Promoting employment in Elusia (Q3104535): Difference between revisions

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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The aim of the project “Promoting employability at Elusia, s.r.o.” is to provide 12 jobseekers with the opportunity of sustainable and quality employment and thus increase employment, employability and improve their position on the labour market. These measures will contribute to the specific objective of the call – increase employment, employability and reduce unemployment, while in the project we also focus on disadvantaged jobseekers (Zuoz)Th...)
Property / summary
The aim of the project “Promoting employability at Elusia, s.r.o.” is to provide 12 jobseekers with the opportunity of sustainable and quality employment and thus increase employment, employability and improve their position on the labour market. These measures will contribute to the specific objective of the call – increase employment, employability and reduce unemployment, while in the project we also focus on disadvantaged jobseekers (Zuoz)The applicant is the company Elusia, s.r.o. – micro-enterprise – active in the lighting business sector, which wants to open its branch – sample store in Košice, Košice district, Košice region. The need to employ UoZ arose from the planned expansion of business activities and the need to open a branch. The company has an open branch for many years – the store in Prague and sales in the Czech Republic have increased several times. Our company is gaining position in the Slovak market slowly and gradually and we want to change this. Increasing the prerequisites of UoZ/Zuoz application in the labour market will be implemented through mentoring activities of newly recruited employees. The target group within the project tvoria:Uchádzač for employment – UoZ according to Section 6 of the Employment Services ActUsed jobseeker – Zuoz – according to Section 8 of the Employment Services Act, the territory on which the project, which is the subject of the application is Kosice region, districts Košice I-IV (Košice mesto), but also Košice-okolie and Žilinský kraj, okres Žilina and the City of Žilina will be implemented. We will also need to recruit workers to places related to the new branch – the shop in Košice and the headquarters of the company in Žilina, and at the same time we will look for and receive people from Košice – surroundings, because in the Košice district the city is less unemployment and less free labour supply.   Within the project the following aAktivity:Hlavnou activity bude:Podpora application of UoZ and Zuoz on the labour marketThis activity will be implemented within 24 months, in two successive parts:search and selection of UoZ and ZUoZ employing UoZ and Zuoz with the possibility of using mentoringWe will offer highly qualified employment for UoZ and Zuoz with the possibility of personal development and career development. Our company plans to educate these employed Zuoz and lead them in further professional growth. In our project we will employ 12 UoZs, of which 4 disadvantaged UoZs, who are disadvantaged under Section 8, subparagraph:a) a citizen under 26 years of age who has completed the relevant level of education in full-time education less than two years ago and since its completion has not regularly paid employment (hereinafter referred to as “school graduate”), (g) a citizen who lives as a single adult with one or more persons reliant on his or her care or caring for at least one child before the end of compulsory schoolingb) citizen over 50 years of ageSuccessful implementation of the project and meeting the goal of the project will achieve quantitative results in the form of measurable indicators defined in the OP HR: P0097 Unemployed, including long-term unemployedP0109 Persons over the age of 50P0638 Participants in employment, including self-employed, at the time of departure (English)
Property / summary: The aim of the project “Promoting employability at Elusia, s.r.o.” is to provide 12 jobseekers with the opportunity of sustainable and quality employment and thus increase employment, employability and improve their position on the labour market. These measures will contribute to the specific objective of the call – increase employment, employability and reduce unemployment, while in the project we also focus on disadvantaged jobseekers (Zuoz)The applicant is the company Elusia, s.r.o. – micro-enterprise – active in the lighting business sector, which wants to open its branch – sample store in Košice, Košice district, Košice region. The need to employ UoZ arose from the planned expansion of business activities and the need to open a branch. The company has an open branch for many years – the store in Prague and sales in the Czech Republic have increased several times. Our company is gaining position in the Slovak market slowly and gradually and we want to change this. Increasing the prerequisites of UoZ/Zuoz application in the labour market will be implemented through mentoring activities of newly recruited employees. The target group within the project tvoria:Uchádzač for employment – UoZ according to Section 6 of the Employment Services ActUsed jobseeker – Zuoz – according to Section 8 of the Employment Services Act, the territory on which the project, which is the subject of the application is Kosice region, districts Košice I-IV (Košice mesto), but also Košice-okolie and Žilinský kraj, okres Žilina and the City of Žilina will be implemented. We will also need to recruit workers to places related to the new branch – the shop in Košice and the headquarters of the company in Žilina, and at the same time we will look for and receive people from Košice – surroundings, because in the Košice district the city is less unemployment and less free labour supply.   