Provision of local civil order services in the village of Pavlovce (Q3100923): Difference between revisions

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Property / beneficiary name (string): OBEC PAVLOVCE / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary
Ciežom projektu je zvýši finančnú gramotnos, zamestnatežnos a zamestnanos marginalizovaných komunít, predovšetkým Rómov na území obce Pavlovce.Dlhodobo nezamestnaní občania v evidencii UoZ tvoria najpočetnejšiu skupinu znevýhodnených. Patria sem ažko umiestnitežné osoby s nízkou vzdelanostnou úrovňou, bez kvalifikácie, čo negatívne ovplyvňuje postoj k výkonu zamestnania. Nedostatkom je aj nízka úroveň  pracovných zručností.Typ aktivity - Podpora systematického poskytovania sociálnych a asistenčných služieb v obciach s prítomnosou MRK zameraných na zvýšenie zamestnatežnosti.Obec Pavlovce má záujem zabezpeči v oblastiach s prítomnosou MRK poskytovanie sociálnych a asistenčných služieb prostredníctvom činností MOPS v súčinnosti s Policajným zborom SR v oblastiach:- ochrana verejného poriadku v súčinnosti s PZ SR, predchádzaním vzniku konfliktov a prevenciu protiprávneho správania sa vo vylúčenej lokalite,- ochrana súkromného a verejného majetku, predchádzanie poškodzovania majetku obyvatežov MRK ako aj ostatných obyvatežov obce a verejného majetku- ochrana životného prostredia, ohlasovanie požiarov, prevencia protiprávneho správania pri nakladaní s odpadmi,- plynulos a bezpečnos cestnej premávky, predovšetkým v súvislosti s pohybom po komunikácii (Slovak)
Property / summary: Ciežom projektu je zvýši finančnú gramotnos, zamestnatežnos a zamestnanos marginalizovaných komunít, predovšetkým Rómov na území obce Pavlovce.Dlhodobo nezamestnaní občania v evidencii UoZ tvoria najpočetnejšiu skupinu znevýhodnených. Patria sem ažko umiestnitežné osoby s nízkou vzdelanostnou úrovňou, bez kvalifikácie, čo negatívne ovplyvňuje postoj k výkonu zamestnania. Nedostatkom je aj nízka úroveň  pracovných zručností.Typ aktivity - Podpora systematického poskytovania sociálnych a asistenčných služieb v obciach s prítomnosou MRK zameraných na zvýšenie zamestnatežnosti.Obec Pavlovce má záujem zabezpeči v oblastiach s prítomnosou MRK poskytovanie sociálnych a asistenčných služieb prostredníctvom činností MOPS v súčinnosti s Policajným zborom SR v oblastiach:- ochrana verejného poriadku v súčinnosti s PZ SR, predchádzaním vzniku konfliktov a prevenciu protiprávneho správania sa vo vylúčenej lokalite,- ochrana súkromného a verejného majetku, predchádzanie poškodzovania majetku obyvatežov MRK ako aj ostatných obyvatežov obce a verejného majetku- ochrana životného prostredia, ohlasovanie požiarov, prevencia protiprávneho správania pri nakladaní s odpadmi,- plynulos a bezpečnos cestnej premávky, predovšetkým v súvislosti s pohybom po komunikácii (Slovak) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary
The aim of the project is to increase financial literacy, employment and employment of marginalised communities, especially Roma in the municipality of Pavlovce.Longly unemployed citizens in the UoZ register form the largest number of disadvantaged groups. These include as locating people with a low educational level, without qualifications, which negatively affects attitudes towards employment. There is also a low level of labour skills.Type of activity – Supporting systematic provision of social and assistance services in municipalities with the presence of MRC aimed at increasing employment.Obec Pavlovce is interested in ensuring the provision of social and assistance services through ILOS activities in cooperation with the Slovak Police Force in the areas of:- protection of public order in synergy with the PSA, prevention of conflicts and prevention of illegal behaviour in the excluded locality, protection of private and public property, prevention of damage to the population of the MRC as well as protection of traffic in connection with traffic control, the prevention of traffic-related behaviour and the prevention of illegal behaviour in the excluded locality, prevention of damage to the property of the population of the MRC as well as of other municipalities, (English)
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to increase financial literacy, employment and employment of marginalised communities, especially Roma in the municipality of Pavlovce.Longly unemployed citizens in the UoZ register form the largest number of disadvantaged groups. These include as locating people with a low educational level, without qualifications, which negatively affects attitudes towards employment. There is also a low level of labour skills.Type of activity – Supporting systematic provision of social and assistance services in municipalities with the presence of MRC aimed at increasing employment.Obec Pavlovce is interested in ensuring the provision of social and assistance services through ILOS activities in cooperation with the Slovak Police Force in the areas of:- protection of public order in synergy with the PSA, prevention of conflicts and prevention of illegal behaviour in the excluded locality, protection of private and public property, prevention of damage to the population of the MRC as well as protection of traffic in connection with traffic control, the prevention of traffic-related behaviour and the prevention of illegal behaviour in the excluded locality, prevention of damage to the property of the population of the MRC as well as of other municipalities, (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to increase financial literacy, employment and employment of marginalised communities, especially Roma in the municipality of Pavlovce.Longly unemployed citizens in the UoZ register form the largest number of disadvantaged groups. These include as locating people with a low educational level, without qualifications, which negatively affects attitudes towards employment. There is also a low level of labour skills.Type of activity – Supporting systematic provision of social and assistance services in municipalities with the presence of MRC aimed at increasing employment.Obec Pavlovce is interested in ensuring the provision of social and assistance services through ILOS activities in cooperation with the Slovak Police Force in the areas of:- protection of public order in synergy with the PSA, prevention of conflicts and prevention of illegal behaviour in the excluded locality, protection of private and public property, prevention of damage to the population of the MRC as well as protection of traffic in connection with traffic control, the prevention of traffic-related behaviour and the prevention of illegal behaviour in the excluded locality, prevention of damage to the property of the population of the MRC as well as of other municipalities, (English) / qualifier
point in time: 15 September 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 13:52, 24 September 2021

Project Q3100923 in Slovakia
Language Label Description Also known as
Provision of local civil order services in the village of Pavlovce
Project Q3100923 in Slovakia


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    85,684.59 Euro
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    100,805.4 Euro
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    0.85 percent
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    1 December 2017
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    1 November 2020
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    48°19'41.59"N, 20°4'49.62"E
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