Modernisation of transport dispatching DPMK, a.s. – II.etapa (Q3103859): Difference between revisions

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Dopravný podnik mesta Košice, akciová spoločnos
Property / beneficiary name (string): Dopravný podnik mesta Košice, akciová spoločnos / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary
Predmetom realizácie projektu je vybudovanie digitálnej trunkovej siete rádiostaníc pre riadenie električkovej trakcie MHD v meste Košice, ktorá pozostáva z dodávky 125 rádiostaníc a infraštruktúry trunkovej siete.  V rámci rádiostaníc budú dodané 2  pevné stanice na riadenie MHD a dispečing DPMK, 114 vozidlových rádiostaníc pre električky, 4 vozidlové rádiostanice s GPS, bluetooth a wifi  pre technologické vozidlá a 5 ručných  rádiostaníc s GPS, bluetooth a wifi pre operatívne riadenie MHD. Tieto zariadenia a infraštruktúra trunkovej siete  budú umiestnené v električkách, technologických vozidlách, na sídle podniku (Budova B) a v meniarňach  B, C, K, F a G. Dopravný podnik mesta Košice, akciová spoločnos (DPMK) zabezpečuje pravidelnú mestskú hromadnú dopravu.  Mesto Košice je metropolou východného Slovenska a v súčasnosti tam žije 239 tisíc obyvatežov. DPMK zabezpečuje ako jediná spoločnos v Košiciach pravidelnú MHD. DPMK svoje služby poskytuje nielen Košičanom, ale aj cestujúcim z prímestských častí. Podnik v súčasnosti zamestnáva 932 pracovníkov, z čoho je 404 vodičov autobusov a 118 vodičov električiek. Nosnú kostru dopravného systému MHD tvoria električková a autobusová trakcia, ktoré sa na celkových prepravných výkonoch podiežajú 99 %. Celkovo bolo DPMK v roku 2017 prepravených 82,54 miliónov osôb.  Z toho 19,17 miliónov cestujúcich bolo prepravených električkami a 63,37 miliónov autobusmi. Ročný objem dopravných výkonov  v roku 2017  bol 14 727 tisíc vozových kilometrov, čo je pokles oproti roku 2016 o 0,66 %.  Z dlhodobého hžadiska je počet vozových kilometrov  stabilizovaný napriek trvalému poklesu počtu prepravených osôb.   Okrem prepadu počtu cestujúcich klesá tiež priemerná prepravná rýchlos (o 10 % za 15 rokov), čo je aj dôsledkom narastajúcich kongescií v meste. Z hlavných prevádzkových údajov je teda zrejmé, že okrem postupného znižovania rýchlosti dopravy, ktorá má podstatný vplyv na konkurencieschopnos, sa znižuje aj vlastnú konkurencieschopnos vyjadrená záujmom cestujúcich o MHD. Problémom je však aj výrazný rozdiel medzi poklesom počtu prepravených osôb a dopravných výkonov, čo znamená, že sa znižuje aj celková efektivita prevádzky. Jedným z kžúčových problémov je aj zastarané riadenie dopravy, ktoré je spôsobené nevyhovujúcim stavom analógových rádiostaníc. Aktuálny stav rádiovej siete je mixom rádiostaníc novších typov, ale aj rádiostaníc po životnosti bez možnosti opráv. Okrem rádiostaníc MOTOTRBO rady  sú všetky v základnej verzii bez možnosti dokúpenia opcii a licencií, ktoré by rozšírili ich schopnosti. Dispečer v rádiovej sieti nevie riadi komunikáciu inak ako hlasom, čo spôsobuje vzájomné rušenie komunikácie. Vežkým nedostatkom súčasnej siete je tiež  absencia núdzových volaní, prednastavených krátkych správ, prenos povelov a telemetrických inštrukcií. Dispečer nemá prehžad o rádiostaniciach a nevie priamo komunikova s vybranou stanicou.   Ďalším nedostatkom je absencia kontroly rádiostaníc v prevádzke dispečerom. Nie je vykonávaný žiaden záznam o hovoroch, správach, prípadne inej činnosti. Rádiová sie v súčasnej podobe nepokrýva ani samotné mesto, ani jeho okrajové časti. Súčasná sie tiež nemá manažment sledovania pohybu rádiostaníc používaných pracovníkmi dispečingu a pracovníkmi zabezpečujúcimi servis. Hlavným  ciežom projektu je zvýšenie atraktivity a konkurencieschopnosti verejnej osobnej dopravy prostredníctvom  zabezpečenia moderných tarifných, informačných a dispečerských systémov, zlepšenia informovanosti cestujúcich a zlepšenia informačného a oznamovacieho systému.  