Reducing the energy intensity of buildings: Maternity rounds Hrnčiarska and Maternity rounds Fullu in Zvolen (Q3100692): Difference between revisions
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Property / beneficiary name (string) | |||||||||||||||
Property / beneficiary name (string): Mesto Zvolen / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Ciežom projektu s názvom Zníenie energetickej náročnosti budov: Materská kola Hrnčiarska a Materská kola Fullu vo Zvolene je zníenie spotreby energie pri prevádzke budov materských kôl realizáciou opatrení, ktoré vyplývajú z energetického auditu. iadatežom o poskytnutie nenávratného finančného príspevku na realizáciu predkladaného projektu je Mesto Zvolen, ako majitež budovy a pozemku a zriaďovatež materskej koly.Ciežovou skupinou sú zamestnanci materských kôl, deti navtevujúce tieto predkolské zariadenia a ich rodičia. Projekt bude realizovaný prostredníctvom dvoch hlavných aktivít a podporných aktivít projektu. Miestom realizácie projektu je M na Hrnčiarskej ulici č. 2063/2 M a M na Ulici ź. Fullu č. 1689/43.V dôsledku realizácie projektu dôjde k obnove dvoch verejných budovy nad rámec minimálnych poiadaviek s celkovou podlahovou plochou 3333 m2. Realizáciou projektu dôjde ku zníeniu potreby energie v budovách (rozdiel medzi celkovou ročnou potrebou energie pred a po realizácii opatrení energetickej efektívnosti) o 276700 kWh/rok, pričom merná potreba energie na vykurovanie sa zníi pri M Hrnčiarka zo 120 kWh/(m2.a) na 21 kWh/(m2.a), teda o 82,5 % a pri M ź. Fullu z 112 kWh/(m2.a) na 22 kWh/(m2.a), teda o 80,4 %. Po ukončení realizácie projektu budú obidve budovy zaradené v energetickej triede A1. (Slovak) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The aim of the project "Reducing the energy intensity of buildings: The Maternity Round of Hrnčiarska and Materská Round Fullu in Zvolen is the reduction of energy consumption during the operation of the buildings of the mother rounds by implementing measures resulting from the energy audit. The request to provide a non-repayable financial contribution for the implementation of the present project is the City of Zvolen, as the owner of the building and land and set up the Maternity Koly. The main group are employees of the maternity rounds, children visiting these preschool facilities and their parents. The project will be implemented through two main activities and project support activities. The place of implementation of the project is M on Hrnčiarská Street No. 2063/2 M and M in Street ź. Fullu No. 1689/43.As a result of the implementation of the project, two public buildings will be renovated beyond the minimum requirements with a total floor area of 3333 m². The project will reduce the energy demand in buildings (difference between the total annual energy demand before and after the implementation of energy efficiency measures) by 276700 kWh/year, while the specific energy demand for heating is reduced for M potter from 120 kWh/(m².a) to 21 kWh/(m².a), i.e. 82.5 % and M ź. Fullu from 112 kWh/(m².a) to 22 kWh/(m².a) or 80.4 %. After the completion of the project, both buildings will be classified in energy class A1. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The aim of the project "Reducing the energy intensity of buildings: The Maternity Round of Hrnčiarska and Materská Round Fullu in Zvolen is the reduction of energy consumption during the operation of the buildings of the mother rounds by implementing measures resulting from the energy audit. The request to provide a non-repayable financial contribution for the implementation of the present project is the City of Zvolen, as the owner of the building and land and set up the Maternity Koly. The main group are employees of the maternity rounds, children visiting these preschool facilities and their parents. The project will be implemented through two main activities and project support activities. The place of implementation of the project is M on Hrnčiarská Street No. 2063/2 M and M in Street ź. Fullu No. 1689/43.As a result of the implementation of the project, two public buildings will be renovated beyond the minimum requirements with a total floor area of 3333 m². The project will reduce the energy demand in buildings (difference between the total annual energy demand before and after the implementation of energy efficiency measures) by 276700 kWh/year, while the specific energy demand for heating is reduced for M potter from 120 kWh/(m².a) to 21 kWh/(m².a), i.e. 82.5 % and M ź. Fullu from 112 kWh/(m².a) to 22 kWh/(m².a) or 80.4 %. After the completion of the project, both buildings will be classified in energy class A1. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
Revision as of 13:48, 24 September 2021
Project Q3100692 in Slovakia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Reducing the energy intensity of buildings: Maternity rounds Hrnčiarska and Maternity rounds Fullu in Zvolen |
Project Q3100692 in Slovakia |
945,949.07 Euro
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1,112,881.26 Euro
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0.85 percent
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1 April 2017
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1 May 2018
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0 references