Straightness Anci – the basis of personality development (Q3100995): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: modifying co-finance rate with the percentage)
(‎Created claim: summary (P836): Becoming integrated, integrated, does not mean inclusion. Inclusion is not a condition. It is a way of carrying out the educational process, in which the teacher continually thinks about how to meet the needs of his pupils’ development in constantly changing conditions, so as to prevent the failure of these pupils, and at the same time ensure their full development within their individual possibilities, which are different from each pupil. The p...)
Property / summary
Becoming integrated, integrated, does not mean inclusion. Inclusion is not a condition. It is a way of carrying out the educational process, in which the teacher continually thinks about how to meet the needs of his pupils’ development in constantly changing conditions, so as to prevent the failure of these pupils, and at the same time ensure their full development within their individual possibilities, which are different from each pupil. The proposed project therefore aims at promoting equal access to quality and inclusive education to develop competences and improve the performance of school pupils, with special emphasis on pupils with special needs, thus improving their readiness for the transition to the next level of education, or improving the readiness of school pupils for their future work on the labour market, thus contributing to the objectives of the Call and OP HR. The work of the five new teachers’ assistants in the implementation of the first activity will lead to ensuring equal opportunities in the educational process by taking measures to overcome the health and social barriers of the school pupil and measures to support both the teacher’s and the pupil’s activities in the educational process. Further activity through the activities of the new social and special pedagogue will lead to the promotion of equalisation of the disadvantage of pupils in the educational process by adopting measures in the socialisation and inclusive field and measures in the field of prevention of socio-pathological phenomena. The targeted target group are pupils of the Elementary School, Nám.Youngnosti 1, Žilina, 580 children aged 6-15 years, both girls and boys coming from Žilina and close surroundings, of various socio-economic backgrounds, with ISCED 0 and ISCED 1 educational attainment, also pupils with special educational needs (ŠVVP), it also includes pupils with disabilities (with disabilities, sick or handicapped, developmental disorders, behavioural disorders). (English)
Property / summary: Becoming integrated, integrated, does not mean inclusion. Inclusion is not a condition. It is a way of carrying out the educational process, in which the teacher continually thinks about how to meet the needs of his pupils’ development in constantly changing conditions, so as to prevent the failure of these pupils, and at the same time ensure their full development within their individual possibilities, which are different from each pupil. The proposed project therefore aims at promoting equal access to quality and inclusive education to develop competences and improve the performance of school pupils, with special emphasis on pupils with special needs, thus improving their readiness for the transition to the next level of education, or improving the readiness of school pupils for their future work on the labour market, thus contributing to the objectives of the Call and OP HR. The work of the five new teachers’ assistants in the implementation of the first activity will lead to ensuring equal opportunities in the educational process by taking measures to overcome the health and social barriers of the school pupil and measures to support both the teacher’s and the pupil’s activities in the educational process. Further activity through the activities of the new social and special pedagogue will lead to the promotion of equalisation of the disadvantage of pupils in the educational process by adopting measures in the socialisation and inclusive field and measures in the field of prevention of socio-pathological phenomena. The targeted target group are pupils of the Elementary School, Nám.Youngnosti 1, Žilina, 580 children aged 6-15 years, both girls and boys coming from Žilina and close surroundings, of various socio-economic backgrounds, with ISCED 0 and ISCED 1 educational attainment, also pupils with special educational needs (ŠVVP), it also includes pupils with disabilities (with disabilities, sick or handicapped, developmental disorders, behavioural disorders). (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Becoming integrated, integrated, does not mean inclusion. Inclusion is not a condition. It is a way of carrying out the educational process, in which the teacher continually thinks about how to meet the needs of his pupils’ development in constantly changing conditions, so as to prevent the failure of these pupils, and at the same time ensure their full development within their individual possibilities, which are different from each pupil. The proposed project therefore aims at promoting equal access to quality and inclusive education to develop competences and improve the performance of school pupils, with special emphasis on pupils with special needs, thus improving their readiness for the transition to the next level of education, or improving the readiness of school pupils for their future work on the labour market, thus contributing to the objectives of the Call and OP HR. The work of the five new teachers’ assistants in the implementation of the first activity will lead to ensuring equal opportunities in the educational process by taking measures to overcome the health and social