Projekt zásadne zlepší a skvalitní riadenie MHD. Primárne je určený širokej cestujúcej verejnosti a riadiacemu manažmentu DPMK. Zo zvýšenej kvality riadenia však budú benefitova aj vodiči autobusov. Dopravca bude profitova hlavne lepším dispečerským manažmentom dopravy, znížením výpadkov dopravy a meškania, rýchlou reakciou na mimoriadne situácie,  lepšou integráciou a previazanosou služieb a tiež získaním množstva doteraz absentujúcich dát z dopravy. Z projektu bude tiež profitova aj  integrátor verejnej osobnej dopravy Košický samosprávny kraj. Projekt vytvorí predpoklady pre rozvoj integrovaného dopravného systému v meste a  kraji. V neposlednom rade bude beneficientom aj obstarávatež autobusovej dopravy vo verejnom záujme (mesto Košice), ktorý okrem získania údajov o prevádzke môže s DPMK rieši aj optimalizáciu autobusovej dopravy na území mesta. Projekt bude realizovaný za pomoci jednej hlavnej aktivity s názvom „Modernizácia dopravného dispečingu". Začiatok realizácie hlavnej aktivity je stanovený na 01/2019 po podpise zmluvy s dodávatežom. Koniec realizácie hlavnej aktivity projektu je stanovený na termín 12/2019. Dĺžka trvania hlavnej aktivity projektu je 12 mesiacov. Podpornými aktivitami sú riadenie projektu, publicita a informovanos. Realizáciou projektu DPMK  naplní 1 meratežný ukazovatež: P0561 Počet zavedených informačných systémov – 1. (Slovak)
Property / summary: Predmetom realizácie projektu je vybudovanie digitálnej trunkovej siete rádiostaníc pre riadenie električkovej trakcie MHD v meste Košice, ktorá pozostáva z dodávky 125 rádiostaníc a infraštruktúry trunkovej siete.  V rámci rádiostaníc budú dodané 2  pevné stanice na riadenie MHD a dispečing DPMK, 114 vozidlových rádiostaníc pre električky, 4 vozidlové rádiostanice s GPS, bluetooth a wifi  pre technologické vozidlá a 5 ručných  rádiostaníc s GPS, bluetooth a wifi pre operatívne riadenie MHD. Tieto zariadenia a infraštruktúra trunkovej siete  budú umiestnené v električkách, technologických vozidlách, na sídle podniku (Budova B) a v meniarňach  B, C, K, F a G. Dopravný podnik mesta Košice, akciová spoločnos (DPMK) zabezpečuje pravidelnú mestskú hromadnú dopravu.  Mesto Košice je metropolou východného Slovenska a v súčasnosti tam žije 239 tisíc obyvatežov. DPMK zabezpečuje ako jediná spoločnos v Košiciach pravidelnú MHD. DPMK svoje služby poskytuje nielen Košičanom, ale aj cestujúcim z prímestských častí. Podnik v súčasnosti zamestnáva 932 pracovníkov, z čoho je 404 vodičov autobusov a 118 vodičov električiek. Nosnú kostru dopravného systému MHD tvoria električková a autobusová trakcia, ktoré sa na celkových prepravných výkonoch podiežajú 99 %. Celkovo bolo DPMK v roku 2017 prepravených 82,54 miliónov osôb.  Z toho 19,17 miliónov cestujúcich bolo prepravených električkami a 63,37 miliónov autobusmi. Ročný objem dopravných výkonov  v roku 2017  bol 14 727 tisíc vozových kilometrov, čo je pokles oproti roku 2016 o 0,66 %.  Z dlhodobého hžadiska je počet vozových kilometrov  stabilizovaný napriek trvalému poklesu počtu prepravených osôb.   Okrem prepadu počtu cestujúcich klesá tiež priemerná prepravná rýchlos (o 10 % za 15 rokov), čo je aj dôsledkom narastajúcich kongescií v meste. Z hlavných prevádzkových údajov je teda zrejmé, že okrem postupného znižovania rýchlosti dopravy, ktorá má podstatný vplyv na konkurencieschopnos, sa znižuje aj vlastnú konkurencieschopnos vyjadrená záujmom cestujúcich o MHD. Problémom je však aj výrazný rozdiel medzi poklesom počtu prepravených osôb a dopravných výkonov, čo znamená, že sa znižuje aj celková efektivita prevádzky. Jedným z kžúčových problémov je aj zastarané riadenie dopravy, ktoré je spôsobené nevyhovujúcim stavom analógových rádiostaníc. Aktuálny stav rádiovej siete je mixom rádiostaníc novších typov, ale aj rádiostaníc po životnosti bez možnosti opráv. Okrem rádiostaníc MOTOTRBO rady  sú všetky v základnej verzii bez možnosti dokúpenia opcii a licencií, ktoré by rozšírili ich schopnosti. Dispečer v rádiovej sieti nevie riadi komunikáciu inak ako hlasom, čo spôsobuje vzájomné rušenie komunikácie. Vežkým nedostatkom súčasnej siete je tiež  absencia núdzových volaní, prednastavených krátkych správ, prenos povelov a telemetrických inštrukcií. Dispečer nemá prehžad o rádiostaniciach a nevie priamo komunikova s vybranou stanicou.   Ďalším nedostatkom je absencia kontroly rádiostaníc v prevádzke dispečerom. Nie je vykonávaný žiaden záznam o hovoroch, správach, prípadne inej činnosti. Rádiová sie v súčasnej podobe nepokrýva ani samotné mesto, ani jeho okrajové časti. Súčasná sie tiež nemá manažment sledovania pohybu rádiostaníc používaných pracovníkmi dispečingu a pracovníkmi zabezpečujúcimi servis. Hlavným  ciežom projektu je zvýšenie atraktivity a konkurencieschopnosti verejnej osobnej dopravy prostredníctvom  zabezpečenia moderných tarifných, informačných a dispečerských systémov, zlepšenia informovanosti cestujúcich a zlepšenia informačného a oznamovacieho systému.  