Equipping and equipping Novaci City Hospital in order to increase the capacity to manage the health crisis caused by the COVID-19 virus (Q3099406): Difference between revisions
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Revision as of 16:23, 23 September 2021
Project Q3099406 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Equipping and equipping Novaci City Hospital in order to increase the capacity to manage the health crisis caused by the COVID-19 virus |
Project Q3099406 in Romania |
4,758,238.3 Romanian Leu
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4,758,238.3 Romanian Leu
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10 November 2020
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30 April 2021
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Cresterea capacitatii spitalului Orasenesc Novaci de gestionare a crizei sanitare COVID-19 in contextul epidemiologic actual. Obiectivul proiectului contribuie in mod direct la indicatorul de rezultat al programului prin faptul ca achizitiile propuse in cadrul proiectului contribuie la cresterea capacitatii Solicitantului de ingrijire si tratament a cazurilor de infectie cu virusul COVID-19. Prin dotarea institutiei Solicitantului cu echipamente pentru tratament, preventie decontaminare si protectie impotriva COVID-19, se va imbunatati capacitatea de ingrijire si tratament a pacientilor, precum si gestionarea situatiei de urgenta provocata de criza Covid - 19, conducand astfel la indeplinirea indicatorului de rezultat al POIM - Capacitatea adecvata de ingrijire si tratament a cazurilor de infectie cu virusul SARS-COV-2 de gestionare a crizei sanitare. De asemenea, prin achizitiile de echipamente propuse in implementarea proiectului, se va creste capacitatea unitatii spitalicesti de preventie, ingrijire si tratament a cazurilor de infectie cu virusul SARS Cov2. Indicatorul de rezultat al POIM 2S132- Capacitatea adecvata de ingrijire si tratament a cazurilor de infectie cu virusul SARS-CoV-2/de gestionare a crizei sanitare. Indicatorul este unul calitativ: Inainte de interventia POIM: Nu- Situatia in in cadrul institutiei Solicitantului era una precara din punct de vedere al echipamentelor pentru tratarea pacientilor COVID, aparatele si echipamentele existente inainte de interventia POIM erau insuficiente si cu un grad de uzura extrem de ridicat. În contextul epidemiologic actual, Spitalul Orasenesc Novaci, conform Ordinului ministrului sanataþii nr. 555/2020 pentru aprobarea Planului de masuri pentru pregatirea spitalelor în combaterea epidemiei de coronavirus COVID -19 si a Listei spitalelor de suport pentru pacienþii testaþi pozitiv cu virusul SARS – CoV-2, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare, este desemnat centru suport COVID – 19, punand la dispozitie 20 de paturi pentru pacientii testati pozitiv cu virusul SARS Siguranţa actului medical în context epidemic implică crearea de circuite separate şi noi spaţii amenajate care să fie dotate cu aparatură medicală destinată diagnosticului şi tratamentului. De menţionat faptul că spitalul asigură în acest moment tratamentul pacienţilor testaţi pozitiv cu virusul SARS-CoV-2 si/sau suspecţi cu virusul SARS-CoV-2 şi pentru pacienţii critici din zona tampon. Pentru fiecare categorie de pacienţi dintre cele menţionate a fost alocat în cadrul spitalului un spaţiu special cu circuitele corespunzătoare. În acest context pentru asigurarea activităţii medicale în corespondenţă cu noile circuite medicale create precum şi pentru asigurarea în viitor a unui tratament corespunzător este necesară dotarea noilor circuite cu aparatură medicală atât de necesară în acest moment. Prin dotarea unităţii cu echipamentele medicale nominalizate se urmăreşte posibilitatea acordării de servicii medi (Romanian)
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Increasing the capacity of Novaci City Hospital to manage the COVID-19 health crisis in the current epidemiological context. The objective of the project contributes directly to the result indicator of the program by the fact that the acquisitions proposed within the project contribute to increasing the capacity of the Applicant for the care and treatment of COVID-19 infection cases. By equipping the Applicant’s institution with equipment for treatment, decontamination prevention and protection against COVID-19, the patient care and treatment capacity will be improved, as well as the management of the emergency situation caused by the COVID-19 crisis, thus leading to the fulfilment of the LIOP result indicator – Appropriate capacity for care and treatment of cases of infection with SARS-COV-2 virus for health crisis management. Also, through the acquisitions of equipment proposed in the implementation of the project, the capacity of the hospital unit for prevention, care and treatment of SARS Cov2 virus infection will be increased. LIOP result indicator 2S132- Appropriate capacity for care and treatment of cases of infection with SARS-CoV-2/health crisis management. The indicator is qualitative: Before the LIOP intervention: The situation within the Applicant’s institution was poor in terms of equipment for the treatment of COVID patients, the devices and equipment existing before the LIOP intervention were insufficient and with an extremely high degree of wear. In the current epidemiological context, Novaci City Hospital, according to Order No 555/2020 of the Minister of Health approving the Plan of Measures for the Preparation of Hospitals in Combating the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak and the List of Support Hospitals for Patients tested positive with SARS – CoV-2 virus, with subsequent modifications and additions, is designated COVID-19 support center, providing 20 beds for patients tested positive with SARS virus Safety of the medical act in epidemic context implies the creation of separate circuits and new arranged spaces to be equipped with medical devices intended for diagnosis and treatment. It should be noted that the hospital currently provides treatment for patients tested positive with SARS-CoV-2 virus and/or suspected SARS-CoV-2 virus and critical patients in the buffer zone. A special space with the corresponding circuits was allocated in the hospital for each of the categories of patients mentioned. In this context, in order to ensure medical activity in line with the new medical circuits created and to ensure appropriate treatment in the future, it is necessary to equip the new circuits with medical devices much needed at this time. By equipping the unit with the medical equipment nominated it is aimed at the possibility of providing medi services (English)
16 September 2021
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Oraş Novaci, Romania
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