Equal and qualitative access to education in Giurgiu and Teleorman counties – EDUGREAT (Q3097210): Difference between revisions
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Revision as of 14:05, 6 October 2021
Project Q3097210 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Equal and qualitative access to education in Giurgiu and Teleorman counties – EDUGREAT |
Project Q3097210 in Romania |
7,873,132.543 Romanian Leu
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9,262,508.85 Romanian Leu
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85.0 percent
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25 April 2018
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24 April 2021
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OG: Reducerea abandonului scolar in judetele Teleorman si Giurgiu prin acces egal la educatie de calitate si facilitarea unor parcursuri de invatare in scopul reintegrarii educationale Atingerea obiectivului principal al proiectului conduce si la atingerea obiectivului major POCU care urmareste dezvoltarea resurselor umane prin cresterea accesului la un sistem de educatie si formare profesionala de calitate, stimularea ocuparii, cu precadere pentru tineri, reducerea saraciei si a excluziunii sociale. Astfel, pe termen lung proiectului isi propune sa intervina in comunitati din doua zone de interes, judetele Teleorman si Giurgiu. Interventia se bazeaza pe actiuni educationale directe pentru copiii ante-prescolari, prescolari, scolari si pentru tinerii si adultii care au parasit sistemul educational. Scopul proiectului este acela ca prin derularea de activitati integrate la nivelul comunitatii, respectiv profesori, directori, parinti, autoritati locale, elevi sa genereze o reducere a abandonului scolar timpuriu si sa promoveze un sistem educational eficient la toate nivelele. Efectul generat de proiect se doreste a fi unul sustenabil atat pentru cei 80 anteprescolari 220 prescolari 500 scolari cat si pentru 280 profesori care participa la cursurile de imbunatatire a competentelor care vor continua sa aplice notiunile dobandite pe parcursul acestui proiect si pentru generatiile urmatoare de elevi. Rezultatele dorite sunt cele ca de la an la an interventiile referitoare la prevenirea abandonului scolar sa aiba impactul dorit astfel incat rata abandonului sa se diminueze constant. Proiectul isi propune sa creeze toate premisele pentru un exemplu de buna practica ce va fi diseminat si catre restul comunitatilor din aceleasi regiuni sau chiar de la nivel national. Unul din obiectivele de viitor al acestui proiect este acela de a crea o sinergie locala centrata pe dezvoltare educationala, la care sa participe toti membrii comunitatii. Activitatile educationale ce se vor derula in cadrul proiectului vor reduce riscul de abandon scolar in randul a 800 elevi si 220 tineri/adulti inscrisi in programul “A doua sansa”. Urmarea unei forme de invatamant reprezinta pentru acestia, pe termen scurt, o mai buna integrare sociala iar finalizarea studiilor va reprezenta cresterea sanselor de insertie socio-profesionala, in viitor. Totodata, activitatile de educatie non-formala, consiliere si orientare in care acestia vor fi implicati vor conduce la cresterea stimei de sine si a nivelului de automotivare, aspecte foarte importante in structurarea caracterului si in procesul de iesire din riscul de excluziune sociala. (Romanian)
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OG: Reducing school drop-out in Teleorman and Giurgiu counties through equal access to quality education and facilitating learning paths for educational reintegration Achieving the main objective of the project leads to the achievement of the main objective POCU which aims to develop human resources by increasing access to a quality education and training system, stimulating employment, especially for young people, reducing poverty and social exclusion. Thus, in the long term the project aims to intervene in communities from two areas of interest, Teleorman and Giurgiu counties. The intervention is based on direct educational actions for preschool children, preschoolers, schoolchildren and for young people and adults who have left the educational system. The aim of the project is that by carrying out integrated activities at community level, i.e. teachers, directors, parents, local authorities, students to generate a reduction in early school leaving and promote an efficient educational system at all levels. The effect generated by the project is intended to be sustainable for both the 80 preschoolers 220 preschools 500 schools and 280 teachers who participate in the skills improvement courses that will continue to apply the notions acquired during this project and for the next generations of students. The desired results are that from year to year interventions related to the prevention of school dropouts have the desired impact so that the rate of abandonment will decrease constantly. The project aims to create all the prerequisites for an example of good practice that will be disseminated to the rest of the communities in the same regions or even at national level. One of the objectives of the future of this project is to create a local synergy centered on educational development, in which all members of the community will participate. The educational activities that will be carried out within the project will reduce the risk of school dropout among 800 students and 220 young people/adults enrolled in the “Second Chance” program. Following a form of education represents for them, in the short term, a better social integration and the completion of the studies will represent an increase in the chances of socio-professional insertion in the future. At the same time, the activities of non-formal education, counselling and guidance in which they will be involved will increase self-esteem and the level of self-motivation, very important aspects in character structuring and in the process of exiting the risk of social exclusion. (English)
16 September 2021
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Ghimpaţi, Romania
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Tătărăştii de Sus, Romania
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Smârdioasa, Romania
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Poroschia, Romania
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Nanov, Romania
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Municipiul Alexandria, Romania
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Buzescu, Romania
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Oraş Bolintin-Vale, Romania
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Mârşa, Romania
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Municipiul Giurgiu, Romania
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Găiseni, Romania
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