Supporting the improvement of pupils’ learning outcomes and competences (Q3106855): Difference between revisions
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(Changed an Item: modifying co-finance rate with the percentage) |
(Created claim: summary (P836): The aim of the project, i.e. the intention of the project applicant – Athletic Club Slávia Technical University Košice, o.z., is primarily to support the target group of 50 children attending primary and secondary schools in Košice and to ensure the development of their positive relationship with sport, so that they begin to devote themselves to sports activities in their free time. If we initiate sporting activity in children and youth, the pos...) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
The aim of the project, i.e. the intention of the project applicant – Athletic Club Slávia Technical University Košice, o.z., is primarily to support the target group of 50 children attending primary and secondary schools in Košice and to ensure the development of their positive relationship with sport, so that they begin to devote themselves to sports activities in their free time. If we initiate sporting activity in children and youth, the positive effect will be to improve the health of children and youth, especially prevention of childhood obesity, problems associated with poor posture and sedentary way of spending leisure time. Thanks to the measures selected in the project, we will be able to achieve the specific objective of Call 1.1.1 To increase inclusiveness and equal access to quality education and to improve the outcomes and competences of children and pupils. Our projects will support, motivate and initiate children’s interest in sport, promote more physical activity, improve their performance in physical education through regular and quality training, thereby contributing to improving study results in line with the focus of the call. We will also support a healthier lifestyle in children, correct posture disorders as a result of muscle disbalancing, which represent the consequences of an inactive, sedentary lifestyle, which is an alarming fact among children. The main objective of the project is to ensure the improvement of the study performance of primary and secondary school pupils in the field of physical education and sport, as well as to ensure an improved learning process through increased qualifications of pedagogical and professional staff of primary and secondary schools in accordance with the legislation in force. It is also an incentive for the applicant to help children solve the above-mentioned problems, the project will be implemented through support activities from the applicant, and his appeal to target groups, children and youth attending primary and secondary schools. The form of additional support will also be implemented through the improvement of advertising on social networks and by streamlining training methods and access to players. The aim group of the project consists of: primary and secondary school pupils, including pupils with special educational needs (hereinafter referred to as “ŠVVP”);The area of implementation of the project will be the Košice region, namely primary and secondary schools in the city of Košice. The project will be implemented through the following activities: Main aktivita:aktivity aimed at improving school success of pupils, including those with special educational needsSupport aktivita:Riadenie and project coordination – which will serve to ensure smooth implementation of the main activity of the project The above activities will be implemented for 22 months. The main activity will support, among other things, the potential of the member base of the athletic club Slávia Technical University Košice. In order to attract children and youth to sport and improve their sports results, which will require streamlining of the activities of coaches and will result in an increase in motivation and interest in sport in children and youth. The success of the project will be measured through ukazovateľov:Počet participants who have completed activities to improve skills and increase literacy- 50Number of participants involved in activities to improve skills and increase literacy, which have improved competences and skills 6 months after completing the programme- 50Number of participants involved in activities aimed at improving skills and increasing literacy- 50 (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The aim of the project, i.e. the intention of the project applicant – Athletic Club Slávia Technical University Košice, o.z., is primarily to support the target group of 50 children attending primary and secondary schools in Košice and to ensure the development of their positive relationship with sport, so that they begin to devote themselves to sports activities in their free time. If we initiate sporting activity in children and youth, the positive effect will be to improve the health of children and youth, especially prevention of childhood obesity, problems associated with poor posture and sedentary way of spending leisure time. Thanks to the measures selected in the project, we will be able to achieve the specific objective of Call 1.1.1 To increase inclusiveness and equal access to quality education and to improve the outcomes and competences of children and pupils. Our projects will support, motivate and initiate children’s interest in sport, promote more physical activity, improve their performance in physical education through regular and quality training, thereby contributing to improving study results in line with the focus of the call. We will also support a healthier lifestyle in children, correct posture disorders as a result of muscle disbalancing, which represent the consequences of an inactive, sedentary lifestyle, which is an alarming fact among children. The main objective of the project is to ensure the improvement of the study performance of primary and secondary school pupils in the field of physical education and sport, as well as to ensure an improved learning process through increased qualifications of pedagogical and professional staff of primary and secondary schools in accordance with the legislation in force. It is also an incentive for the applicant to help children solve the above-mentioned problems, the project will be implemented through support activities from the applicant, and his appeal to target groups, children and youth attending primary and secondary schools. The form of additional support will also be implemented through the improvement of advertising