Support for new jobs in LYSO, s.r.o. (Q3104331): Difference between revisions

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LYSO s.r.o.
Property / beneficiary name (string): LYSO s.r.o. / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary
Žiadatežom je firma LYSO s.r.o. (mikropodnik), pôsobiaca v oblasti činnosti ekonomických a organizačných poradcov. Plánovaným zámerom žiadateža v nadväznosti na vyhlásenú výzvu je, zvýši zamestnanos, zamestnatežnos a zníži nezamestnanos s osobitným dôrazom na dlhodobo nezamestnaných (v súlade so Špecifickým ciežom 3.1.1 OP źZ), pričom je možné predpoklada aj pozitívny vplyv poskytnutej dotácie na finančné ukazovatele žiadateža počas, aj po realizácii aktivít projektu. Hlavným ciežom predloženého projektu, ktorý vychádza z plánovaného zámeru žiadateža teda je: prostredníctvom poskytnutia pracovných príležitostí nezamestnaným osobám evidovaným na Úrade práce, zvýši ich zamestnatežnos a uplatnitežnos na trhu práce a prispie k zníženiu nezamestnanosti s dlhodobým efektom. Sekundárnym efektom bude zlepšenie sociálno-ekonomickej situácie, a zvýšenie kvality života osôb. Hlavnou aktivitou projektu je Podpora uplatnenia UoZ a ZUoZ na trhu práce, rozdelená na dve, vzájomne nadväzujúce a miestami aj prekrývajúce sa fázy projektu, pričom realizácia druhej časti bude nadväzova na výsledky tej prvej:Vyhžadávanie a výber osôb s ciežovej skupiny (UoZ).Zamestnávanie osôb z ciežovej skupiny s využitím mentorskej činnosti. Ciežová skupina: uchádzači o zamestnanie podža § 6 zákona o službách zamestnanosti. Výstupom realizácie hlavnej aktivity projektu bude podpora 12 pracovných miest, ktoré budú obsadené uchádzačmi o zamestnanie, ktorí úspešne absolvujú prvú fázu hlavnej aktivity projektu  Zvýšenie predpokladov uplatnenia sa UoZ / ZUoZ na trhu práce, bude realizovaná formou mentorskej činnosti novoprijatých zamestnancov. Projekt bude realizovaný v Žilinskom kraji (TSK) a jeho ciež bude prakticky realizovaný prostredníctvom jednej hlavnej aktivity - Podpora uplatnenia UoZ a ZUoZ na trhu práce v priebehu 25 mesiacov, počas ktorých budú dosiahnuté meratežné ukazovatele, prospievajúce k dosahovaniu kvantitatívnych výsledkov, zadefinovaných v OP źZ: P0097 Nezamestnané osoby vrátane dlhodobo nezamestnaných - 12P0037 Dlhodobo nezamestnané osoby - 0P0109 Osoby vo veku nad 50 rokov - 0P0638 Účastníci, ktorí sú v čase odchodu zamestnaní, a to aj samostatne zárobkovo činní - 12 V konečnom dôsledku, realizáciou projektu dôjde k užahčeniu prístupu UoZ/ZUoZ k zamestnaniu, vrátane dlhodobo nezamestnaných osôb (súvis s Investičnou prioritou 3.1 Operačného programu žudské zdroje (ďalej aj OP źZ) v rámci prioritnej osi OP źZ č. 3 - Zamestnanos) vstup UoZ / ZUoZ na trh práce. (Slovak)
Property / summary: Žiadatežom je firma LYSO s.r.o. (mikropodnik), pôsobiaca v oblasti činnosti ekonomických a organizačných poradcov. Plánovaným zámerom žiadateža v nadväznosti na vyhlásenú výzvu je, zvýši zamestnanos, zamestnatežnos a zníži nezamestnanos s osobitným dôrazom na dlhodobo nezamestnaných (v súlade so Špecifickým ciežom 3.1.1 OP źZ), pričom je možné predpoklada aj pozitívny vplyv poskytnutej dotácie na finančné ukazovatele žiadateža počas, aj po realizácii aktivít projektu. Hlavným ciežom predloženého projektu, ktorý vychádza z plánovaného zámeru žiadateža teda je: prostredníctvom poskytnutia pracovných príležitostí nezamestnaným osobám evidovaným na Úrade práce, zvýši ich zamestnatežnos a uplatnitežnos na trhu práce a prispie k zníženiu nezamestnanosti s dlhodobým efektom. Sekundárnym efektom bude zlepšenie sociálno-ekonomickej situácie, a zvýšenie kvality života osôb. Hlavnou aktivitou projektu je Podpora uplatnenia UoZ a ZUoZ na trhu práce, rozdelená na dve, vzájomne nadväzujúce a miestami aj prekrývajúce sa fázy projektu, pričom realizácia druhej časti bude nadväzova na výsledky tej prvej:Vyhžadávanie a výber osôb s ciežovej skupiny (UoZ).Zamestnávanie osôb z ciežovej skupiny s využitím mentorskej činnosti. Ciežová skupina: uchádzači o zamestnanie podža § 6 zákona o službách zamestnanosti. Výstupom realizácie hlavnej aktivity projektu bude podpora 12 pracovných miest, ktoré budú obsadené uchádzačmi o zamestnanie, ktorí úspešne absolvujú prvú fázu hlavnej aktivity projektu  Zvýšenie predpokladov uplatnenia sa UoZ / ZUoZ na trhu práce, bude realizovaná formou mentorskej činnosti novoprijatých zamestnancov. Projekt bude realizovaný v Žilinskom kraji (TSK) a jeho ciež bude prakticky realizovaný prostredníctvom jednej hlavnej aktivity - Podpora uplatnenia UoZ a ZUoZ na trhu práce v priebehu 25 mesiacov, počas