Cloud of the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic (Q3099160): Difference between revisions

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Ministerstvo vnútra Slovenskej republiky
Property / beneficiary name (string): Ministerstvo vnútra Slovenskej republiky / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary
Predmetom  projektu „Cloud Ministerstva vnu?tra SR.“ , bude vybudovanie ries?enia poskytuju?ceho IaaS sluz?by. Budovanie cloudovy?ch sluz?ieb preva?dzkovany?ch v nadrezortny?ch da?tovy?ch centra?ch je komplexna? a c?asovo na?roc?na? u?loha a preto su? budovane? v itera?cia?ch. Prva? c?ast? ries?enia IaaS vytvorila inicia?lne prostredie umiestnene? v novovybudovanom nadrezortnom da?tovom centre Ministerstva financii? SR, ktore? je prima?rne urc?ene? pre nove? projekty informac?ny?ch syste?mov preva?dzkovane? vo vla?dnom cloude. Inicia?lne prostredie umoz?nilo „proof of concept (PoC)“ pre nadrezortny? cloud, definovanie technologicky?ch s?tandardov a preva?dzkovy?ch procesov, poskytuje vysoko dostupne? s?ka?lovatel?ne? a bezpec?ne? IaaS sluz?by pre vy?vojove?, testovacie, predprodukc?ne? a produkc?ne? prostredia novy?ch informac?ny?ch syste?mov. Tento projekt predstavuje implementa?ciu IKT infras?truktu?ry pre poskytovanie IaaS sluz?ieb v datacentre MV SR, ktore? predstavuje druhu? c?ast? ries?enia „IKT infras?truktu?ry pre IaaS“, ktore? je rozs?i?rene? o funkcionalitu replika?cie medzi datacentrom MV SR a datacentrom MF SR. Navrhovane? ries?enie umoz?ni? jednoduchy? pri?stup k IaaS sluz?ba?m na vyz?iadanie vo virtua?lnom prostredi?. Tieto sluz?by mo?z?u byt? pridel?ovane? alebo uvol?n?ovane? s flexibilny?m c?asovy?m obmedzeni?m a to na za?klade volitel?ne?ho s?ka?lovania, neza?visle od lokality zdrojov, pri?stupu k nim a bez nutnosti osobne?ho kontaktu s poskytovatel?om IaaS sluz?by. V d?als?i?ch c?astiach bude ries?enie postupne spri?stupn?ovat? sluz?by IaaS, nesko?r PaaS a na?sledne SaaS jednotlivy?m ins?titu?cia?m s?ta?tnej spra?vy v poz?adovanom rozsahu a prevezme zodpovednost? za starostlivost? o ich IT zdroje. Fina?lny stav vyu?sti do optimaliza?cie a zefekti?vnenia vyuz?i?vania zariadeni? a prostriedkov a do potencia?lu na zni?z?enie na?kladov na informac?ne? a komunikac?ne? technolo?gie. Pri definovaní požiadaviek na výkon a iné parametre riešenia projektu sa vychádza z rovnakých požiadaviek, aké sú definované v s?tu?dii uskutoc?nitel?nosti MF SR 17. septembra 2014 pod názvom „IKT infras?truktu?ra pre IaaS c?ast? 1“( Tabužka 3 Predpokladaný minimálny rozsah IKT infras?truktu?ry), ktoré sú rozs?i?rené o požiadavky na zabezpečenie DR spo?sobilosti?. Tieto požiadavky zabezpečia iniciálne prostredie umiestnené v dátovom centre Ministerstva vnútra SR, ktoré bude primárne urc?ene? pre všetky nové projekty informac?ny?ch syste?mov preva?dzkovane? vo vla?dnom cloude (v celkovom odhadovanom počte 40). Navrhovane? riešenie je vzhžadom na odhadované potreby projektov na najbližších 24 mesiacov skôr minimalistické, umoz?n?uje s?ka?lovanie v za?vislosti od aktua?lnych poz?iadaviek realizovany?ch projektov, pričom riešenie je modulárne a do budúcna jednoducho rozšíritežné. Predpokladany? minima?lny rozsah IKT infras?truktu?ry: •              Inicia?lny poc?et nasadzovany?ch IS projektov z oblastí: PaaS, SaaS, agendových a iných rezortných IS, nových IS budovaných vrámci OPII, DR scenárov pre systémy implementované na IaaS čas 1 infraštruktúry – 40o              40 informačných systémov (minimalne eGovernment cloud PaaS, eGovernment cloud SaaS, Aplikačná a dátová vrstva, bezpečnos, podporné a administratívne činnosti, Rozvoj verejnej správy, spoločné agendy, špecializované agendy, navigácia a interakcia s verejnou správou, životné situácie) •              Priemerny? poc?et prostredi? pre jeden IS projekt – 4 (kombina?cia nasledovny?ch prostredi?: vy?vojove?, integrac?ne?, testovacie, predprodukc?ne?, s?koliace, produkc?ne?) •              Priemerny? poc?et vrstiev logickej architektu?ry pre jedno prostredie – 3 •              Minima?lny poc?et virtua?lnych serverov na kaz?dej jednej vrstve pre jednotlive? prostredia:o              Vy?vojove? : 1o              Integrac?ne? : 1o              Testovanie : 2o              (Pred)produkc?ne?/s?koliace: 2 •              Priemerny? vy?kon jedne?ho virtua?lneho servera (cores, RAM, HDD)o              Vy?vojove? : 2 core, 32 GB RAM, 1 TB HDDo              Integrac?ne? : 2 core, 32 GB RAM, 1 TB HDDo              Testovanie : 4 core, 64 GB RAM, 2 TB HDDo              (Pred)produkc?ne?/s?koliace: 4 core, 128 GB RAM, 2 TB HDD Z pohl?adu pridel?ovania zdrojov poskytuje navrhovane? ries?enie vy?raznu? flexibilitu. V pri?pade z?e rea?lne poz?iadavky na poc?ty vrstiev, prostredi?, serverov, sluz?ieb a pod. budu? vys?s?ie / niz?s?ie oproti predpokladom, navrhovane? ries?enie umoz?ni? dynamicky zmenit? jednotlive? poc?ty v za?vislosti od aktua?lnych syste?movy?ch poz?iadaviek pre jednotlive? prostredia a aj preto je potrebne? cha?pat? tu?to konfigura?ciu ako minimálnu. (Slovak)
