M conversion and extension to Z with M Plant (Q3100920): Difference between revisions
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Property / beneficiary name (string) | |||||||||||||||
Property / beneficiary name (string): Obec Závod / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Hlavným ciežom projektu je zvýenie hrubej zakolenosti detí materských kôl. Takto stanovený ciež je plne v súlade s IP 2.2 nakožko priamo prispieva k zvýeniu zakolenosti detí M a zabezpečeniu kvalitného predprimárneho vzdelania prispievajúceho k zvládnutiu povinnej kolskej dochádzky. Zároveň projekt prispieva k vytváraniu predpokladov pre zosúlaďovanie súkromného a pracovného ivota rodičov. Projekt prispieva k naplneniu globálneho cieža IROP v oblasti zlepenia kvality ivota. Je v súlade so tátnym vzdelávacím programom ISCED 0 predprimárne vzdelávanie. Projekt je tvorený tromi hlavnými aktivitami:1. Prístavba k M a stavebné úpravy existujúcich priestorov2. Úprava areálu koly vrátane detského ihriska3. Vnútorné vybavenie M Ciežová skupina sa v tejto výzve neuplatňuje.Materská kola sa nachádza v budove Z s M Závod, k.ú. obce Závod, okres Malacky, Bratislavský kraj na pozemku s parcelným číslom 3146/3, evidovanom na liste vlastníctva č.1465. Vlastníkom parcely je Obec Závod. Na pozemku je evidovaná budova so súpisným číslom 81. Projekt prispieva k naplneniu viacerých meratežných ukazovatežov, ktoré sú podrobne rozpísané v časti 7.3 Situácia po realizácii projektu a udratežnos projektu (Slovak) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The main objective of the project is to increase the gross inclination of children’s maternal rounds. The objective thus set is fully in line with IP 2.2 and contributes directly to increasing the education of children M and ensuring quality pre-primary education contributing to the management of compulsory school attendance. At the same time, the project contributes to creating the preconditions for reconciling the private and working life of parents. The project contributes to the achievement of the IROP’s global goal of improving the quality of life. It is consistent with the State education programme ISCED 0 pre-primary education. The project consists of three main activities:1. Extensions to M and alterations to existing premises2. Adjustment of the school area, including a children’s playground3. Internal equipment M Ciežová group is not applicable in this call.Material round is located in the building Z with M Závod, k.ú. village Závod, okres Malacky, Bratislava region on land with parcel number 3146/3, registered on the ownership deed no.1465. The owner of the plot is the village Závod. On the land is a registered building with inventory number 81. The project contributes to the fulfilment of a number of measurement indicators, which are detailed in section 7.3 Situation after project implementation and success of the project (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The main objective of the project is to increase the gross inclination of children’s maternal rounds. The objective thus set is fully in line with IP 2.2 and contributes directly to increasing the education of children M and ensuring quality pre-primary education contributing to the management of compulsory school attendance. At the same time, the project contributes to creating the preconditions for reconciling the private and working life of parents. The project contributes to the achievement of the IROP’s global goal of improving the quality of life. It is consistent with the State education programme ISCED 0 pre-primary education. The project consists of three main activities:1. Extensions to M and alterations to existing premises2. Adjustment of the school area, including a children’s playground3. Internal equipment M Ciežová group is not applicable in this call.Material round is located in the building Z with M Závod, k.ú. village Závod, okres Malacky, Bratislava region on land with parcel number 3146/3, registered on the ownership deed no.1465. The owner of the plot is the village Závod. On the land is a registered building with inventory number 81. The project contributes to the fulfilment of a number of measurement indicators, which are detailed in section 7.3 Situation after project implementation and success of the project (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
Revision as of 13:52, 24 September 2021
Project Q3100920 in Slovakia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | M conversion and extension to Z with M Plant |
Project Q3100920 in Slovakia |
168,931.6 Euro
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337,863.2 Euro
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0.5 percent
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1 June 2019
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1 November 2020
0 references
0 references