Support for research, development and innovation of international NPPC projects approved in the H2020 programme (Q3106313): Difference between revisions

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Property / beneficiary name (string)
Národné poľnohospodárske a potravinárske centrum
Property / beneficiary name (string): Národné poľnohospodárske a potravinárske centrum / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary
Pre udržateľné poľnohospodárstvo je nevyhnutné zvyšovať úroveň rastlinnej a živočíšnej výroby. Jednou z technologických priorít platnej RIS3 SK stratégie je environment, pôdohospodárstvo, potravinová bezpečnosť so zameraním na progresívne technológie a postupy v oblasti pôdohospodárstva a potravín pre zabezpečenie dostatočnosti produkcie zdravých potravín. Projekt svojim zameraním umožňuje napĺňať túto prioritu. Riešenie úzko súvisí s doménou „Zdravé potraviny a životné prostredie“ v hlavnom relevantnom SK NACE odvetví „A01 Poľnohospodárstvo“ a napĺňa integrovaný rozvojový trend 1. „Udržateľná a konkurencieschopná poľnohospodárska a lesná produkcia primárnych zdrojov“. Projekt rieši multidisciplinárny problém medzi prioritnými oblasťami (pôdohospodárstvo, životné prostredie) a preto na výskumno-vývojových aktivitách ktoré sú vykonávané žiadateľom. Aktivity v predloženom projekte priamo nadväzujú na výskum udržateľného zlepšovania a inovatívnosti pestovateľských systémov v rastlinnej výrobe, vrátane integrovaných, alternatívnych a ekologických foriem.Riešenie Aktivity 1 „Podpora projektu RustWatch“ je v súlade s náplňou riešenia medzinárodného projektu s názvom: „A European early-warning system for wheatrust diseases“ č. grantu: 773311-2. Aktivita 1. bude zameraná na podporu výskumu, ktorý sa realizuje v rámci riešenia projektu RUSTWATCH. Cieľom aktivity bude pomocou efektívnych nástrojov selekcie získať a vyhľadať odolné genotypy voči hrdziam s vysokou technologickou kvalitou a úrodou.Riešenie Aktivity 2 „Agroekologická rajonizácia a eliminácia agronomicky kritických prvkov pestovateľskej technológie perspektívnej novointrodukovanej energetickej plodiny Panicum virgatum L.“ je v súlade s náplňou BIOSKOH’s Innovation Stepping Stones for a novel European Second Generation“ č. grantu:709557. V rámci predkladanej aktivity 2. budú vykonávané experimenty s cieľom získať nové poznatky o reakcii rôznych odrôd perspektívnej energetickej plodiny Panicum virgatum L. na agroekologické oblasti Slovenska.Riešenie Aktivity 3 „Podpora zvýšenia efektívnosti a konkurencieschopnosti šľachtenia ekologických plodín“ vychádza zo zadania v medzinárodnom projekte snázvom: „Increasing the efficiency and competitivenes of organic crop breeding“ č. grantu: 771367. Aktivita 3. je zameraná na získanie a zlepšenie dostupnosti osiva a odrôd pšenice letnej vhodných pre ekologické poľnohospodárstvo a pre nízke vstupy vrátane vysokej účinnosti využívania živín a konkurencieschopnosti voči burinám z hľadiska ich možného prínosu pre zvýšenie konkurencieschopnosti. (Slovak)
Property / summary: Pre udržateľné poľnohospodárstvo je nevyhnutné zvyšovať úroveň rastlinnej a živočíšnej výroby. Jednou z technologických priorít platnej RIS3 SK stratégie je environment, pôdohospodárstvo, potravinová bezpečnosť so zameraním na progresívne technológie a postupy v oblasti pôdohospodárstva a potravín pre zabezpečenie dostatočnosti produkcie zdravých potravín. Projekt svojim zameraním umožňuje napĺňať túto prioritu. Riešenie úzko súvisí s doménou „Zdravé potraviny a životné prostredie“ v hlavnom relevantnom SK NACE odvetví „A01 Poľnohospodárstvo“ a napĺňa integrovaný rozvojový trend 1. „Udržateľná a konkurencieschopná poľnohospodárska a lesná produkcia primárnych zdrojov“. Projekt rieši multidisciplinárny problém medzi prioritnými oblasťami (pôdohospodárstvo, životné prostredie) a preto na výskumno-vývojových aktivitách ktoré sú vykonávané žiadateľom. Aktivity v predloženom projekte priamo nadväzujú na výskum udržateľného zlepšovania a inovatívnosti pestovateľských systémov v rastlinnej výrobe, vrátane integrovaných, alternatívnych a ekologických foriem.Riešenie Aktivity 1 „Podpora projektu RustWatch“ je v súlade s náplňou riešenia medzinárodného projektu s názvom: „A European early-warning system for wheatrust diseases“ č. grantu: 773311-2. Aktivita 1. bude zameraná na podporu výskumu, ktorý sa realizuje v rámci riešenia projektu RUSTWATCH. Cieľom aktivity bude pomocou efektívnych nástrojov selekcie získať a vyhľadať odolné genotypy voči hrdziam s vysokou technologickou kvalitou a úrodou.Riešenie Aktivity 2 „Agroekologická rajonizácia a eliminácia agronomicky kritických prvkov pestovateľskej technológie perspektívnej novointrodukovanej energetickej plodiny Panicum virgatum L.