Projekt zásadne zlepší a skvalitní riadenie MHD. Primárne je určený širokej cestujúcej verejnosti a riadiacemu manažmentu DPMK. Zo zvýšenej kvality riadenia však budú benefitova aj vodiči autobusov. Dopravca bude profitova hlavne lepším dispečerským manažmentom dopravy, znížením výpadkov dopravy a meškania, rýchlou reakciou na mimoriadne situácie,  lepšou integráciou a previazanosou služieb a tiež získaním množstva doteraz absentujúcich dát z dopravy. Z projektu bude tiež profitova aj  integrátor verejnej osobnej dopravy Košický samosprávny kraj. Projekt vytvorí predpoklady pre rozvoj integrovaného dopravného systému v meste a  kraji. V neposlednom rade bude beneficientom aj obstarávatež autobusovej dopravy vo verejnom záujme (mesto Košice), ktorý okrem získania údajov o prevádzke môže s DPMK rieši aj optimalizáciu autobusovej dopravy na území mesta. Projekt bude realizovaný za pomoci jednej hlavnej aktivity s názvom „Modernizácia dopravného dispečingu". Začiatok realizácie hlavnej aktivity je stanovený na 01/2019 po podpise zmluvy s dodávatežom. Koniec realizácie hlavnej aktivity projektu je stanovený na termín 12/2019. Dĺžka trvania hlavnej aktivity projektu je 12 mesiacov. Podpornými aktivitami sú riadenie projektu, publicita a informovanos. Realizáciou projektu DPMK  naplní 1 meratežný ukazovatež: P0561 Počet zavedených informačných systémov – 1. (Slovak) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary
The subject of the project is the construction of a digital Trunk network of radio stations for the management of the tram traction of public transport in Koice, which consists of the supply of 125 radio stations and infrastructure of the Trunk network. Within the radio stations will be delivered 2 fixed stations for public transport control and dispatching DPMK, 114 on-board radio stations for trams, 4 vehicle radio stations with GPS, bluetooth and wifi for technological vehicles and 5 handheld radio stations with GPS, bluetooth and wifi for the operational management of public transport. These facilities and infrastructure of the Trunk network will be located in trams, technological vehicles, at the headquarters of the company (Budova B) and in the converter stations B, C, K, F and G. The transport undertaking of Koice, a joint-stock company (DPMK), provides regular public transport. Koice is a metropolis of eastern Slovakia and currently has 239 thousand inhabitants. DPMK provides regular public transport as the only company in Koice. DPMK provides its services not only to Koicans, but also to passengers from suburban areas. The company currently employs 932 workers, of which 404 are bus drivers and 118 tram drivers. The supporting skeleton of the public transport system consists of tram and bus traction, which share 99 % of the total transport performance. In total, 82.54 million people were transported in 2017. Of these 19.17 million passengers were transported by trams and 63.37 million by bus. The annual traffic output in 2017 was 14 727 thousand vehicle kilometres, a decrease of 0.66 % compared to 2016. From the long runway, the number of vehicle kilometres is stabilised despite a permanent decrease in the number of passengers transported. In addition to the loss of passenger numbers, the average speed (by 10 % in 15 years) is decreasing, which is also the result of increasing congestion in the city. It is thus clear from the main operational data that, in addition to the gradual reduction of traffic speed, which has a significant impact on competitiveness, the self-competitiveness expressed by passengers’ interest in public transport is also being reduced. The problem is, however, the significant difference between the decrease in the number of passengers transported and the transport performance, which means that the overall efficiency of the operation is also being reduced. One of the key problems is the outdated traffic management, which is caused by the unsatisfactory state of analogue radio stations. The current state of the radio network is a mix of radio stations of new types, but also of