Support for nursing services in the village of Ludrová (Q3103044): Difference between revisions

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Property / beneficiary name (string)
Obec Ludrová
Property / beneficiary name (string): Obec Ludrová / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary
Ciežom projektu je zabezpeči rozvoj životnej úrovne ciežových skupín a zlepši prístup ku kvalitným a cenovo prístupným sociálnym službám prostredníctvom poskytovania opatrovatežskej služby v obci Ludrová. Uvedený ciež prispeje k predchádzaniu umiestňovania klientov do zariadení sociálnych služieb, kedy často práve zmena domáceho prostredia nepriaznivo vplýva na ich celkový psychický a zdravotný stav. Prostredníctvom odborne poskytovanej opatrovatežskej služby sa zlepší kvalita života seniorov a zdravotne postihnutých občanov, ktorí sú odkázaní na sociálnu službu. Hlavnou aktivitou projektu, ktorou sa zabezpečí naplnenie ciežu projektu je „Poskytovanie opatrovatežskej služby“ počas 26 mesiacov realizácie projektu v obci Ludrová. Predmetnú službu budú poskytova dve opatrovatežky, resp. opatrovatelia na plný úväzok. Poskytovanie opatrovatežskej služby bude prebieha v zmysle ustanovení zákona č. 448/2008 Zb. o sociálnych službách, v zmysle ustanovení §12 odsek 1 písm. c) bod 2 (Domáca opatrovatežská služba); §13 odsek 3 (Terénna forma sociálnej služby sa poskytuje fyzickej osobe v jej prirodzenom sociálnom prostredí alebo v jej domácom prostredí) a § 41 (Opatrovatežská služba). Ciežovou skupinou projektu sú:Plnoleté fyzické osoby, ktorým sa poskytujú sociálne služby;- seniori, resp. obyvatelia našej obce so zdravotným znevýhodnením, ktorým bolo na základe rozhodnutia predelená opatrovatežská pomoc zo strany obce. Zamestnanci vykonávajúci politiky a opatrenia v oblasti sociálneho začlenenia vo verejnom sektore – pôvodní, resp. noví zamestnanci pre výkon opatrovania, ktorým sa zabezpečí:- BOZP,- základné zaškolenie pre výkon práce,- ostatné poradenstvo a usmernenie pre výkon práce.- priestorové a technické zabezpečenie pre výkon práce. Dôvod pre rozširovanie a skvalitňovanie poskytovania opatrovatežskej služby priamo v domácnostiach vychádza nielen zo sociálnej a demografickej situácii v obci, ale aj z demografického vývoja obyvatežstva na Slovensku. Proces starnutia obyvatežstva sa bude v najbližších desaročiach zrýchžova. Je to dôsledok poklesu počtu narodených detí a predlžovania žudského života. Je to proces, ktorý je nezvratný, nemožno ho zastavi. Zároveň sa strácajú tradície opatrovania rodičov demi, vzhžadom na pracovné vyaženie, migráciu obyvatežstva za prácou a pod.. Preto je potrebné sa postupne pripravova na danú situáciu tak, aby sa opatrovatežská služba stala bežnou súčasou života seniorov a zdravotne postihnutých občanov. Meratežné ukazovatele projektu:Trvanie projektu – 26 mesiacovOpatrovatežky plný úväzok – 2Počet realizovaných projektov - 1 (Slovak)
Property / summary: Ciežom projektu je zabezpeči rozvoj životnej úrovne ciežových skupín a zlepši prístup ku kvalitným a cenovo prístupným sociálnym službám prostredníctvom poskytovania opatrovatežskej služby v obci Ludrová. Uvedený ciež prispeje k predchádzaniu umiestňovania klientov do zariadení sociálnych služieb, kedy často práve zmena domáceho prostredia nepriaznivo vplýva na ich celkový psychický a zdravotný stav. Prostredníctvom odborne poskytovanej opatrovatežskej služby sa zlepší kvalita života seniorov a zdravotne postihnutých občanov, ktorí sú odkázaní na sociálnu službu. Hlavnou aktivitou projektu, ktorou sa zabezpečí naplnenie ciežu projektu je „Poskytovanie opatrovatežskej služby“ počas 26 mesiacov realizácie projektu v obci Ludrová. Predmetnú službu budú poskytova dve opatrovatežky, resp. opatrovatelia na plný úväzok. Poskytovanie opatrovatežskej služby bude prebieha v zmysle ustanovení zákona č. 448/2008 Zb. o sociálnych službách, v zmysle ustanovení §12 odsek 1 písm. c) bod 2 (Domáca opatrovatežská služba); §13 odsek 3 (Terénna forma sociálnej služby sa poskytuje fyzickej osobe v jej prirodzenom sociálnom prostredí alebo v jej domácom prostredí) a § 41 (Opatrovatežská služba). Ciežovou skupinou projektu sú:Plnoleté fyzické osoby, ktorým sa poskytujú sociálne služby;- seniori, resp. obyvatelia našej obce so zdravotným znevýhodnením, ktorým bolo na základe rozhodnutia predelená opatrovatežská pomoc zo strany obce. Zamestnanci vykonávajúci politiky a opatrenia v oblasti sociálneho začlenenia vo verejnom sektore – pôvodní, resp. noví zamestnanci pre výkon opatrovania, ktorým sa zabezpečí:- BOZP,- základné zaškolenie pre výkon práce,- ostatné poradenstvo a usmernenie pre výkon práce.