ktorých budú dosiahnuté meratežné ukazovatele, prospievajúce k dosahovaniu kvantitatívnych výsledkov, zadefinovaných v OP źZ: P0097 Nezamestnané osoby vrátane dlhodobo nezamestnaných - 12P0037 Dlhodobo nezamestnané osoby - 0P0109 Osoby vo veku nad 50 rokov - 0P0638 Účastníci, ktorí sú v čase odchodu zamestnaní, a to aj samostatne zárobkovo činní - 12 V konečnom dôsledku, realizáciou projektu dôjde k užahčeniu prístupu UoZ/ZUoZ k zamestnaniu, vrátane dlhodobo nezamestnaných osôb (súvis s Investičnou prioritou 3.1 Operačného programu žudské zdroje (ďalej aj OP źZ) v rámci prioritnej osi OP źZ č. 3 - Zamestnanos) vstup UoZ / ZUoZ na trh práce. (Slovak) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary
The company LYSO s.r.o. (micro-enterprise), active in the field of economic and organizational consultants. The planned aim of the request following the launched call is to increase employment, employment and reduce unemployment, with a particular focus on the long-term unemployed (in line with the specific objective 3.1.1 of the OP źZ), with the possibility of a positive impact of the subsidy granted on the financial indicators of the applicant during and after the implementation of the project activities. The main objective of the submitted project, which is based on the planned intention of the request, is therefore: by providing job opportunities to unemployed persons registered with the Labour Office, it will increase their employment and labour market take-up and contribute to reducing unemployment with a long-term effect. The secondary effect will be to improve the socio-economic situation, and to increase the quality of life of persons. The main activity of the project is Supporting the application of UoZ and Zuoz in the labour market, divided into two, consecutive and locally overlapping phases of the project, while the implementation of the second part will follow up on the results of this prvej:Vyhžadávanie and the selection of persons with a target group (UoZ).Employment of persons from the target group with the benefit of mentoring. The Goal Group: jobseekers under Section 6 of the Employment Services Act. The outcome of the implementation of the main activity of the project will be the support of 12 posts, which will be filled by jobseekers who have successfully completed the first phase of the main activity of the project by increasing the prerequisites for the application of UoZ/Zuoz in the labour market, will be implemented through mentoring of newly recruited employees. The project will be implemented in the Žilina region (TSK) and its objective will be practically implemented through one main activity – Supporting the application of UoZ and Zuoz on the labour market within 25 months, during which measurement indicators will be achieved, which help to achieve quantitative results defined in the OP źZ: P0097 Unemployed, including long-term unemployed – 12P0037 Long-term unemployed – 0P0109 Persons over the age of 50-0P0638 Participants who are employed at the time of departure, including self-employed – 12 Finally, the implementation of the project will facilitate the UoZ/Zuoz approach to employment, including the long-term unemployed (linked to Investment Priority 3.1 of the Operational Programme Human Resources (hereinafter also OP źZ) under priority axis OP źZ No 3 – Employment) entry of UoZ/Zuoz into the labour market. (English)
Property / summary: The company LYSO s.r.o. (micro-enterprise), active in the field of economic and organizational consultants. The planned aim of the request following the launched call is to increase employment, employment and reduce unemployment, with a particular focus on the long-term unemployed (in line with the specific objective 3.1.1 of the OP źZ), with the possibility of a positive impact of the subsidy granted on the financial indicators of the applicant during and after the implementation of the project activities. The main objective of the submitted project, which is based on the planned intention of the request, is therefore: by providing job opportunities to unemployed persons registered with the Labour Office, it will increase their employment and labour market take-up and contribute to reducing unemployment with a long-term effect. The secondary effect will be to improve the socio-economic situation, and to increase the quality of life of persons. The main activity of the project is Supporting the application of UoZ and Zuoz in the labour market, divided into two, consecutive and locally overlapping phases of the project, while the implementation of the