Restart – Reintegration in Education, START for your career! (Q3098598): Difference between revisions

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Property / co-financing rate
0.83 percent
Amount0.83 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 0.83 percent / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 11:23, 27 September 2021

Project Q3098598 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Restart – Reintegration in Education, START for your career!
Project Q3098598 in Romania


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    3,926,595.58 Romanian Leu
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    785,319.116 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    4,715,504.73 Romanian Leu
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    943,100.9460000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    5 March 2021
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    31 December 2023
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului consta in cresterea numarului de tineri NEETs someri cu varsta cuprinsa intre 16-24 de ani inregistrati la SPO, care se reintorc in educatie, prin includerea unui numar de 382 de NEETs in programe “A doua sansa”, precum si prin cresterea gradului de constientizare cu privire la importanta mentinerii in scoala a elevilor si a reducerii parasirii timpurii a scolii. Proiectul isi propune o serie de masuri de prevenire, interventie si compensare, cu accent special pe interventii la nivel de scoala si elev. Activitatile proiectuui au scopul de a ajuta sa se reintegreze, intr-un program de educatie acele persoane care au parasit prematur sistemul de educatie, oferindu-le acestora caile adecvate prin care sa poata reintra in sistemul de educatie si formare profesionala. Politicile de compensare includ programe de reintegrare scolara „a doua sansa”, care ofera medii de invatare ce sunt menite sa raspunda nevoilor specifice ale tinerilor care au parasit prematur sistemul de educatie, sa recunoasca si sa identifice cunostintele existente si sa le sustina demersul. Aceste programe sunt diferite de cele scolare, atat in ceea ce priveste abordarile organizationale, cat si cele pedagogice si sunt caracterizate de grupuri mici de studiu, de predare personalizata, adaptata varstei cursantilor, inovativa, precum si de trasee educationale flexibile. Interventiile planificate in cadrul proiectului urmaresc actiuni de sprijin axate pe cresterea accesului la masuri de educatie pentru tinerii NEETs someri care au abandonat curusrile invatamantului primar si/sau gimnazial inainte de finalizarea acestuia, acestea se erefera la susitenera educationala, psihologica, sociala etc. Obiectivul proiectului contribuie direct la obiectivul major POCU si obiectivul specific 6.1., sustinand dezvoltarea resursele umane prin cresterea numarului de tineri NEETs someri cu varsta intre 16-24 ani, inregistrati la SPO care se reintorc in educatie, prin cresterea gradului de constientizare cu privire la importanta educatiei, servicii de consiliere si orientare in cariera, includerea a 382 de NEETs in programe A Doua Sansa, precum si participarea a 39 de tineri la stagii de pregatire practica. Dezvoltarea resurselor umane reprezinta unul dintre elementele fundamentale ale cresterii accesului la servicii accesibile, durabile si de inalta calitate, fiind pilonul incluziunii sociale si al combaterii saraciei. Pe termen lung, proiectul are efecte pozitive prin facilitarea accesului la masuri de educatie pentru tinerii NEETs someri care au abandonat scoala prin oferirea de servicii de consiliere si orientare in cariera, includerea acestora in programe A Doua Sansa, facilitarea obtinerii unei calificari. In acest sens se vor genera efecte benefice pe termen lung cu privire la cresterea gradului de constientizare cu privire la importanta educatiei si a rolului acesteia, scaderea ratei abandonului scolar, reducerea somajului in randul tinerilor cu varsta cu (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to increase the number of unemployed NEETs between 16-24 years old registered with the SPO, who return to education, by including a number of 382 NEETs in “Second Chance” programs, as well as by increasing awareness about the importance of maintaining pupils in school and reducing early school leaving. The project proposes a series of preventive, intervention and compensation measures, with special emphasis on interventions at school and student level. The project’s activities aim to help to reintegrate into an education program those people who have left the education system prematurely, giving them the right ways to re-enter the education and training system. Compensation policies include “second chance” school reintegration programs that offer learning environments that are designed to meet the specific needs of young people who have left the education system prematurely, to recognise and identify existing knowledge and to support their efforts. These programs are different from the school, both in terms of organizational and pedagogical approaches and are characterised by small study groups, personalised teaching, adapted to the age of learners, innovative, as well as flexible educational paths. The planned interventions within the project follow support actions focused on increasing access to education measures for unemployed NEETs who abandoned the curus of primary and/or secondary education before its completion, these relate to educational, psychological, social support etc. The project’s objective contributes directly to the main objective POCU and specific objective 6.1. supporting the development of human resources by increasing the number of young unemployed NEETs aged 16-24, registered at the SPO who return to education, by increasing awareness about the importance of education, counselling and career guidance services, the inclusion of 382 NEETs in Second chance programs, as well as the participation of 39 young people in internships. Human resources development is one of the fundamental elements of increasing access to accessible, sustainable and high-quality services, being the pillar of social inclusion and combating poverty. In the long term, the project has positive effects by facilitating access to education measures for unemployed NEETs who have left school by providing counselling and career guidance services, including them in Second chance programs, facilitating the achievement of a qualification. In this regard, there will be long-term beneficial effects in terms of increasing awareness about the importance of education and its role, lowering the rate of school dropout, reducing unemployment among young people with age (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Judeţul Suceava, Romania
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