radio stations after life without the possibility of repair. Besides radio stations MOTOTRBO series are all in the basic version without the possibility of buying an option and licenses that would expand their capabilities. The dispatcher on the radio network cannot control the communication other than by voice, causing each other to be liable for communication. A major shortcoming of the current network is the absence of emergency calls, preset short messages, command transmission and telemetry intrusions. The dispatcher does not have a look at the radio stations and cannot communicate directly with the selected station. Another shortcoming is the absence of control of radio stations in operation by the dispatcher. There is no record of calls, messages or other activities. The radio network in its present form does not cover neither the city itself nor its peripheral parts. The current network does not have control over the movement of radio stations used by dispatchers and service personnel. The main objective of the project is to increase the attractiveness and competitiveness of public passenger transport by ensuring modern tariff, information and dispatching systems, improving passenger information and improving the information and notification system. The project will fundamentally fail and improve the management of public transport. It is primarily intended for the wide-ranging travelling public and the management management of the DPMK. The improved quality of the management will also benefit bus drivers. The carrier will benefit mainly from better dispatching management of transport, reduction of outages of traffic and mechanisation, rapid response to emergency situations, better integration and interconnected services and the acquisition of many missing traffic data. The project will also benefit the integrator of public passenger transport Koický Self-Governing Region. The project will create the conditions for the development of an integrated transport system in the city and region. Last but not least, the beneficiary will also be the procurement of bus transport in the public interest (the town of Koice), which, in addition to obtaining traffic data, can also optimise bus transport on the territory of the city. (English)
Property / summary: The subject of the project is the construction of a digital Trunk network of radio stations for the management of the tram traction of public transport in Koice, which consists of the supply of 125 radio stations and infrastructure of the Trunk network. Within the radio stations will be delivered 2 fixed stations for public transport control and dispatching DPMK, 114 on-board radio stations for trams, 4 vehicle radio stations with GPS, bluetooth and wifi for technological vehicles and 5 handheld radio stations with GPS, bluetooth and wifi for the operational management of public transport. These facilities and infrastructure of the Trunk network will be located in trams, technological vehicles, at the headquarters of the company (Budova B) and in the converter stations B, C, K, F and G. The transport undertaking of Koice, a joint-stock company (DPMK), provides regular public transport. Koice is a metropolis of eastern Slovakia and currently has 239 thousand inhabitants. DPMK provides regular public transport as the only company in Koice. DPMK provides its services not only to Koicans, but also to passengers from suburban areas. The company currently employs 932 workers, of which 404 are bus drivers and 118 tram drivers. The supporting skeleton of the public transport system consists of tram and bus traction, which share 99 % of the total transport performance. In total, 82.54 million people were transported in 2017. Of these 19.17 million passengers were transported by trams and 63.37 million by bus. The annual traffic output in 2017 was 14 727 thousand vehicle kilometres, a decrease of 0.66 % compared to 2016. From the long runway, the number of vehicle kilometres is stabilised despite a permanent decrease in the number of passengers transported. In addition to the loss of passenger numbers, the average speed (by 10 % in 15 years) is decreasing, which is also the result of increasing congestion in the city. It is thus clear from the main operational data that, in addition to the gradual reduction