second part will follow up on the results of this prvej:Vyhžadávanie and the selection of persons with a target group (UoZ).Employment of persons from the target group with the benefit of mentoring. The Goal Group: jobseekers under Section 6 of the Employment Services Act. The outcome of the implementation of the main activity of the project will be the support of 12 posts, which will be filled by jobseekers who have successfully completed the first phase of the main activity of the project by increasing the prerequisites for the application of UoZ/Zuoz in the labour market, will be implemented through mentoring of newly recruited employees. The project will be implemented in the Žilina region (TSK) and its objective will be practically implemented through one main activity – Supporting the application of UoZ and Zuoz on the labour market within 25 months, during which measurement indicators will be achieved, which help to achieve quantitative results defined in the OP źZ: P0097 Unemployed, including long-term unemployed – 12P0037 Long-term unemployed – 0P0109 Persons over the age of 50-0P0638 Participants who are employed at the time of departure, including self-employed – 12 Finally, the implementation of the project will facilitate the UoZ/Zuoz approach to employment, including the long-term unemployed (linked to Investment Priority 3.1 of the Operational Programme Human Resources (hereinafter also OP źZ) under priority axis OP źZ No 3 – Employment) entry of UoZ/Zuoz into the labour market. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The company LYSO s.r.o. (micro-enterprise), active in the field of economic and organizational consultants. The planned aim of the request following the launched call is to increase employment, employment and reduce unemployment, with a particular focus on the long-term unemployed (in line with the specific objective 3.1.1 of the OP źZ), with the possibility of a positive impact of the subsidy granted on the financial indicators of the applicant during and after the implementation of the project activities. The main objective of the submitted project, which is based on the planned intention of the request, is therefore: by providing job opportunities to unemployed persons registered with the Labour Office, it will increase their employment and labour market take-up and contribute to reducing unemployment with a long-term effect. The secondary effect will be to improve the socio-economic situation, and to increase the quality of life of persons. The main activity of the project is Supporting the application of UoZ and Zuoz in the labour market, divided into two, consecutive and locally overlapping phases of the project, while the implementation of the second part will follow up on the results of this prvej:Vyhžadávanie and the selection of persons with a target group (UoZ).Employment of persons from the target group with the benefit of mentoring. The Goal Group: jobseekers under Section 6 of the Employment Services Act. The outcome of the implementation of the main activity of the project will be the support of 12 posts, which will be filled by jobseekers who have successfully completed the first phase of the main activity of the project by increasing the prerequisites for the application of UoZ/Zuoz in the labour market, will be implemented through mentoring of newly recruited employees. The project will be implemented in the Žilina region (TSK) and its objective will be practically implemented through one main activity – Supporting the application of UoZ and Zuoz on the labour market within 25 months, during which measurement indicators will be achieved, which help to achieve quantitative results defined in the OP źZ: P0097 Unemployed, including long-term unemployed – 12P0037 Long-term unemployed – 0P0109 Persons over the age of 50-0P0638 Participants who are employed at the time of departure, including self-employed – 12 Finally, the implementation of the project will facilitate the UoZ/Zuoz approach to employment, including the long-term unemployed (linked to Investment Priority 3.1 of the Operational Programme Human Resources (hereinafter also OP źZ) under priority axis OP źZ No 3 – Employment) entry of UoZ/Zuoz into the labour market. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 15 September 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 13:19, 27 September 2021

Project Q3104331 in Slovakia
Language Label Description Also known as
Support for new jobs in LYSO, s.r.o.
Project Q3104331 in Slovakia



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