Building and equipping nursery for early pre-primary education ANL district cismea (Q2741038): Difference between revisions
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(Removed claim: co-financing rate (P837): 0.85 percent) |
(Changed an Item: modifying co-finance rate with the percentage) |
Property / co-financing rate | |||||||
85.0 percent
| |||||||
Property / co-financing rate: 85.0 percent / rank | |||||||
Normal rank |
Revision as of 11:33, 27 September 2021
Project Q2741038 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Building and equipping nursery for early pre-primary education ANL district cismea |
Project Q2741038 in Romania |
1,240,617.84 Romanian Leu
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248,123.56800000003 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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1,459,550.4 Romanian Leu
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85.0 percent
0 references
13 February 2018
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31 August 2022
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Obiectivul general al proiectului este cresterea calitatii infrastructurii educationale pentru invatamantul anteprescolar din Municipiul Botosani, astfel incat copiii sa beneficieze de o educatie de calitate, intr-o locatie care sa corespunda nevoilor acestora. Prin prezentul proiect se propune realizarea unor lucrari de constructie și echipare a infrastructurii educationale aferenta unei noi crese din Municipiul Botosani, in vederea realizarii conditiilor optime pentru derularea activitatilor didactice contribuind la cresterea gradului de participare la procesul educational. Obiectivul de investitie unde va functiona cresa este amplasat pe terenul intravilan ce se află in proprietatea Municipiului Botosani, respectiv terenul inregistrat in cartea funciara sub numărul 53461. Prin prezentul proiect se doreste imbunatatirea calitatii procesului educational anteprescolar prin realizarea unei infrastructuri adecvate/corespunzatoare ciclului educational vizat, având ca scop asigurarea accesul sporit la educatie, atat in zona de studiu, cat si la nivelul intregului oras, implicit de a sprijini participarea parintilor pe piata fortei de munca. Prin realizarea acestui obiectiv de investitii nevoia privind locurile disponibile in unitatile de invatamant anteprescolar pentru copiii din Cartierul ANL Cismea ar fi satisfacuta, prin urmare, parintii nu ar mai fi nevoiti sa transporte copiii in celelalte cartiere ale orasului, sa apeleze la institutii private care oferă servicii de ingrijire si educatie foarte costisitoare sau efectiv sa fie nevoiti sa nu mai participe pe piata fortei de munca in detrimentul ingrijirii copiilor acasa. Proiectul este relevant fata de obiectivul specific 4.4 „Creșterea calității infrastructurii în vederea asigurării accesului sporit la educaţie timpurie şi sprijinirea participării părinţilor pe piaţa forţei de muncă” al Programului Operational Regional 2014 – 2020, axa prioritara 4: „Sprijinirea dezvoltarii urbane durabile”, Prioritatea de investitii 4.4 „Investitiile in educatie, in formare, inclusiv in formare profesionala pentru dobandirea de competente si invatare pe tot parcursul vietii prin dezvoltarea infrastructurilor de educatie si formare”, intrucat contribuie la cresterea calitatii infrastructurii educationale în vederea asigurării accesului la educația timpurie și sprijină participarea părinților pe piața forței de muncă, prin activitati de construire si dotare a unei unitati de invatamant anteprescolar. Prin aceste activitati va creste eficienta actului educational oferit copiilor din cresa, fapt ce contribuie semnificativ la dezvoltarea timpurie a copiilor, in speta a modului de utilizare a resurselor umane si materiale, va creste corespondenta intre oferta educationala si cerintele familiilor cu copii anteprescolari, respectiv contextul social, precum si eficienta serviciilor oferite de municipalitate, corespunzator nevoilor populatiei. (Romanian)
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The general objective of the project is to increase the quality of the educational infrastructure for pre-preschool education in Botosani Municipality, so that children benefit from a quality education, in a location that meets their needs. Through this project, it is proposed to build and equip the educational infrastructure related to a new nursery in Botosani Municipality, in order to achieve the optimal conditions for carrying out the teaching activities contributing to increasing the participation in the educational process. The investment objective where the nursery will operate is located on the intravilan land owned by the Municipality of Botosani, respectively the land registered in the land register under the number 53461. The present project aims to improve the quality of the pre-preschool educational process by achieving an appropriate infrastructure/corresponding to the educational cycle concerned, aiming to ensure increased access to education, both in the study area and throughout the city, implicitly to support the participation of parents in the labor market. By achieving this investment objective, the need for places available in preschool education units for children from ANL district would be satisfied, therefore, parents would no longer have to transport children to other districts of the city, to appeal to private institutions that provide very costly care and education services or actually to have to stop participating in the labor market at the expense of taking care of children at home. The project is relevant to specific objective 4.4 “Increase the quality of infrastructure to ensure increased access to early education and support parents’ participation in the labour market” of the Regional Operational Programme 2014-2020, priority axis 4: “Supporting sustainable urban development”, Investment Priority 4.4 “Investing in education, training, including vocational training to acquire skills and lifelong learning through the development of education and training infrastructures”, as it contributes to increasing the quality of educational infrastructure in order to ensure access to early education and supports parents’ participation in the labour market, through activities to build and equip a preschool education unit. Through these activities will increase the efficiency of the educational act offered to children in the nursery, which contributes significantly to the early development of children, in the case of the use of human and material resources, will increase the correspondence between the educational offer and the requirements of families with pre-preschool children, respectively the social context, as well as the efficiency of the services provided by the municipality, corresponding to the needs of the population. (English)
14 September 2021
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Judeţul Botoşani, Romania
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