barriers of the school pupil and measures to support both the teacher’s and the pupil’s activities in the educational process. Further activity through the activities of the new social and special pedagogue will lead to the promotion of equalisation of the disadvantage of pupils in the educational process by adopting measures in the socialisation and inclusive field and measures in the field of prevention of socio-pathological phenomena. The targeted target group are pupils of the Elementary School, Nám.Youngnosti 1, Žilina, 580 children aged 6-15 years, both girls and boys coming from Žilina and close surroundings, of various socio-economic backgrounds, with ISCED 0 and ISCED 1 educational attainment, also pupils with special educational needs (ŠVVP), it also includes pupils with disabilities (with disabilities, sick or handicapped, developmental disorders, behavioural disorders). (English) / qualifier
point in time: 28 September 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 13:55, 28 September 2021

Project Q3100995 in Slovakia
Language Label Description Also known as
Straightness Anci – the basis of personality development
Project Q3100995 in Slovakia


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    220,473.0 Euro
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    259,380.0 Euro
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    85.0 percent
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    1 February 2018
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    1 January 2021
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    Základná škola, Námestie mladosti 1, Žilina
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    49°12'23.87"N, 18°46'19.88"E
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    Stať sa integrovaným, začleneným, ešte neznamená inklúziu. Inklúzia nie je stav. Je to spôsob uskutočňovania výchovno-vzdelávacieho procesu, v ktorom učiteľ neustále uvažuje nad tým, ako vyhovieť potrebám rozvíjania jeho žiakov v sústavne sa meniacich podmienkach tak, aby predchádzal zlyhaniu týchto žiakov a aby zároveň zabezpečil ich plnohodnotný rozvoj v rámci ich individuálnych možností, ktoré sú u každého žiaka odlišné. Predložený projekt má preto za cieľ podporou rovnakého prístupu ku kvalitnému a inkluzívnemu vzdelávaniu rozvíjať kompetencie a zlepšiť výsledky žiakov školy s osobitým dôrazom na žiakov so špeciálnymi potrebami, a tak zlepšiť ich pripravenosť na prechod na nadväzujúci stupeň vzdelávania, resp. zlepšiť pripravenosť žiakov školy na ich budúce pôsobenie na pracovnom trhu, a tak prispieť k napĺňaniu cieľa Výzvy aj OP ĽZ. Činnosť piatich nových asistentov učiteľa v rámci realizácie prvej aktivity povedie k zabezpečeniu rovnosti príležitostí vo výchovno-vzdelávacom procese prijatím opatrení na prekonávanie zdravotných a sociálnych bariér žiaka školy a opatrení na podporu činnosti učiteľa aj žiaka v edukačnom procese. Ďalšia aktivita prostredníctvom činnosti nového sociálneho a špeciálneho pedagóga povedie k podpore vyrovnávania znevýhodnenia žiakov vo výchovno-vzdelávacom procese prijatím opatrení v socializačnej a inkluzívnej oblasti a opatrení v oblasti prevencie sociálno-patologických javov.Adresovanou cieľovou skupinou sú žiaci Základnej školy, Nám.mladosti 1, Žilina, 580 detí vo veku od 6 do 15 rokov, dievčatá aj chlapci pochádzajúci zo Žiliny a blízkeho okolia, rôzneho socioekonomického pôvodu, s dosiahnutým vzdelaním ISCED 0 a ISCED 1, zdravotne bezproblémoví aj žiaci so špeciálnymi výchovno-vzdelávacími potrebami (ŠVVP), kde patria aj žiaci so zdravotným znevýhodnením (so zdravotným postihnutím, chorí alebo zdravotne oslabení, s vývinovými poruchami, s poruchou správania). (Slovak)
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    Becoming integrated, integrated, does not mean inclusion. Inclusion is not a condition. It is a way of carrying out the educational process, in which the teacher continually thinks about how to meet the needs of his pupils’ development in constantly changing conditions, so as to prevent the failure of these pupils, and at the same time ensure their full development within their individual possibilities, which are different from each pupil. The proposed project therefore aims at promoting equal access to quality and inclusive education to develop competences and improve the performance of school pupils, with special emphasis on pupils with special needs, thus improving their readiness for the transition to the next level of education, or improving the readiness of school pupils for their future work on the labour market, thus contributing to the objectives of the Call and OP HR. The work of the five new teachers’ assistants in the implementation of the first activity will lead to ensuring equal opportunities in the educational process by taking measures to overcome the health and social barriers of the school pupil and measures to support both the teacher’s and the pupil’s activities in the educational process. Further activity through the activities of the new social and special pedagogue will lead to the promotion of equalisation of the disadvantage of pupils in the educational process by adopting measures in the socialisation and inclusive field and measures in the field of prevention of socio-pathological phenomena. The targeted target group are pupils of the Elementary School, Nám.Youngnosti 1, Žilina, 580 children aged 6-15 years, both girls and boys coming from Žilina and close surroundings, of various socio-economic backgrounds, with ISCED 0 and ISCED 1 educational attainment, also pupils with special educational needs (ŠVVP), it also includes pupils with disabilities (with disabilities, sick or handicapped, developmental disorders, behavioural disorders). (English)
    28 September 2021
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