LiveHR – Human Resources Management Platform (Q3098765): Difference between revisions

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(‎Removed claim: co-financing rate (P837): 0.51 percent)
(‎Changed an Item: modifying co-finance rate with the percentage)
Property / co-financing rate
50.81 percent
Amount50.81 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 50.81 percent / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 09:46, 27 September 2021

Project Q3098765 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
LiveHR – Human Resources Management Platform
Project Q3098765 in Romania


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    2,098,872.28 Romanian Leu
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    419,774.456 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    4,130,820.0 Romanian Leu
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    826,164.0 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    50.81 percent
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    8 August 2017
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    30 June 2019
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    44°26'10.10"N, 26°6'9.79"E
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    2.2.1. Obiectivul proiectului Obiectivul general al proiectului dezvoltat de Avant Consulting SRL este de a crea valoare adaugata in domeniul tehnologiei informației, în baza rezultatelor de cercetare obținute pana in prezent privind domeniul resurselor umane. Societatea intentioneaza sa își întărească capacitatea de cercetare în domeniul TIC și să atragă parteneri în vederea dezvoltării, promovarii si comercializarii soluției informatice inovative LiveHR, solutie ce va facilita si optimiza procesele de recrutare, evaluare si instruire a resurselor umane. Prin realizarea unor soluţii proprii inovative cât şi prin încheierea de noi parteneriate, Avant Consulting faciliteaza trecerea de la outsourcing la dezvoltarea bazata pe inovare, vizand o creștere sustenabilă a societății, ce va conduce către o diversificare și consolidare a produselor și serviciilor oferite. Obiectivul general al proiectului este conform cu obiectivul general al Programului Operational Competitivitate, prin faptul că beneficiarul vizează cresterea competitivitatii si profitabilitatii societatii prin introducerea pe piață a unui produs informatic inovativ LiveHR, rezultat al activității de cercetare dezvoltare, produs ce va avea o larga aplicabilitate in economia romaneasca. In plus, datorita functionalitatilor speciale ale produsului LiveHR, utilizarea lui va duce la optimizarea proceselor de recrutare a resurselor umane in companiile beneficiare, facilitand astfel posibilitatea de crestere a gradului de ocupare a noilor locuri de munca create. Prin faptul ca produsul informatic dezvoltat vine in intampinarea unor necesitati identificate atat in piata romaneasca cat si cea internationala, si vizeaza o gama larga de beneficiari din toate domeniile de activitate, proiectul este in concordanta si cu obiectivul tematic 2 – „Sporirea utilizării, calităţii şi a accesului la tehnologia informaţiei şi comunicaţiilor”. Scopul proiectului este conform si cu obiectivul specific 2.2 „Creșterea contribuției sectorului TIC pentru competitivitatea economică”, intrucat datorita facilitatilor oferite de produsul LiveHR, privind recrutarea, evaluarea si instruirea resurselor umane, beneficiarii care vor utiliza produsul isi vor creste competitivitatea economica, datorita unei mai eficiente utilizari a resurselor umane in derularea activitatilor curente. Avant Consulting, vizeaza dezvoltarea unei retele de parteneri atat din domeniul IT cat si din alte domenii, in scopul derularii activitatilor de cercetare, dezvoltare, promovare si comercializare pentru realizarea produsului inovativ LiveHR si integrarea sa cu alte produse si servicii IT. Acest fapt este in concordanta cu scopul actiunii 2.2.1. „Sprijinirea creşterii valorii adăugate generate de sectorul TIC şi a inovării în domeniu prin dezvoltarea de clustere” de a crea parteneriate durabile in scopul realizarii unui mediu propice dezvoltării antreprenoriale și inovării în TIC. (Romanian)
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    2.2.1. The general objective of the project developed by Avant Consulting SRL is to create added value in the field of information technology, based on the research results obtained so far in the field of human resources. The company intends to strengthen its research capacity in the field of ICT and to attract partners in order to develop, promote and commercialise the innovative LiveHR IT solution, a solution that will facilitate and optimise the recruitment, evaluation and training processes of human resources. By developing innovative solutions and by concluding new partnerships, Avant Consulting facilitates the transition from outsourcing to innovation-based development, aiming at a sustainable growth of the society, which will lead to a diversification and consolidation of the products and services offered. The general objective of the project is in line with the general objective of the Competitiveness Operational Programme, by the fact that the beneficiary aims to increase the competitiveness and profitability of the company by placing on the market an innovative IT product LiveHR, a result of the development research activity, which will have a wide applicability in the Romanian economy. In addition, due to the special functionalities of LiveHR, its use will lead to the optimisation of human resources recruitment processes in the beneficiary companies, thus facilitating the possibility of increasing the employment rate of the new jobs created. By the fact that the developed IT product meets needs identified in both the Romanian and international markets, and targets a wide range of beneficiaries from all fields of activity, the project is also consistent with thematic objective 2 – “Increasing the use, quality and access to information and communication technology”. The aim of the project is also in line with the specific objective 2.2 “Increasing the contribution of the ICT sector for economic competitiveness”, because due to the facilities offered by LiveHR product, regarding the recruitment, evaluation and training of human resources, the beneficiaries who will use the product will increase their economic competitiveness, due to a more efficient use of human resources in the current activities. Avant Consulting aims to develop a network of partners in both IT and other fields, in order to carry out research, development, promotion and marketing activities for the realisation of the innovative LiveHR product and its integration with other IT products and services. This is consistent with the purpose of Action 2.2.1. “Supporting the growth of ICT added value and innovation through cluster development” to create sustainable partnerships to achieve an environment conducive to entrepreneurship development and innovation in ICT. (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Municipiul Bucureşti, Romania
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