Property / summary: Predmetom  projektu „Cloud Ministerstva vnu?tra SR.“ , bude vybudovanie ries?enia poskytuju?ceho IaaS sluz?by. Budovanie cloudovy?ch sluz?ieb preva?dzkovany?ch v nadrezortny?ch da?tovy?ch centra?ch je komplexna? a c?asovo na?roc?na? u?loha a preto su? budovane? v itera?cia?ch. Prva? c?ast? ries?enia IaaS vytvorila inicia?lne prostredie umiestnene? v novovybudovanom nadrezortnom da?tovom centre Ministerstva financii? SR, ktore? je prima?rne urc?ene? pre nove? projekty informac?ny?ch syste?mov preva?dzkovane? vo vla?dnom cloude. Inicia?lne prostredie umoz?nilo „proof of concept (PoC)“ pre nadrezortny? cloud, definovanie technologicky?ch s?tandardov a preva?dzkovy?ch procesov, poskytuje vysoko dostupne? s?ka?lovatel?ne? a bezpec?ne? IaaS sluz?by pre vy?vojove?, testovacie, predprodukc?ne? a produkc?ne? prostredia novy?ch informac?ny?ch syste?mov. Tento projekt predstavuje implementa?ciu IKT infras?truktu?ry pre poskytovanie IaaS sluz?ieb v datacentre MV SR, ktore? predstavuje druhu? c?ast? ries?enia „IKT infras?truktu?ry pre IaaS“, ktore? je rozs?i?rene? o funkcionalitu replika?cie medzi datacentrom MV SR a datacentrom MF SR. Navrhovane? ries?enie umoz?ni? jednoduchy? pri?stup k IaaS sluz?ba?m na vyz?iadanie vo virtua?lnom prostredi?. Tieto sluz?by mo?z?u byt? pridel?ovane? alebo uvol?n?ovane? s flexibilny?m c?asovy?m obmedzeni?m a to na za?klade volitel?ne?ho s?ka?lovania, neza?visle od lokality zdrojov, pri?stupu k nim a bez nutnosti osobne?ho kontaktu s poskytovatel?om IaaS sluz?by. V d?als?i?ch c?astiach bude ries?enie postupne spri?stupn?ovat? sluz?by IaaS, nesko?r PaaS a na?sledne SaaS jednotlivy?m ins?titu?cia?m s?ta?tnej spra?vy v poz?adovanom rozsahu a prevezme zodpovednost? za starostlivost? o ich IT zdroje. Fina?lny stav vyu?sti do optimaliza?cie a zefekti?vnenia vyuz?i?vania zariadeni? a prostriedkov a do potencia?lu na zni?z?enie na?kladov na informac?ne? a komunikac?ne? technolo?gie. Pri definovaní požiadaviek na výkon a iné parametre riešenia projektu sa vychádza z rovnakých požiadaviek, aké sú definované v s?tu?dii uskutoc?nitel?nosti MF SR 17. septembra 2014 pod názvom „IKT infras?truktu?ra pre IaaS c?ast? 1“( Tabužka 3 Predpokladaný minimálny rozsah IKT infras?truktu?ry), ktoré sú rozs?i?rené o požiadavky na zabezpečenie DR spo?sobilosti?. Tieto požiadavky zabezpečia iniciálne prostredie umiestnené v dátovom centre Ministerstva vnútra SR, ktoré bude primárne urc?ene? pre všetky nové projekty informac?ny?ch syste?mov preva?dzkovane? vo vla?dnom cloude (v celkovom odhadovanom počte 40). Navrhovane? riešenie je vzhžadom na odhadované potreby projektov na najbližších 24 mesiacov skôr minimalistické, umoz?n?uje s?ka?lovanie v za?vislosti od aktua?lnych poz?iadaviek realizovany?ch projektov, pričom riešenie je modulárne a do budúcna jednoducho rozšíritežné. Predpokladany? minima?lny rozsah IKT infras?truktu?ry: •              Inicia?lny poc?et nasadzovany?ch IS projektov z oblastí: PaaS, SaaS, agendových a iných rezortných IS, nových IS budovaných vrámci OPII, DR scenárov pre systémy implementované na IaaS čas 1 infraštruktúry – 40o              40 informačných systémov (minimalne eGovernment cloud PaaS, eGovernment cloud SaaS, Aplikačná a dátová vrstva, bezpečnos, podporné a administratívne činnosti, Rozvoj verejnej správy, spoločné agendy, špecializované agendy, navigácia a interakcia s verejnou správou, životné situácie) •              Priemerny? poc?et prostredi? pre jeden IS projekt – 4 (kombina?cia nasledovny?ch prostredi?: vy?vojove?, integrac?ne?, testovacie, predprodukc?ne?, s?koliace, produkc?ne?) •              Priemerny? poc?et vrstiev logickej architektu?ry pre jedno prostredie – 3 •              Minima?lny poc?et virtua?lnych serverov na kaz?dej jednej vrstve pre jednotlive? prostredia:o              Vy?vojove? : 1o              Integrac?ne? : 1o              Testovanie : 2o              (Pred)produkc?ne?/s?koliace: 2 •              Priemerny? vy?kon jedne?ho virtua?lneho servera (cores, RAM, HDD)o              Vy?vojove? : 2 core, 32 GB RAM, 1 TB HDDo              Integrac?ne? : 2 core, 32 GB RAM, 1 TB HDDo              Testovanie : 4 core, 64 GB RAM, 2 TB HDDo              (Pred)produkc?ne?/s?koliace: 4 core, 128 GB RAM, 2 TB HDD Z pohl?adu pridel?ovania zdrojov poskytuje navrhovane? ries?enie vy?raznu? flexibilitu. V pri?pade z?e rea?lne poz?iadavky na poc?ty vrstiev, prostredi?, serverov, sluz?ieb a pod. budu? vys?s?ie / niz?s?ie oproti predpokladom, navrhovane? ries?enie umoz?ni? dynamicky zmenit? jednotlive? poc?ty v za?vislosti od aktua?lnych syste?movy?ch poz?iadaviek pre jednotlive? prostredia a aj preto je potrebne? cha?pat? tu?to konfigura?ciu ako minimálnu. (Slovak) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary
The subject of the Cloud project of the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic will be to build a solution to the IaaS service. Building cloud services predominates in the above-departmental data centers is a complexFor a period of time the task and therefore it is built in Iteracias. The first part of the IaaS solutions has created an initial environment located in the newly built Superministerial Data Centre of the Ministry of Finance? The Slovak Republic, which is prima facie determined for new projects of information systems, predominates in the last cloud. The initial environment has been used by proof of concept (PoC) for superministered cloud, definition of technological standards and predominant processes, providing a highly accessible recorder and safe and secure environment I have services for development testing, pre-production and production environments of new information systems. This project represents the implementation of ICT INFRAS infrastructure for the provision of IaaS services in the data centre of the Ministry of the Interior, which represents the kind of part of the ICT INFRAS responses to IaaS, which is enhanced by the functionality of the replication between the data centre of the Ministry of the Interior and the data centre of the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic. Proposed solutions to make easy access to IaaS service in Virtua’s environment. These services can be assigned or released with a flexible time limit, based on the basis of the electorate, independent of the location of the resources, access to them and without the need for personal contact with the IaaS service provider. In other countries, the solution will gradually be adapted to the services of IaaS, non-PaaS and then SaaS to individual institutions with the required resources and take responsibility for the care of their IT resources. The financial state uses to optimise and streamline the use of equipment and resources and to reduce the cost of information and communication technology. When defining the requirements for performance and other parameters for the solution of the project, the same requirements are taken as defined in the Ministry of Finance on 17 September 2014 under the title ICT INFRAS Structure for IaaS?ast? Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Provisioned minimum range of ICT INFRAS Structures) that are added to the requirements to ensure DR reliability. These requirements will provide an initial environment located in the data centre of the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic, which will primarily be determined for all new projects of information systems prevailing in the last cloud (a total estimated 40). In view of the estimated needs of the projects for the next 24 months, the proposed solution is rather minimalistic, makes it easier to resolve depending on the actual requirements of the implemented projects, while the solution is modular and easy to expand in the future. Presuppose a minimum range of ICT INFRAS Structure: Initial number of IS projects from the following areas: PaaS, SaaS, agenda and other departmental IS, new IS built within OPII, DR scenarios for systems implemented on IaaS time 1 infrastructure 40o 40 information systems (minimum eGovernment cloud PaaS, eGovernment cloud SaaS, Application and data layer, security, support and administrative activities, development of public administration, common agendas, specialised agendas, navigation and interaction with public administration, life situations) average number of media for one IS project 4 (combination of following environments: developmental integrated testing, pre-production, training, production) average number of layers of logic architect for one environment 3 Minimises of Virtua’s servers on each single layer for each environment: what development? 1o Integrac? 1o Testing: 2o (Before)Producer/Training: 2 average performance of one Virtual server (cores, RAM, HDD) about your development? 2 core, 32 GB RAM, 1 TB HDDo Integrac?ne? 2 core, 32 GB RAM, 1 TB HDDo Testing: 4 core, 64 GB RAM, 2 TB HDDo (before)production/training: 4 core, 128 GB RAM, 2 TB HDD Z resource allocation perspective provides the suggested solution of significant flexibility. In the case of relative requirements for the number of layers, mediators, services, etc., there will be a greater/noise compared to the assumptions, the proposed solution to dynamically change the individual values depending on the current system of requirements for individual environments and that is why it is necessary to adapt this configuration as a minimum. (English)
