Cooperation-Honesty-Priority-Information – C.O.P.I.I. (Q3098541): Difference between revisions

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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The general objective of the project is to stimulate participation in education of children with parents gone to work abroad and to prevent early school leaving in the region of SE and SV Oltenia by co-opting and participating in educational activities, communication and other social skills with a focus on preschoolers and pupils belonging to the Roma minority and students from rural areas/society-economically disadvantaged communities. The gene...)
(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: translated_label)
label / enlabel / en
Cooperation-Honesty-Priority-Information – C.O.P.I.I.

Revision as of 10:49, 16 September 2021

Project Q3098541 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Cooperation-Honesty-Priority-Information – C.O.P.I.I.
Project Q3098541 in Romania


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    4,052,653.51 Romanian Leu
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    810,530.702 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    4,777,000.0 Romanian Leu
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    955,400.0 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.85 percent
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    16 June 2021
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    31 December 2023
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului consta in stimularea participarii la educatie a copiilor cu parinti plecati la munca in strainatate si prevenirea fenomenului de parasire timpurie a scolii in regiunea de SE si SV Oltenia prin cooptarea si participarea acestora la activitati de educare, comunicare si alte abilitati sociale cu accent pe prescolari si elevii aparținând minorității roma și elevii din mediul rural/ comunitățile dezavantajate socio-economic. Obiectivul general contribuie la realizarea obiectivului major POCU de dezvoltare a resurselor umane prin cresterea accesului la un sistem de educatie, dar si la obiectivele specifice al acestei axe POCU, 6.2. si 6.3, care constau in cresterea participarii numarului de copii cu parinti plecati la munca in strainatate, la programe educatie, comunicare, abilitati sociale,, precum si reducerea parasirii timpurii a scolii cu accent pe prescolari si elevii aparținând minorității roma și elevii din mediul rural/ comunitățile dezavantajate socio-economic. Efectele pozitive pe termen lung ale proiectului constau in: cresterea gradului de educare a unui numar de 275 copii din care : - minim 10% din totalul grupului tinta, adica un minim de 29 persoane vor fi prescolari/elevi de etnie roma, minim 15% din totalul grupului tinta, adica un minim de 44 persoane vor fi prescolari/elevi din mediul rural Pe termen mediu și lung, proiectul asigură, prescolarilor/elevilor care au parcurs activitatile proiectului cu privire la programe de educatie, comunicare, abilitati sociale, dar si la activitatile psihosociale, o integrare mai facila in viata sociala, o crestere a nivelului de educatie, precum si prevenirea fenomenului de parasire timpurie a scolii. Proiectul va genera un efect pozitiv pe termen lung prin creșterea încrederii în forțele proprii a grupului țintă și orientarea acestuia către educatie, catre o viata sociala activa, dar si prevenirea parasirii timpurii a scolii . Aceste acțiuni vor conduce la cresterea gradului de educatie a societății prin cresterea nivelului de educatie si prin accesul la o viata sociala mai buna a grupului tinta inclus in proiect (prescolari/elevi ai caror parinti sunt plecati in strainatate). Beneficiile pentru grupul țintă (categoria GT: prescolari/elevi ai caror parinti sunt plecati in strainatate), care derivă din derularea proiectului constau într-o mai bună educatie si incredere in fortele proprii, desfasurare a unei vieti sociale normale fara frustari ca urmare a cresterii copiilor fara unul sau a ambilor parinti plecati la munca in strainatate. Măsurile implementate vor conduce la prevenirea parasirii timpurii a scolii si a creşterii gradului de educatie si acces la o viata sociala activa. Beneficiile pentru grupul țintă (categoria GT: parinti sau tutori ai copiilor cu parinti plecati la munca in strainatate), constau in : - educatia parentala si consilierea sociala a parintilor sau tutorilor copiilor cu parinti plecati la munca in str (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to stimulate participation in education of children with parents gone to work abroad and to prevent early school leaving in the region of SE and SV Oltenia by co-opting and participating in educational activities, communication and other social skills with a focus on preschoolers and pupils belonging to the Roma minority and students from rural areas/society-economically disadvantaged communities. The general objective contributes to the achievement of the main objective of POCU development of human resources by increasing access to an education system, but also to the specific objectives of this axis POCU, 6.2. and 6.3, which consist of increasing the participation of the number of children with parents gone to work abroad, education, communication, social skills, as well as reducing early school leaving with an emphasis on preschoolers and pupils belonging to the Roma minority and students from rural areas/society disadvantaged communities. The long-term positive effects of the project consist of: increase the education of a number of 275 children, of which: — at least 10 % of the total target group, i.e. a minimum of 29 people will be Roma preschoolers/students, at least 15 % of the total target group, i.e. a minimum of 44 people will be preschoolers/students from rural areas In the medium and long term, the project provides preschoolers/students who have completed the project activities regarding education programs, communication, social skills, but also psychosocial activities, easier integration in social life, an increase in the level of education, as well as prevention of early school leaving. The project will generate a positive long-term effect by increasing the confidence in the target group’s own forces and its orientation towards education, towards an active social life, but also by preventing early school leaving. These actions will lead to increasing the level of education of the society by increasing the level of education and access to a better social life of the target group included in the project (preschoolers/students whose parents are abroad). Benefits for the target group (category GT: preschoolers/students whose parents are abroad), which derive from the project’s development consist of better education and trust in their own forces, unfolding a normal social life without frustration as a result of raising children without one or both parents gone to work abroad. The measures implemented will lead to the prevention of early school leaving and the increase of education and access to an active social life. Benefits for the target group (category GT: parents or guardians of children with parents gone to work abroad) consist of: — parental education and social counseling of parents or guardians of children with parents gone to work in str. (English)
    16 September 2021
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