANTREPRENOR – increasing the participation of students from vulnerable categories in Bachelor Studies programs through innovative entrepreneurial frameworks
Project Q3097289 in Romania


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    6,230,389.63 Romanian Leu
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    1,246,077.926 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    7,329,870.11 Romanian Leu
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    1,465,974.022 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    85.0 percent
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    19 April 2019
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    18 April 2021
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului vizeaza, in corelatie cu nevoile pietei muncii din sectoarele economice/ domeniile identificate prin SNC si SNCDI. cresterea accesului și echității în invatamantul tertiar universitar, precum si a atractivitatii, diversificarii si inovarii ofertelor educationale în ceea ce privește initierea si finalizarea de demersuri academic si antreprenoriale suplimentare adresate unui număr de 450 studenti din anii terminali ai ciclului de licenta din invatamantul tertiar universitar, in stransa legatura cu imbunatatirea competentelor transversale ale personalului didactic (76) în relație cu proiectarea modulară de cursuri antreprenoriale, organizarea și furnizarea în medii online a cursurilor/aplicațiilor și promovarea de medii noi de învățare. Obiectivul general al proiectului va fi atins prin abordarea evaluativ-integrata a nevoilor studentilor progr. licenta din 7 regiuni de dezvoltare si care sunt inscrisi la cele trei universitati participante la proiect – invatamant universitar tertiar, in vederea unui raspuns adecvat cerintelor actualei piete a muncii. In acest sens, cresterea participarii la invatamantul tertiar universitar se va realiza prin selectarea programelor si adaptarea experientelor de invatare de calitate specifice cu nevoile pietei muncii din sectoarele economice cu potential competitive, respectiv din domeniile stiinte administrative, management, contabilitate, relatii internationale si studii europene - ce vor fi abordate prin conectivitate actualizata cu politicile europene. De asemenea, prin instituirea si utilizarea unui pachet integrat de asistenta educationala, consiliere profesionala individualizate, schimb de experienta si sprijin financiar pentru un numar de 80 studenti defavorizati, dar si premii pentru studentii ce finalizeaza cursurile complementare si sunt selectati ca urmare unui concurs de planuri de afaceri/sustenabilitate poststudii a se va asigura imbunatatirea calitatii, eficientei, accesului si participarii la invatamantul tertiar universitar. In corelatie cu imbunatatirea actualizata a ofertei educationale din invatamantul tertiar universitar se va urmari perfectionarea profesionala specializata prin participarea unui numar de 76 de cadre didactice la cel putin un program postuniversitar de crestere a competentelor didactice pentru proiectare de module antreprenoriale ce include aplicatii practice (schimb de experienta, bune practici). Urmare a absolvirii programului postuniversitar, personalul didactic va utiliza competentele imbunatatite in procesul de proiectare si de predare a unor cursuri complementare antreprenoriale pilotate in cadrul a 3 cursuri online pt 450 de studenti (190 universitatea solicitanta, 130 de la universitatea partenera 1 si 130 de la universitatea partenera 2, dintre care 80 apartinand grupurilor defavorizate). Un demers inovator se va realiza prin dezvoltarea de parteneriate in vederea cresterii angajabilitatii absolventilor si adaptabilitatii la cerintele (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project aims, in conjunction with the needs of the labour market in the economic sectors/areas identified by SNC and SNCDI. Increasing access and equity in tertiary university education, as well as the attractiveness, diversification and innovation of educational offers in terms of initiating and completing additional academic and entrepreneurial approaches addressed to 450 students from the end years of the third-party university degree cycle, in close connection with the improvement of transversal competences of teaching staff (76) in relation to the modular design of entrepreneurial courses, organising and providing new courses/applications in online environments. The general objective of the project will be achieved through an assessment-integrated approach to the needs of progr. students from 7 development regions and who are enrolled at the three universities participating in the project – tertiary university education, in order to meet the requirements of the current labor market. In this regard, increasing participation in third-party university education will be achieved by selecting programs and adapting specific quality learning experiences with the needs of the labour market in economic sectors with competitive potential, respectively administrative sciences, management, accounting, international relations and European studies – which will be addressed through updated connectivity with European policies. Also, by establishing and using an integrated package of educational assistance, individualised professional counselling, exchange of experience and financial support for 80 disadvantaged students, as well as prizes for students who complete complementary courses and are selected as a result of a contest of business plans/sustainability poststudii will ensure the improvement of quality, efficiency, access and participation in third-party university education. In conjunction with the up-to-date improvement of the educational offer from third-tertiary university education, we will pursue specialised professional improvement through the participation of 76 teachers in at least one postgraduate program to increase the teaching skills for designing entrepreneurial modules that include practical applications (exchange of experience, good practices). Following the graduation of the postgraduate program, the teaching staff will use the improved skills in the design and teaching process of complementary entrepreneurial courses piloted within 3 online courses for 450 students (190 requesting university, 130 from partner university 1 and 130 from partner university 2, of which 80 belong to disadvantaged groups). An innovative approach will be achieved by developing partnerships to increase the employability of graduates and adaptability to the requirements (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Municipiul Târgovişte, Romania
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    Municipiul Oradea, Romania
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