on social networks and by streamlining training methods and access to players. The aim group of the project consists of: primary and secondary school pupils, including pupils with special educational needs (hereinafter referred to as “ŠVVP”);The area of implementation of the project will be the Košice region, namely primary and secondary schools in the city of Košice. The project will be implemented through the following activities: Main aktivita:aktivity aimed at improving school success of pupils, including those with special educational needsSupport aktivita:Riadenie and project coordination – which will serve to ensure smooth implementation of the main activity of the project The above activities will be implemented for 22 months. The main activity will support, among other things, the potential of the member base of the athletic club Slávia Technical University Košice. In order to attract children and youth to sport and improve their sports results, which will require streamlining of the activities of coaches and will result in an increase in motivation and interest in sport in children and youth. The success of the project will be measured through ukazovateľov:Počet participants who have completed activities to improve skills and increase literacy- 50Number of participants involved in activities to improve skills and increase literacy, which have improved competences and skills 6 months after completing the programme- 50Number of participants involved in activities aimed at improving skills and increasing literacy- 50 (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The aim of the project, i.e. the intention of the project applicant – Athletic Club Slávia Technical University Košice, o.z., is primarily to support the target group of 50 children attending primary and secondary schools in Košice and to ensure the development of their positive relationship with sport, so that they begin to devote themselves to sports activities in their free time. If we initiate sporting activity in children and youth, the positive effect will be to improve the health of children and youth, especially prevention of childhood obesity, problems associated with poor posture and sedentary way of spending leisure time. Thanks to the measures selected in the project, we will be able to achieve the specific objective of Call 1.1.1 To increase inclusiveness and equal access to quality education and to improve the outcomes and competences of children and pupils. Our projects will support, motivate and initiate children’s interest in sport, promote more physical activity, improve their performance in physical education through regular and quality training, thereby contributing to improving study results in line with the focus of the call. We will also support a healthier lifestyle in children, correct posture disorders as a result of muscle disbalancing, which represent the consequences of an inactive, sedentary lifestyle, which is an alarming fact among children. The main objective of the project is to ensure the improvement of the study performance of primary and secondary school pupils in the field of physical education and sport, as well as to ensure an improved learning process through increased qualifications of pedagogical and professional staff of primary and secondary schools in accordance with the legislation in force. It is also an incentive for the applicant to help children solve the above-mentioned problems, the project will be implemented through support activities from the applicant, and his appeal to target groups, children and youth attending primary and secondary schools. The form of additional support will also be implemented through the improvement of advertising on social networks and by streamlining training methods and access to players. The aim group of the project consists of: primary and secondary school pupils, including pupils with special educational needs (hereinafter referred to as “ŠVVP”);The area of implementation of the project will be the Košice region, namely primary and secondary schools in the city of Košice. The project will be implemented through the following activities: Main aktivita:aktivity aimed at improving school success of pupils, including those with special educational needsSupport aktivita:Riadenie and project coordination – which will serve to ensure smooth implementation of the main activity of the project The above activities will be implemented for 22 months. The main activity will support, among other things, the potential of the member base of the athletic club Slávia Technical University Košice. In order to attract children and youth to sport and improve their sports results, which will require streamlining of the activities of coaches and will result in an increase in motivation and interest in sport in children and youth. The success of the project will be measured through ukazovateľov:Počet participants who have completed activities to improve skills and increase literacy- 50Number of participants involved in activities to improve skills and increase literacy, which have improved competences and skills 6 months after completing the programme- 50Number of participants involved in activities aimed at improving skills and increasing literacy- 50 (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 28 September 2021
Revision as of 14:34, 28 September 2021
Project Q3106855 in Slovakia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Supporting the improvement of pupils’ learning outcomes and competences |
Project Q3106855 in Slovakia |
166,202.16 Euro
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195,531.95 Euro
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85.0 percent
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12 January 2020
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9 January 2022
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Atletický klub Slávia Technická univerzita Košice, o.z.
