Entrepreneurship – Sustainable employment solution (Q3096806): Difference between revisions
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Revision as of 10:28, 17 September 2021
Project Q3096806 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Entrepreneurship – Sustainable employment solution |
Project Q3096806 in Romania |
11,162,751.94 Romanian Leu
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13,132,649.21 Romanian Leu
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0.85 percent
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3 January 2018
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31 December 2020
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Obiectiv general Dezvoltarea antreprenoriatului prin imbunatatirea competentelor si abilitatilor antreprenoriale si sprijinirea infiintarii si dezvoltarii de noi firme, ca oportunitate pentru dezvoltare regionala si cresterea gradului de ocupare in Regiunea Sud-Est. În cadrul acestui proiect se va promova antreprenoriatul si se asigura suport, inclusiv financiar, pentru înfiinţarea de 60 noi firme nonagricole competitive in mediul economic urban, initiate de persoane competente in domeniul antreprenorial, care vor oferi solutii pentru valorificarea forţei de muncă locale si regionale; rezultatul acestor activitati va fi reprezentat de angajarea unui numar de minim 120 persoane, creand astfel premisele pentru atingerea independentei financiare a individului, cresterea ocuparii in Regiunea Sud-Est. Promovarea antreprenoriatului va contribui la aducerea in prim plan, in randul opiniei publice din Romania, a importantei dezvoltarii antreprenoriatului, a ocuparii pe cont propriu prin incurajarea dezvoltarii unor astfel de initiative si cresterea economico-sociala bazata pe principiile echitatii, cetateniei active, solidaritatii, participarii democratice, transparentei si nediscriminarii. Proiectul va promova dialogul social si consultarea partenerilor sociali in abordarea provocarilor sociale la nivel local; acesta este esential pentru functionarea unei economii sociale de piata si crucial pentru promovarea competitivitatii si echitatii, in elaborarea politicilor reprezentand inovare sociala majora. Proiectul va aborda si aplicarea de solutii inovatoare in implementarea unora dintre activitati, va promova si aplica in implementare principiile egalitatii de sanse, nediscriminarii, egalitatea intre femei si barbati si dezvoltarii durabile. Proiectul va genera efecte pozitive pe termen lung, astfel: • competentele antreprenoriale dobandite de grupul tinta, atat prin programul de formare, stagii de mentorat personalizate, ateliere lucru, dar si acordarea serviciilor de consiliere/consultanta personalizate vor duce la cresterea sustenabilitatii afacerilor; persoanele care vor primi sprijin in infiintarea si dezvoltarea afacerii vor continua sa aplice in continuare acest model inovativ in dezvoltarea afacerilor create, ceea ce, pe termen lung, le va oferi si asumarea unui rol social nou, acela de contributor la resursele locale generatoare de dezvoltare durabila. • persoanele care au dobandit competente antreprenoriale si nu au beneficiat de sprijin pentru infiintarea de firme vor continua sa-si imbunatateasca mai departe competentele si planurile de afacere si vor dori, in timp, sa creeze propria afacere • se vor reduce semnificativ costurile individuale precum pierderea sursei de venit, stress si alte probleme de sanatate, diminuarea abilitatilor profesionale, demotivare privind mentinerea pe piata muncii si va creste nivelul de trai pentru cele 120 de persoane angajate in cadrul celor 60 de intreprinderi nou infiintate p (Romanian)
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General objective Entrepreneurship development by improving entrepreneurial skills and skills and supporting the establishment and development of new companies, as an opportunity for regional development and employment growth in the South-East Region. Within this project will promote entrepreneurship and provide support, including financial support, for the establishment of 60 new competitive non-agricultural companies in the urban economic environment, initiated by persons competent in the entrepreneurial field, which will provide solutions for capitalising on the local and regional workforce; the result of these activities will be the employment of a minimum of 120 people, thus creating the prerequisites for achieving the individual’s financial independence, increasing the occupation in the South-East Region. Promoting entrepreneurship will contribute to bringing to the forefront, among the public opinion in Romania, the importance of developing entrepreneurship, self-employment by encouraging the development of such initiatives and economic and social growth based on the principles of equity, active citizenship, solidarity, democratic participation, transparency and non-discrimination. The project will promote social dialogue and consultation of social partners in addressing social challenges at local level; it is essential for the functioning of a social market economy and crucial for promoting competitiveness and equity, in policy making representing major social innovation. The project will also address the application of innovative solutions in the implementation of some of the activities, promote and implement the principles of equal opportunities, non-discrimination, equality between women and men and sustainable development. The project will generate positive long-term effects, as follows: • entrepreneurial skills acquired by the target group, both through the training program, personalised mentoring internships, workshops, but also the provision of personalised counselling/consultancy services will increase business sustainability; the people who will receive support in setting up and developing the business will continue to apply this innovative model in the development of created businesses, which, in the long term, will also offer them a new social role, that of contributing to local resources generating sustainable development. • people who have acquired entrepreneurial skills and have not received support for the establishment of companies will continue to further improve their skills and business plans and will want, over time, to create their own business • will significantly reduce individual costs such as loss of income, stress and other health problems, diminishing professional skills, demotivation regarding maintenance on the labour market and will increase the standard of living for the 120 people employed in the 60 newly established enterprises (English)
16 September 2021
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