“ je v súlade s náplňou BIOSKOH’s Innovation Stepping Stones for a novel European Second Generation“ č. grantu:709557. V rámci predkladanej aktivity 2. budú vykonávané experimenty s cieľom získať nové poznatky o reakcii rôznych odrôd perspektívnej energetickej plodiny Panicum virgatum L. na agroekologické oblasti Slovenska.Riešenie Aktivity 3 „Podpora zvýšenia efektívnosti a konkurencieschopnosti šľachtenia ekologických plodín“ vychádza zo zadania v medzinárodnom projekte snázvom: „Increasing the efficiency and competitivenes of organic crop breeding“ č. grantu: 771367. Aktivita 3. je zameraná na získanie a zlepšenie dostupnosti osiva a odrôd pšenice letnej vhodných pre ekologické poľnohospodárstvo a pre nízke vstupy vrátane vysokej účinnosti využívania živín a konkurencieschopnosti voči burinám z hľadiska ich možného prínosu pre zvýšenie konkurencieschopnosti. (Slovak) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary
Increasing the level of crop and livestock production is essential for sustainable agriculture. One of the technological priorities of the current RIS3 SK Strategy is environment, agriculture, food security with a focus on advanced technologies and practices in the field of agriculture and food to ensure that healthy food production is sufficient. With its focus, the project makes it possible to fulfil this priority. The solution is closely linked to the domain “Healthy food and environment” in the main relevant SK NACE sector “A01 Agriculture” and fulfils the integrated development trend 1. “Sustainable and competitive agricultural and forestry production of primary resources”. The project addresses a multidisciplinary problem between priority areas (economy, environment) and therefore for research and development activities carried out by the applicant. The activities in the submitted project are directly linked to the research on the sustainable improvement and innovation of growing systems in plant production, including integrated, alternative and ecological forms.Solving Activity 1 “Support of the RustWatch project” is in line with the scope of the international project solution entitled: “A European early-warning system for wheatrust diseases” grant no: 773311-2. Activity 1 will support research carried out as part of the RUSTWATCH project solution. The aim of the activity will be to obtain and find resistant genotypes to rust with high technological quality and harvest using effective selection tools.Activity 2 solution "agro-ecological rayonisation and elimination of agronomically critical elements of growing technology of prospective newly-introduced energy crop Panicum virgatum L." is in line with BIOSKOH’s Innovation Stepping Stones for a novel European Second Generation" No. grantu:709557. In the framework of the presented activity 2, experiments will be conducted to gain new knowledge on the reaction of various varieties of prospective energy crop Panicum virgatum L. to the agroecological areas of Slovakia.Action 3 “Supporting increased efficiency and competitiveness of organic crop breeding” is based on the assignment in an international project entitled: “Increasing the efficiency and competitivenes of organic crop breeding” No. Granu: 771367. Activity 3 aims at obtaining and improving the availability of seeds and varieties of summer wheat suitable for organic farming and low inputs, including high nutrient efficiency and competitiveness against weeds in terms of their potential contribution to increasing competitiveness. (English)
Property / summary: Increasing the level of crop and livestock production is essential for sustainable agriculture. One of the technological priorities of the current RIS3 SK Strategy is environment, agriculture, food security with a focus on advanced technologies and practices in the field of agriculture and food to ensure that healthy food production is sufficient. With its focus, the project makes it possible to fulfil this priority. The solution is closely linked to the domain “Healthy food and environment” in the main relevant SK NACE sector “A01 Agriculture” and fulfils the integrated development trend 1. “Sustainable and competitive agricultural and forestry production of primary resources”. The project addresses a multidisciplinary problem between priority areas (economy, environment) and therefore for research and development activities carried out by the applicant. The activities in the submitted project are directly linked to the research on the sustainable improvement and innovation of growing systems in plant production, including integrated, alternative and ecological forms.Solving Activity 1 “Support of the RustWatch project” is in line with the scope of the international project solution entitled: “A European early-warning system for wheatrust diseases” grant no: 