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Cieľom projektu, teda zámerom žiadateľa projektu- Atletický klub Slávia Technická univerzita Košice, o.z., je v prvom rade podporiť cieľovú skupinu 50 detí, ktoré navštevujú základné a stredné školy v Košiciach, a zabezpečiť rozvoj ich pozitívneho vzťahu k športu, aby sa začali vo svojom voľnom čase venovať športovým aktivitám. Ak u detí a mládeže iniciujeme športovú aktivitu, pozitívnym účinkom bude zlepšenie zdravia detí a mládeže, a to hlavne prevencia pred detskou obezitou, problémami spojenými so zlým držaním tela a sedavým spôsobom trávenia voľného času. Vďaka opatreniam, zvoleným v projekte sa nám podarí dosiahnuť stanovený špecifický cieľ výzvy- 1.1.1 Zvýšiť inkluzívnosť a rovnaký prístup ku kvalitnému vzdelávaniu a zlepšiť výsledky a kompetencie detí a žiakov.Našim projektom sa podporí, motivuje a iniciuje záujem detí o šport, podporíme viac fyzickej aktivity, pravidelným a kvalitným tréningom zlepšíme ich výsledky v oblasti telesnej výchovy, čím prispejeme k zlepšeniu štúdijných výsledkov v súlade so zameraním výzvy. Taktiež podporíme u detí zdravší životný štýl, upravíme poruchy postury, ako výsledok svalovej disbalancie, ktoré predstavujú dôsledky neaktívneho, sedavého životného štýlu, ktorý je u detí alarmujúcim faktom.Hlavným cieľom projektu je zabezpečiť zlepšenie štúdijných výsledkov žiakov základných a stredných škôl v oblasti telesnej výchovy a športu, ako aj zabezpečenie zlepšeného študijného procesu prostredníctvom zvýšenej kvalifikácie pedagogických a odborných zamestnancov základných a stredných škôl v zmysle platnej legislatívy. Taktiež je zo strany žiadateľa motiváciou pomôcť deťom pri riešení vyššie spomenutých problémov, projekt bude realizovaný prostredníctvom podporných aktivít zo strany žiadateľa, a jeho apelovania na cieľové skupiny, detí a mládež navštevujúce základné a stredné školy. Forma dodatočnej podpory bude realizovaná aj prostredníctvom zlepšenia reklamy na sociálnych sieťach a zefektívnením tréningových metód a prístupu k hráčom.Cieľovú skupinu projektu tvoria: žiaci základných a stredných škôl vrátane žiakov so špeciálnymi výchovnovzdelávacími potrebami (ďalej aj „ŠVVP“);Územie realizácie projektu bude Košický kraj, konkrétne základné a stredné školy v meste Košice.Projekt sa bude realizovať prostredníctvom nasledujúcich aktivít: Hlavná aktivita:aktivity zamerané na zlepšenie školskej úspešnosti žiakov vrátane žiakov so špeciálnymi výchovno-vzdelávacími potrebamiPodporná aktivita:Riadenie a koordinácia projektu – ktorá bude slúžiť na zabezpečenie plynulej realizácie hlavnej aktivity projektu Vyššie uvedené aktivity sa budú realizovať po dobu 22 mesiacov. Hlavná aktivita okrem iného podporí potenciál členskej základne Atletického klubu Slávia Technická univerzita Košice. so zámerom prilákania detí a mládeže k športu a zlepšenia ich športových výsledkov, ktorá si bude vyžadovať zefektívnenie činnosti trénerov a bude mať za následok zvýšenie motivácie a záujmu o šport, u detí a mládeže.Úspešnosť projektu budeme merať prostredníctvom ukazovateľov:Počet účastníkov, ktorí absolvovali aktivity na zlepšenie zručností a zvýšenie gramotnosti- 50Počet účastníkov zapojených do aktivít na zlepšenie zručností a zvýšenie gramotnosti, ktorým sa zlepšili kompetencie a zručnosti 6 mesiacov po absolvovaní programu- 50Počet účastníkov zapojených do aktivít zameraných na zlepšenie zručností a zvýšenie gramotnosti- 50 (Slovak)
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The aim of the project, i.e. the intention of the project applicant – Athletic Club Slávia Technical University Košice, o.z., is primarily to support the target group of 50 children attending primary and secondary schools in Košice and to ensure the development of their positive relationship with sport, so that they begin to devote themselves to sports activities in their free time. If we initiate sporting activity in children and youth, the positive effect will be to improve the health of children and youth, especially prevention of childhood obesity, problems associated with poor posture and sedentary way of spending leisure time. Thanks to the measures selected in the project, we will be able to achieve the specific objective of Call 1.1.1 To increase inclusiveness and equal access to quality education and to improve the outcomes and competences of children and pupils. Our projects will support, motivate and initiate children’s interest in sport, promote more physical activity, improve their performance in physical education through regular and quality training, thereby contributing to improving study results in line with the focus of the call. We will also support a healthier lifestyle in children, correct posture disorders as a result of muscle disbalancing, which represent the consequences of an inactive, sedentary lifestyle, which is an alarming fact among children. The main objective of the project is to ensure the improvement of the study performance of primary and secondary school pupils in the field of physical education and sport, as well as to ensure an improved learning process through increased qualifications of pedagogical and professional staff of primary and secondary schools in accordance with the legislation in force. It is also an incentive for the applicant to help children solve the above-mentioned problems, the project will be implemented through support activities from the applicant, and his appeal to target groups, children and youth attending primary and secondary schools. The form of additional support will also be implemented through the improvement of advertising on social networks and by streamlining training methods and access to players. The aim group of the project consists of: primary and secondary school pupils, including pupils with special educational needs (hereinafter referred to as “ŠVVP”);The area of implementation of the project will be the Košice region, namely primary and secondary schools in the city of Košice. The project will be implemented through the following activities: Main aktivita:aktivity aimed at improving school success of pupils, including those with special educational needsSupport aktivita:Riadenie and project coordination – which will serve to ensure smooth implementation of the main activity of the project The above activities will be implemented for 22 months. The main activity will support, among other things, the potential of the member base of the athletic club Slávia Technical University Košice. In order to attract children and youth to sport and improve their sports results, which will require streamlining of the activities of coaches and will result in an increase in motivation and interest in sport in children and youth. The success of the project will be measured through ukazovateľov:Počet participants who have completed activities to improve skills and increase literacy- 50Number of participants involved in activities to improve skills and increase literacy, which have improved competences and skills 6 months after completing the programme- 50Number of participants involved in activities aimed at improving skills and increasing literacy- 50 (English)
28 September 2021
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0 references