Within the project the following aAktivity:Hlavnou activity bude:Podpora application of UoZ and Zuoz on the labour marketThis activity will be implemented within 24 months, in two successive parts:search and selection of UoZ and ZUoZ employing UoZ and Zuoz with the possibility of using mentoringWe will offer highly qualified employment for UoZ and Zuoz with the possibility of personal development and career development. Our company plans to educate these employed Zuoz and lead them in further professional growth. In our project we will employ 12 UoZs, of which 4 disadvantaged UoZs, who are disadvantaged under Section 8, subparagraph:a) a citizen under 26 years of age who has completed the relevant level of education in full-time education less than two years ago and since its completion has not regularly paid employment (hereinafter referred to as “school graduate”), (g) a citizen who lives as a single adult with one or more persons reliant on his or her care or caring for at least one child before the end of compulsory schoolingb) citizen over 50 years of ageSuccessful implementation of the project and meeting the goal of the project will achieve quantitative results in the form of measurable indicators defined in the OP HR: P0097 Unemployed, including long-term unemployedP0109 Persons over the age of 50P0638 Participants in employment, including self-employed, at the time of departure (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The aim of the project “Promoting employability at Elusia, s.r.o.” is to provide 12 jobseekers with the opportunity of sustainable and quality employment and thus increase employment, employability and improve their position on the labour market. These measures will contribute to the specific objective of the call – increase employment, employability and reduce unemployment, while in the project we also focus on disadvantaged jobseekers (Zuoz)The applicant is the company Elusia, s.r.o. – micro-enterprise – active in the lighting business sector, which wants to open its branch – sample store in Košice, Košice district, Košice region. The need to employ UoZ arose from the planned expansion of business activities and the need to open a branch. The company has an open branch for many years – the store in Prague and sales in the Czech Republic have increased several times. Our company is gaining position in the Slovak market slowly and gradually and we want to change this. Increasing the prerequisites of UoZ/Zuoz application in the labour market will be implemented through mentoring activities of newly recruited employees. The target group within the project tvoria:Uchádzač for employment – UoZ according to Section 6 of the Employment Services ActUsed jobseeker – Zuoz – according to Section 8 of the Employment Services Act, the territory on which the project, which is the subject of the application is Kosice region, districts Košice I-IV (Košice mesto), but also Košice-okolie and Žilinský kraj, okres Žilina and the City of Žilina will be implemented. We will also need to recruit workers to places related to the new branch – the shop in Košice and the headquarters of the company in Žilina, and at the same time we will look for and receive people from Košice – surroundings, because in the Košice district the city is less unemployment and less free labour supply.   Within the project the following aAktivity:Hlavnou activity bude:Podpora application of UoZ and Zuoz on the labour marketThis activity will be implemented within 24 months, in two successive parts:search and selection of UoZ and ZUoZ employing UoZ and Zuoz with the possibility of using mentoringWe will offer highly qualified employment for UoZ and Zuoz with the possibility of personal development and career development. Our company plans to educate these employed Zuoz and lead them in further professional growth. In our project we will employ 12 UoZs, of which 4 disadvantaged UoZs, who are disadvantaged under Section 8, subparagraph:a) a citizen under 26 years of age who has completed the relevant level of education in full-time education less than two years ago and since its completion has not regularly paid employment (hereinafter referred to as “school graduate”), (g) a citizen who lives as a single adult with one or more persons reliant on his or her care or caring for at least one child before the end of compulsory schoolingb) citizen over 50 years of ageSuccessful implementation of the project and meeting the goal of the project will achieve quantitative results in the form of measurable indicators defined in the OP HR: P0097 Unemployed, including long-term unemployedP0109 Persons over the age of 50P0638 Participants in employment, including self-employed, at the time of departure (English) / qualifier
point in time: 28 September 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 14:19, 28 September 2021

Project Q3104535 in Slovakia
Language Label Description Also known as
Promoting employment in Elusia
Project Q3104535 in Slovakia


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    166,352.36 Euro
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    195,708.66 Euro
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    85.0 percent
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    1 October 2019
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    1 September 2021
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    ELUSIA s.r.o.