773311-2. Activity 1 will support research carried out as part of the RUSTWATCH project solution. The aim of the activity will be to obtain and find resistant genotypes to rust with high technological quality and harvest using effective selection tools.Activity 2 solution "agro-ecological rayonisation and elimination of agronomically critical elements of growing technology of prospective newly-introduced energy crop Panicum virgatum L." is in line with BIOSKOH’s Innovation Stepping Stones for a novel European Second Generation" No. grantu:709557. In the framework of the presented activity 2, experiments will be conducted to gain new knowledge on the reaction of various varieties of prospective energy crop Panicum virgatum L. to the agroecological areas of Slovakia.Action 3 “Supporting increased efficiency and competitiveness of organic crop breeding” is based on the assignment in an international project entitled: “Increasing the efficiency and competitivenes of organic crop breeding” No. Granu: 771367. Activity 3 aims at obtaining and improving the availability of seeds and varieties of summer wheat suitable for organic farming and low inputs, including high nutrient efficiency and competitiveness against weeds in terms of their potential contribution to increasing competitiveness. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Increasing the level of crop and livestock production is essential for sustainable agriculture. One of the technological priorities of the current RIS3 SK Strategy is environment, agriculture, food security with a focus on advanced technologies and practices in the field of agriculture and food to ensure that healthy food production is sufficient. With its focus, the project makes it possible to fulfil this priority. The solution is closely linked to the domain “Healthy food and environment” in the main relevant SK NACE sector “A01 Agriculture” and fulfils the integrated development trend 1. “Sustainable and competitive agricultural and forestry production of primary resources”. The project addresses a multidisciplinary problem between priority areas (economy, environment) and therefore for research and development activities carried out by the applicant. The activities in the submitted project are directly linked to the research on the sustainable improvement and innovation of growing systems in plant production, including integrated, alternative and ecological forms.Solving Activity 1 “Support of the RustWatch project” is in line with the scope of the international project solution entitled: “A European early-warning system for wheatrust diseases” grant no: 773311-2. Activity 1 will support research carried out as part of the RUSTWATCH project solution. The aim of the activity will be to obtain and find resistant genotypes to rust with high technological quality and harvest using effective selection tools.Activity 2 solution "agro-ecological rayonisation and elimination of agronomically critical elements of growing technology of prospective newly-introduced energy crop Panicum virgatum L." is in line with BIOSKOH’s Innovation Stepping Stones for a novel European Second Generation" No. grantu:709557. In the framework of the presented activity 2, experiments will be conducted to gain new knowledge on the reaction of various varieties of prospective energy crop Panicum virgatum L. to the agroecological areas of Slovakia.Action 3 “Supporting increased efficiency and competitiveness of organic crop breeding” is based on the assignment in an international project entitled: “Increasing the efficiency and competitivenes of organic crop breeding” No. Granu: 771367. Activity 3 aims at obtaining and improving the availability of seeds and varieties of summer wheat suitable for organic farming and low inputs, including high nutrient efficiency and competitiveness against weeds in terms of their potential contribution to increasing competitiveness. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 15 September 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 13:59, 27 September 2021

Project Q3106313 in Slovakia
Language Label Description Also known as
Support for research, development and innovation of international NPPC projects approved in the H2020 programme
Project Q3106313 in Slovakia


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    169,305.04 Euro
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    199,182.4 Euro
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    85.0 percent
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    12 January 2019
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    11 January 2022
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    48°20'50.50"N, 18°1'38.42"E
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