- priestorové a technické zabezpečenie pre výkon práce. Dôvod pre rozširovanie a skvalitňovanie poskytovania opatrovatežskej služby priamo v domácnostiach vychádza nielen zo sociálnej a demografickej situácii v obci, ale aj z demografického vývoja obyvatežstva na Slovensku. Proces starnutia obyvatežstva sa bude v najbližších desaročiach zrýchžova. Je to dôsledok poklesu počtu narodených detí a predlžovania žudského života. Je to proces, ktorý je nezvratný, nemožno ho zastavi. Zároveň sa strácajú tradície opatrovania rodičov demi, vzhžadom na pracovné vyaženie, migráciu obyvatežstva za prácou a pod.. Preto je potrebné sa postupne pripravova na danú situáciu tak, aby sa opatrovatežská služba stala bežnou súčasou života seniorov a zdravotne postihnutých občanov. Meratežné ukazovatele projektu:Trvanie projektu – 26 mesiacovOpatrovatežky plný úväzok – 2Počet realizovaných projektov - 1 (Slovak) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary
The aim of the project is to ensure the development of the life level of target groups and poor access to quality and affordable social promises through the provision of care services in the village of Ludrová. This objective will contribute to preventing the placement of clients in social services facilities, where changes in the home environment often adversely affect their overall mental and health status. Through the professionally provided care service, the quality of life of seniors and disabled citizens who are dependent on social services is poor. The main activity of the project, which will ensure the fulfillment of the objective of the project is the provision of care services during 26 months of project implementation in the village Ludrová. The service in question will be provided by two full-time caregivers or full-time caregivers. The provision of care services shall take place in accordance with the provisions of Act No 448/2008 on social services, in accordance with the provisions of Section 12(1)(c)(2) (Home Care Services); §13(3) (Terene form of social service is provided to a natural person in his or her natural social environment or in his home environment) and § 41 (Carer service). The objective group of the project sú:Plnoleté natural persons to whom social services are provided;- seniors or residents of our village with health handicaps, who have been allocated care assistance by the municipality by decision. Employees implementing policies and measures in the field of social inclusion in the public sector of original or new employees for care, which will provide:- OSH,- basic training for the performance of work,- other counselling and guidance for the performance of work.- spatial and technical provision for the performance of work. The reason for expanding and improving the provision of care services in households is based not only on the social and demographic situation in the village, but also on the demographic development of the population in Slovakia. The ageing process will be accelerated in the next decade. This is due to the decrease in the number of births and the foreclosure of the human life. It’s a process that’s irreversible, it won't stop. At the same time, the traditions of caring for parents are disappearing, due to the need for work, migration of the population for work, etc. It is therefore necessary to gradually prepare for the situation, so that the care service becomes a common part of the life of the elderly and disabled citizens. Measurement indicators projektu:Trvanie project 26 monthsFull-time care 2Number of realised projects – 1 (English)
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to ensure the development of the life level of target groups and poor access to quality and affordable social promises through the provision of care services in the village of Ludrová. This objective will contribute to preventing the placement of clients in social services facilities, where changes in the home environment often adversely affect their overall mental and health status. Through the professionally provided care service, the quality of life of seniors and disabled citizens who are dependent on social services is poor. The main activity of the project, which will ensure the fulfillment of the objective of the project is the provision of care services during 26 months of project implementation in the village Ludrová. The service in question will be provided by two full-time caregivers or full-time caregivers. The provision of care services shall take place in accordance with the provisions of Act No 448/2008 on social services, in accordance with the provisions of Section 12(1)(c)(2) (Home Care Services); §13(3) (Terene form of social service is provided to a natural person in his or her natural social environment or in his home environment) and § 41 (Carer service). The objective group of the project sú:Plnoleté natural persons to whom social services are provided;- seniors or residents of our village with health handicaps, who have been allocated care assistance by the municipality by decision. Employees implementing policies and measures in the field of social inclusion in the public sector of original or new employees for care, which will provide:- OSH,- basic training for the performance of work,- other counselling and guidance for the performance of work.