Creative Center Studio RTVS Košice (Q3107905): Difference between revisions

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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): Hl. the aim of the project is to support the development of creative talent and non-technolog. innovations in the field of audiovisual and new media and closely related areas of CCIs, as well as the creation of new jobs and businesses in CCIs through the construction of KCCs and the provision of specific services as well as services to support the demand for creativity. In the project will be realised 3 hl.aktivity:1:Budovanie KC, 2.Providing sp...)
(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in fr: translated_label)
label / frlabel / fr
Centre créatif Studio RTVS Košice

Revision as of 16:36, 27 November 2021

Project Q3107905 in Slovakia
Language Label Description Also known as
Creative Center Studio RTVS Košice
Project Q3107905 in Slovakia


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    4,730,157.08 Euro
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    5,564,890.68 Euro
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    85.0 percent
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    7 January 2021
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    12 January 2023
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    Rozhlas a televízia Slovenska
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    48°8'54.96"N, 17°6'27.90"E
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    Hl. cieľom projektu je prostredníctvom vybudovania KC a poskytovania špecif. služieb, ako aj služieb na podporu dopytu po kreat. tvobe, podporiť rozvoj kreatívneho talentu a netechnolog. inovácií v oblasti audiovízie a nových médií a s nimi úzko súvisiacich oblastiach KKP, ako aj vznik nových prac. miest a podnikat.subjektov v KKP v regióne. V projekte budú realizované 3 hl.aktivity:1:Budovanie KC, 2.Poskyt. špecif.služieb KC a 3. Emerging talents. KC bude vybudované v mestskej časti Košice - Juh v areáli Štúdia RTVS Košice, na prízemí jednej z 5 budov,ktoré sa v tomto areáli nachádzajú. Cieľ. skupinami projektu sú FO-nepodnikatelia so záujmom o KKP (študenti relev. SOŠ, VŠ, absolventi týchto škôl, osoby, ktoré by chceli začať podnikat.činnosť v oblasti KKP, a to najmä v oblasti audiovízie a nových médií); ďalej podnikatelia v KKP (MSP, SZČO, slob.povolania), ako aj široká verejnosť. Mer.ukaz.:počet vybud. KC: 1, počet renovovaných ver. budov: 1, nové alebo renov. ver. alebo obch. budovy na území mestsk. rozvoja: 720 m2, počet účastníkov služieb podpor. programov: 402, počet služieb poskytovaných v rámci podpor. programov: 6, počet účastníkov inkub. a akceler. schémy: 46, nárast zam. v podpor. podnikoch: 5 FTE, počet podpor. nových podnikov: 3 a ďalšie. (Slovak)
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    Hl. the aim of the project is to support the development of creative talent and non-technolog. innovations in the field of audiovisual and new media and closely related areas of CCIs, as well as the creation of new jobs and businesses in CCIs through the construction of KCCs and the provision of specific services as well as services to support the demand for creativity. In the project will be realised 3 hl.aktivity:1:Budovanie KC, 2.Providing specific services of KC and 3. Emerging talents. KC will be built in the city district Košice – South in the area of RTVS Studio Košice, on the ground floor of one of the 5 buildings, which are located in this area. The objectives of the project groups are FO-non-entrepreneurs with an interest in CCIs (students of the relev. SOŠ, HEIs, graduates of these schools, persons who would like to start a business in the field of CCIs, in particular in the field of audio-visual and new media); furthermore, entrepreneurs in CCIs (SMEs, self-employed, slob.professionals) as well as the general public. Mer.e.:The count will be up. KC: 1, number of refurbished buildings: 1, new or renovated. ver. or bypass buildings in the territory of urban development: 720 m², number of participants in support services programmes: 402, number of services provided under the support programmes: 6, number of participants in the incub. and accelerator scheme: 46, increase in enterprise support: 5 FTE, number of support for new enterprises: Three and more. (English)
    28 September 2021
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