of traffic speed, which has a significant impact on competitiveness, the self-competitiveness expressed by passengers’ interest in public transport is also being reduced. The problem is, however, the significant difference between the decrease in the number of passengers transported and the transport performance, which means that the overall efficiency of the operation is also being reduced. One of the key problems is the outdated traffic management, which is caused by the unsatisfactory state of analogue radio stations. The current state of the radio network is a mix of radio stations of new types, but also of radio stations after life without the possibility of repair. Besides radio stations MOTOTRBO series are all in the basic version without the possibility of buying an option and licenses that would expand their capabilities. The dispatcher on the radio network cannot control the communication other than by voice, causing each other to be liable for communication. A major shortcoming of the current network is the absence of emergency calls, preset short messages, command transmission and telemetry intrusions. The dispatcher does not have a look at the radio stations and cannot communicate directly with the selected station. Another shortcoming is the absence of control of radio stations in operation by the dispatcher. There is no record of calls, messages or other activities. The radio network in its present form does not cover neither the city itself nor its peripheral parts. The current network does not have control over the movement of radio stations used by dispatchers and service personnel. The main objective of the project is to increase the attractiveness and competitiveness of public passenger transport by ensuring modern tariff, information and dispatching systems, improving passenger information and improving the information and notification system. The project will fundamentally fail and improve the management of public transport. It is primarily intended for the wide-ranging travelling public and the management management of the DPMK. The improved quality of the management will also benefit bus drivers. The carrier will benefit mainly from better dispatching management of transport, reduction of outages of traffic and mechanisation, rapid response to emergency situations, better integration and interconnected services and the acquisition of many missing traffic data. The project will also benefit the integrator of public passenger transport Koický Self-Governing Region. The project will create the conditions for the development of an integrated transport system in the city and region. Last but not least, the beneficiary will also be the procurement of bus transport in the public interest (the town of Koice), which, in addition to obtaining traffic data, can also optimise bus transport on the territory of the city. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The subject of the project is the construction of a digital Trunk network of radio stations for the management of the tram traction of public transport in Koice, which consists of the supply of 125 radio stations and infrastructure of the Trunk network. Within the radio stations will be delivered 2 fixed stations for public transport control and dispatching DPMK, 114 on-board radio stations for trams, 4 vehicle radio stations with GPS, bluetooth and wifi for technological vehicles and 5 handheld radio stations with GPS, bluetooth and wifi for the operational management of public transport. These facilities and infrastructure of the Trunk network will be located in trams, technological vehicles, at the headquarters of the company (Budova B) and in the converter stations B, C, K, F and G. The transport undertaking of Koice, a joint-stock company (DPMK), provides regular public transport. Koice is a metropolis of eastern Slovakia and currently has 239 thousand inhabitants. DPMK provides regular public transport as the only company in Koice. DPMK provides its services not only to Koicans, but also to passengers from suburban areas. The company currently employs 932 workers, of which 404 are bus drivers and 118 tram drivers. The supporting skeleton of the public transport system consists of tram and bus traction, which share 99 % of the total transport performance. In total, 