Property / summary: The subject of the Cloud project of the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic will be to build a solution to the IaaS service. Building cloud services predominates in the above-departmental data centers is a complexFor a period of time the task and therefore it is built in Iteracias. The first part of the IaaS solutions has created an initial environment located in the newly built Superministerial Data Centre of the Ministry of Finance? The Slovak Republic, which is prima facie determined for new projects of information systems, predominates in the last cloud. The initial environment has been used by proof of concept (PoC) for superministered cloud, definition of technological standards and predominant processes, providing a highly accessible recorder and safe and secure environment I have services for development testing, pre-production and production environments of new information systems. This project represents the implementation of ICT INFRAS infrastructure for the provision of IaaS services in the data centre of the Ministry of the Interior, which represents the kind of part of the ICT INFRAS responses to IaaS, which is enhanced by the functionality of the replication between the data centre of the Ministry of the Interior and the data centre of the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic. Proposed solutions to make easy access to IaaS service in Virtua’s environment. These services can be assigned or released with a flexible time limit, based on the basis of the electorate, independent of the location of the resources, access to them and without the need for personal contact with the IaaS service provider. In other countries, the solution will gradually be adapted to the services of IaaS, non-PaaS and then SaaS to individual institutions with the required resources and take responsibility for the care of their IT resources. The financial state uses to optimise and streamline the use of equipment and resources and to reduce the cost of information and communication technology. When defining the requirements for performance and other parameters for the solution of the project, the same requirements are taken as defined in the Ministry of Finance on 17 September 2014 under the title ICT INFRAS Structure for IaaS?ast? Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Provisioned minimum range of ICT INFRAS Structures) that are added to the requirements to ensure DR reliability. These requirements will provide an initial environment located in the data centre of the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic, which will primarily be determined for all new projects of information systems prevailing in the last cloud (a total estimated 40). In view of the estimated needs of the projects for the next 24 months, the proposed solution is rather minimalistic, makes it easier to resolve depending on the actual requirements of the implemented projects, while the solution is modular and easy to expand in the future. Presuppose a minimum range of ICT INFRAS Structure: Initial number of IS projects from the following areas: PaaS, SaaS, agenda and other departmental IS, new IS built within OPII, DR scenarios for systems implemented on IaaS time 1 infrastructure 40o 40 information systems (minimum eGovernment cloud PaaS, eGovernment cloud SaaS, Application and data layer, security, support and administrative activities, development of public administration, common agendas, specialised agendas, navigation and interaction with public administration, life situations) average number of media for one IS project 4 (combination of following environments: developmental integrated testing, pre-production, training, production) average number of layers of logic architect for one environment 3 Minimises of Virtua’s servers on each single layer for each environment: what development? 1o Integrac? 1o Testing: 2o (Before)Producer/Training: 2 average performance of one Virtual server (cores, RAM, HDD) about your development? 2 core, 32 GB RAM, 1 TB HDDo Integrac?ne? 2 core, 32 GB RAM, 1 TB HDDo Testing: 4 core, 64 GB RAM, 2 TB HDDo (before)production/training: 4 core, 128 GB RAM, 2 TB HDD Z resource allocation perspective provides the suggested solution of significant flexibility. In the case of relative requirements for the number of layers, mediators, services, etc., there will be a greater/noise compared to the assumptions, the proposed solution to dynamically change the individual values depending on the current system of requirements for individual environments and that is why it is necessary to adapt this configuration as a minimum. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The subject of the Cloud project of the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic will be to build a solution to the IaaS service. Building cloud services predominates in the above-departmental data centers is a complexFor a period of time the task and therefore it is built in Iteracias. The first part of the IaaS solutions has created an initial environment located in the newly built Superministerial Data Centre of the Ministry of Finance? The Slovak Republic, which is prima facie determined for new projects of information systems, predominates in the last cloud. The initial environment has been used by proof of concept (PoC) for superministered cloud, definition of technological standards and predominant processes, providing a highly accessible recorder and safe and secure environment I have services for development testing, pre-production and production environments of new information systems. This project represents the implementation of ICT INFRAS infrastructure for the provision of IaaS services in the data centre of the Ministry of the Interior, which represents the kind of part of the ICT INFRAS responses to IaaS, which is enhanced by the functionality of the replication between the data centre of the Ministry of the Interior and the data centre of the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic. Proposed solutions to make easy access to IaaS service in Virtua’s environment. These services can be assigned or released with a flexible time limit, based on the basis of the electorate, independent of the location of the resources, access to them and without the need for personal contact with the IaaS service provider. In other countries, the solution will gradually be adapted to the services of IaaS, non-PaaS and then SaaS to individual institutions with the required resources and take responsibility for the care of their IT resources. The financial state uses to optimise and streamline the use of equipment and resources and to reduce the cost of information and communication technology. When defining the requirements for performance and other parameters for the solution of the project, the same requirements are taken as defined in the Ministry of Finance on 17 September 2014 under the title ICT INFRAS Structure for IaaS?ast? Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Provisioned minimum range of ICT INFRAS Structures) that are added to the requirements to ensure DR reliability. These requirements will provide an initial environment located in the data centre of the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic, which will primarily be determined for all new projects of information systems prevailing in the last cloud (a total estimated 40). In view of the estimated needs of the projects for the next 24 months, the proposed solution is rather minimalistic, makes it easier to resolve depending on the actual requirements of the implemented projects, while the solution is modular and easy to expand in the future. Presuppose a minimum range of ICT INFRAS Structure: Initial number of IS projects from the following areas: PaaS, SaaS, agenda and other departmental IS, new IS built within OPII, DR scenarios for systems implemented on IaaS time 1 infrastructure 40o 40 information systems (minimum eGovernment cloud PaaS, eGovernment cloud SaaS, Application and data layer, security, support and administrative activities, development of public administration, common agendas, specialised agendas, navigation and interaction with public administration, life situations) average number of media for one IS project 4 (combination of following environments: developmental integrated testing, pre-production, training, production) average number of layers of logic architect for one environment 3 Minimises of Virtua’s servers on each single layer for each environment: what development? 1o Integrac? 1o Testing: 2o (Before)Producer/Training: 2 average performance of one Virtual server (cores, RAM, HDD) about your development? 2 core, 32 GB RAM, 1 TB HDDo Integrac?ne? 2 core, 32 GB RAM, 1 TB HDDo Testing: 4 core, 64 GB RAM, 2 TB HDDo (before)production/training: 4 core, 128 GB RAM, 2 TB HDD Z resource allocation perspective provides the suggested solution of significant flexibility. In the case of relative requirements for the number of layers, mediators, services, etc., there will be a greater/noise compared to the assumptions, the proposed solution to dynamically change the individual values depending on the current system of requirements for individual environments and that is why it is necessary to adapt this configuration as a minimum. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 15 September 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 13:47, 24 September 2021

Project Q3099160 in Slovakia
Language Label Description Also known as
Cloud of the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic
Project Q3099160 in Slovakia



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