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    49°12'23.87"N, 18°46'19.88"E
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    Cieľom projektu s názvom Podpora zamestnateľnosti vo firme Elusia,s.r.o.  je poskytnúť 12 uchádzačom o zamestnanie možnosť udržateľného a kvalitného zamestnania a tým zvýšiť zamestnanosť, ich zamestnateľnosť a zlepšiť ich postavenie na trhu práce.. Tieto opatrenia prispejú k plneniu špecifického cieľa výzvy - zvýšia zamestnanosť, zamestnateľnosť a znížia nezamestnanosť,  pričom v projekte sa sústreďujeme aj na znevýhodnených uchádzačov o zamestnanie (ZUoZ)Žiadateľom je firma ELUSIA, s.r.o.  – mikropodnik – pôsobiaca v odvetví obchodu so svietidlami, ktorá chce otvoriť v  meste Košice, v okrese Košice, v Košickom kraji svoju pobočku – vzorkovú predajňu. Potreba zamestnať UoZ vznikla na základe plánovaného rozšírenia podnikateľských aktivít a potreby otvorenia pobočky. Spoločnosť má už viac rokov otvorenú pobočku – predajňu v Prahe a tržby v Českej republike stúpli niekoľkonásobne. Naša spoločnosť získava na Slovenskom trhu pozíciu pomaly a postupne a to chceme zmeniť.Zvýšenie predpokladov uplatnenia sa UoZ/ZUoZ na trhu práce, bude realizované formou mentorskej činnosti novoprijatých zamestnancov.Cieľovú skupinu v rámci projektu tvoria :Uchádzač o zamestnanie – UoZ podľa podľa § 6 zákona o službách zamestnanostiZnevýhodnený uchádzač o zamestnanie – ZuoZ – podľa § 8 zákona o službách zamestnanostiÚzemím, na ktorom sa bude realizovať projekt, ktorý je predmetom žiadosti je Košický  kraj, okresy Košice I-IV ( Košice mesto ), ale aj Košice-okolie a Žilinský kraj, okres Žilina a mesto Žilina. Pracovníkov budeme potrebovať prijať aj na miesta súvisiace s novou pobočkou - predajňou v Košiciach a v ústredí firmy v Žiline a zároveň do košickej predajne budeme ľudí hľadať a prijímať ich aj z okresu Košice – okolie, pretože v okrese Košice mesto je nižšia nezamestnanosť a menšia ponuka voľnej pracovnej sily.   V rámci projektu budú realizované nasledovné aAktivity:Hlavnou aktivitou bude :Podpora uplatnenia UoZ a ZUoZ na trhu práceTáto aktivita sa bude realizovať počas 24 mesiacov, v dvoch na seba nadväzujúcich častiach :vyhľadávanie a výber UoZ a ZUoZzamestnávanie UoZ a ZUoZ s možnosťou využitia mentorskej činnostiNáš projekt ponúkne pre UoZ a ZUoZ vysoko kvalifikované zamestnanie s možnosťou osobného rozvoja a kariérneho rastu. Naša spoločnosť plánuje týchto zamestnaných ZUoZ vzdelávať a viesť ich v ďalšom profesionálnom raste. V našom projekte zamestnáme 12 UoZ, z toho 4 znevýhodnených UoZ , ktorí sú znevýhodnenými Podľa § 8, písmeno :a) občan mladší ako 26 rokov veku, ktorý ukončil príslušným stupňom vzdelania sústavnú prípravu na povolanie v dennej forme štúdia pred menej ako dvomi rokmi a od jej ukončenia nemal pravidelne platené zamestnanie (ďalej len „absolvent školy“),g) občan, ktorý žije ako osamelá dospelá osoba s jednou alebo viacerými osobami odkázanými na jeho starostlivosť alebo starajúca sa aspoň o jedno dieťa pred skončením povinnej školskej dochádzkyb) občan starší ako 50 rokov vekuÚspešnou realizáciou projektu a splnením cieľa projektu dosiahneme kvantitatívne výsledky vo forme merateľných  ukazovateľov, zadefinovaných v OP ĽZ: P0097 Nezamestnané osoby vrátane dlhodobo nezamestnanýchP0109 Osoby vo veku nad 50 rokovP0638 Účastníci, ktorí sú v čase odchodu zamestnaní, a to aj samostatne zárobkovo činní (Slovak)