- spatial and technical provision for the performance of work. The reason for expanding and improving the provision of care services in households is based not only on the social and demographic situation in the village, but also on the demographic development of the population in Slovakia. The ageing process will be accelerated in the next decade. This is due to the decrease in the number of births and the foreclosure of the human life. It’s a process that’s irreversible, it won't stop. At the same time, the traditions of caring for parents are disappearing, due to the need for work, migration of the population for work, etc. It is therefore necessary to gradually prepare for the situation, so that the care service becomes a common part of the life of the elderly and disabled citizens. Measurement indicators projektu:Trvanie project 26 monthsFull-time care 2Number of realised projects – 1 (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to ensure the development of the life level of target groups and poor access to quality and affordable social promises through the provision of care services in the village of Ludrová. This objective will contribute to preventing the placement of clients in social services facilities, where changes in the home environment often adversely affect their overall mental and health status. Through the professionally provided care service, the quality of life of seniors and disabled citizens who are dependent on social services is poor. The main activity of the project, which will ensure the fulfillment of the objective of the project is the provision of care services during 26 months of project implementation in the village Ludrová. The service in question will be provided by two full-time caregivers or full-time caregivers. The provision of care services shall take place in accordance with the provisions of Act No 448/2008 on social services, in accordance with the provisions of Section 12(1)(c)(2) (Home Care Services); §13(3) (Terene form of social service is provided to a natural person in his or her natural social environment or in his home environment) and § 41 (Carer service). The objective group of the project sú:Plnoleté natural persons to whom social services are provided;- seniors or residents of our village with health handicaps, who have been allocated care assistance by the municipality by decision. Employees implementing policies and measures in the field of social inclusion in the public sector of original or new employees for care, which will provide:- OSH,- basic training for the performance of work,- other counselling and guidance for the performance of work.- spatial and technical provision for the performance of work. The reason for expanding and improving the provision of care services in households is based not only on the social and demographic situation in the village, but also on the demographic development of the population in Slovakia. The ageing process will be accelerated in the next decade. This is due to the decrease in the number of births and the foreclosure of the human life. It’s a process that’s irreversible, it won't stop. At the same time, the traditions of caring for parents are disappearing, due to the need for work, migration of the population for work, etc. It is therefore necessary to gradually prepare for the situation, so that the care service becomes a common part of the life of the elderly and disabled citizens. Measurement indicators projektu:Trvanie project 26 monthsFull-time care 2Number of realised projects – 1 (English) / qualifier
point in time: 15 September 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 12:49, 27 September 2021

Project Q3103044 in Slovakia
Language Label Description Also known as
Support for nursing services in the village of Ludrová
Project Q3103044 in Slovakia


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    49°3'32.00"N, 19°23'42.79"E
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