82.54 million people were transported in 2017. Of these 19.17 million passengers were transported by trams and 63.37 million by bus. The annual traffic output in 2017 was 14 727 thousand vehicle kilometres, a decrease of 0.66 % compared to 2016. From the long runway, the number of vehicle kilometres is stabilised despite a permanent decrease in the number of passengers transported. In addition to the loss of passenger numbers, the average speed (by 10 % in 15 years) is decreasing, which is also the result of increasing congestion in the city. It is thus clear from the main operational data that, in addition to the gradual reduction of traffic speed, which has a significant impact on competitiveness, the self-competitiveness expressed by passengers’ interest in public transport is also being reduced. The problem is, however, the significant difference between the decrease in the number of passengers transported and the transport performance, which means that the overall efficiency of the operation is also being reduced. One of the key problems is the outdated traffic management, which is caused by the unsatisfactory state of analogue radio stations. The current state of the radio network is a mix of radio stations of new types, but also of radio stations after life without the possibility of repair. Besides radio stations MOTOTRBO series are all in the basic version without the possibility of buying an option and licenses that would expand their capabilities. The dispatcher on the radio network cannot control the communication other than by voice, causing each other to be liable for communication. A major shortcoming of the current network is the absence of emergency calls, preset short messages, command transmission and telemetry intrusions. The dispatcher does not have a look at the radio stations and cannot communicate directly with the selected station. Another shortcoming is the absence of control of radio stations in operation by the dispatcher. There is no record of calls, messages or other activities. The radio network in its present form does not cover neither the city itself nor its peripheral parts. The current network does not have control over the movement of radio stations used by dispatchers and service personnel. The main objective of the project is to increase the attractiveness and competitiveness of public passenger transport by ensuring modern tariff, information and dispatching systems, improving passenger information and improving the information and notification system. The project will fundamentally fail and improve the management of public transport. It is primarily intended for the wide-ranging travelling public and the management management of the DPMK. The improved quality of the management will also benefit bus drivers. The carrier will benefit mainly from better dispatching management of transport, reduction of outages of traffic and mechanisation, rapid response to emergency situations, better integration and interconnected services and the acquisition of many missing traffic data. The project will also benefit the integrator of public passenger transport Koický Self-Governing Region. The project will create the conditions for the development of an integrated transport system in the city and region. Last but not least, the beneficiary will also be the procurement of bus transport in the public interest (the town of Koice), which, in addition to obtaining traffic data, can also optimise bus transport on the territory of the city. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 15 September 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 13:07, 27 September 2021

Project Q3103859 in Slovakia
Language Label Description Also known as
Modernisation of transport dispatching DPMK, a.s. – II.etapa
Project Q3103859 in Slovakia


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    368,350.82 Euro
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    433,353.9 Euro
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    0.85 percent
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    1 August 2021
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    1 May 2022
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    48°42'51.52"N, 21°14'4.52"E
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