    0 references
    The aim of the project “Promoting employability at Elusia, s.r.o.” is to provide 12 jobseekers with the opportunity of sustainable and quality employment and thus increase employment, employability and improve their position on the labour market. These measures will contribute to the specific objective of the call – increase employment, employability and reduce unemployment, while in the project we also focus on disadvantaged jobseekers (Zuoz)The applicant is the company Elusia, s.r.o. – micro-enterprise – active in the lighting business sector, which wants to open its branch – sample store in Košice, Košice district, Košice region. The need to employ UoZ arose from the planned expansion of business activities and the need to open a branch. The company has an open branch for many years – the store in Prague and sales in the Czech Republic have increased several times. Our company is gaining position in the Slovak market slowly and gradually and we want to change this. Increasing the prerequisites of UoZ/Zuoz application in the labour market will be implemented through mentoring activities of newly recruited employees. The target group within the project tvoria:Uchádzač for employment – UoZ according to Section 6 of the Employment Services ActUsed jobseeker – Zuoz – according to Section 8 of the Employment Services Act, the territory on which the project, which is the subject of the application is Kosice region, districts Košice I-IV (Košice mesto), but also Košice-okolie and Žilinský kraj, okres Žilina and the City of Žilina will be implemented. We will also need to recruit workers to places related to the new branch – the shop in Košice and the headquarters of the company in Žilina, and at the same time we will look for and receive people from Košice – surroundings, because in the Košice district the city is less unemployment and less free labour supply.   Within the project the following aAktivity:Hlavnou activity bude:Podpora application of UoZ and Zuoz on the labour marketThis activity will be implemented within 24 months, in two successive parts:search and selection of UoZ and ZUoZ employing UoZ and Zuoz with the possibility of using mentoringWe will offer highly qualified employment for UoZ and Zuoz with the possibility of personal development and career development. Our company plans to educate these employed Zuoz and lead them in further professional growth. In our project we will employ 12 UoZs, of which 4 disadvantaged UoZs, who are disadvantaged under Section 8, subparagraph:a) a citizen under 26 years of age who has completed the relevant level of education in full-time education less than two years ago and since its completion has not regularly paid employment (hereinafter referred to as “school graduate”), (g) a citizen who lives as a single adult with one or more persons reliant on his or her care or caring for at least one child before the end of compulsory schoolingb) citizen over 50 years of ageSuccessful implementation of the project and meeting the goal of the project will achieve quantitative results in the form of measurable indicators defined in the OP HR: P0097 Unemployed, including long-term unemployedP0109 Persons over the age of 50P0638 Participants in employment, including self-employed, at the time of departure (English)
    28 September 2021
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