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Revision as of 12:43, 27 September 2021
Project Q3098012 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Count on us, together we'll make it! |
Project Q3098012 in Romania |
4,879,223.05 Romanian Leu
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5,740,262.4 Romanian Leu
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1,148,052.4800000002 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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1 May 2020
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30 April 2023
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Ideea proiectului a pornit de la portofoliul organizational a celor 3 parteneri care au experienta in furnizarea de servicii grupurilor vulnerabile, in special copii. Solicitantul furnizeaza servicii copiilor aflati in situatii vulnerabile inca din 1999. P1 si P2 sunt organizatii mai tinere care care in ultimii ani au implementat proiecte adresate direct copiilor in risc de saracioe, intr-o abordare integrata la nivel de comunitate. Astef, toti cei 3 parteneri, in activitatea curenta, au intalnit situatii dificile in care au trebuit sa se concentreze si pe riscul separarii copilul de familie. Credem ca institutionalizarea este decizia de evitat, si ca eforturile trebuie orientate catre prevenirea separarii, intarirea familiei si pastrarea copilului in mijlocul familiei, atunci cand siguranta nu le e pusa in pericol. Specific in acest proiect ne propunem sa abordam cauza nr 1 corelata cu separarea copiilor de familie: saracia. Din studiile realizate, 70% dintre parintii care au deciz pentru institutionalizarea copilului decalara ca si cauza pruncipala saracia. Abordarea acestui fenomen social reprezentat de riscul de saracie o dorim ca fiind una complexa, urmarind inclusiv promovarea egalitatii de sanse si nediscriminarea sau desegregarea, implicand copilul, parintii/tutorele, actorii sociali relevanti (servicii sociale publice sau private, scoala etc), precum si comunitatea. Romaniei se afla in continuare pe locul I in clasamentul riscului de saracie la copii in Europa. Peste 49,2% dintre cei cu varsta intre 0 si 17 ani sunt in risc de saracie, aproximativ 30% sunt fiind expusi la deprivare materiala severa si persistenta. Saracia pe ansamblu este mai ridicata in mediul rural, existand o discrepanta mare intre calitatea vietii si accesul la resurse intre mediul urban si cel rural. Nivelul scazut de educatie este un factor agravant, 51% din persoanele cu educatie precara aflandu-se la risc ridicat de saracie si excluziune. Locuinta neadecvata, numarul mare de persoane din gospodarie, nivelul ocupational scazut cresc de asemenea in mod considerabil vuln acestor categ de pers. Problematica copiilor apartinand etniei rome continua sa fie o tema imp. Apartenenta la etnia roma creste cu 37% riscul unui copil de a fi sarac, iar saracia este direct relationata cu abandonul scolar/nivelul scazut de educatie. Lectiile de bune practici europene incep cu Strategia Europa 2020 care recomanda in ceea ce priveste reducerea riscului de separare a copilului de familie ”accesul populației la centre de îngrijire a copiilor” (pagina 21), ceea ce presupune servicii sociale de sprijin cu scopul evitarii institutionalizarii si intaririi familiei pentru a depasi momentul dificil. La momentul elaborarii cererii de finantare din statistica oficial de pe site-ul Ministerului Muncii si Justitiei Sociale cunoastem faptul ca in Baia Mare exista 5 servicii sociale de tip 8891CZ-C-II infiintate, pe cand in Sighetu Marmatiei exista un singur centru care pot furniza statisti (Romanian)
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The idea of the project started from the organizational portfolio of the 3 partners who have experience in providing services to vulnerable groups, especially children. The applicant has been providing services to children in vulnerable situations since 1999. P1 and P2 are younger organisations that in recent years have implemented projects directly addressed to children at risk of saracioe, in an integrated approach at community level. Astef, all 3 partners, in the current activity, encountered difficult situations in which they had to focus on the risk of separating the child from the family. We believe that institutionalisation is the decision to avoid, and that efforts must be directed towards preventing separation, strengthening the family and keeping the child in the middle of the family, when their safety is not endangered. Specifically in this project we aim to address case no. 1 related to the separation of children from the family: the poor thing. From the studies conducted, 70 % of the parents who decided for the institutionalisation of the child’s decalar as the primary cause of poverty. Addressing this social phenomenon represented by the risk of poverty is a complex one, including promoting equal opportunities and non-discrimination or desegregation, involving the child, parents/guardians, relevant social actors (public or private social services, school, etc.), as well as the community. Romania still ranks first in the risk of poverty in children in Europe. Over 49.2 % of those aged 0 to 17 are at risk of poverty, about 30 % are exposed to severe and persistent material deprivation. Poverty on the whole is higher in rural areas, with a large discrepancy between quality of life and access to resources between urban and rural areas. The low level of education is an aggravating factor, with 51 % of people with poor education at high risk of poverty and exclusion. The inadequate dwelling, the large number of people in the household, the low occupational level also considerably increase the vuln of these pers. The issue of children belonging to Roma continues to be an imp. Belonging to Roma increases by 37 % the risk of a child being poor, and poverty is directly related to school dropout/low level of education. European best practice lessons start with the Europe 2020 strategy that recommends in terms of reducing the risk of separating the child from the family “access to childcare facilities” (page 21), which requires social support services in order to avoid institutionalisation and strengthening the family in order to overcome the difficult moment. At the time of drawing up the financing application from official statistics on the website of the Ministry of Labour and Social Justice we know that in Baia Mare there are 5 social services of type 8891CZ-C-II established, while in Sighetu Marmatiei there is only one center that can provide statists (English)
16 September 2021
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Municipiul Baia Mare, Romania
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Municipiul Sighetu Marmaţiei, Romania
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