Be practical- go to school! (Q3096802): Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 10:28, 17 September 2021

Project Q3096802 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Be practical- go to school!
Project Q3096802 in Romania


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    3,696,519.351 Romanian Leu
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    739,303.8702 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    4,348,846.3 Romanian Leu
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    869,769.26 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.85 percent
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    19 April 2018
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    18 April 2021
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    44°25'42.17"N, 26°2'55.68"E
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    46°0'34.63"N, 23°4'19.06"E
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    46°0'14.51"N, 23°28'21.61"E
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    Accesul la educatie si implementarea unor instrumente si servicii eficiente pentru reducerea și prevenirea abandonului școlar timpuriu in randul copiilor dezavantajati, in special a celor cu CES din cadrul Scolii Gimnaziale Rosia, Scolii Gimnaziale Nou, Scolii Gimnaziale Waldorf si Scolii Gimnaziale Vurpar, in contextul unei abordari integrate a comunitatilor . Acestea vor fi sprijinte prin implicarea adultilor ca beneficiari ai programelor de educatie tip ADS si consiliere parentala. Obiectivul general este fundamentat de analizele de nevoi realizate la nivelul scolilor partenere asociate si la nivelul comunitatilor sprijinite. Obiectivul, in contextul asigurarii unui impact pe termen lung, in corelare cu apelul de proiecte, descrie si necesitatea cresterii capacitatii administrative a scolilor din perspectiva imbunatatirii instrumentelor si sprijinirii resurselor umane. Obiectivul proiectului este in deplina coerenta cu obiectivul major al programului POCU - „dezvoltarea resurselor umane prin creșterea accesului la un sistem de educație și formare profesională de calitate, stimularea ocupării, cu precădere pentru tineri, reducerea sărăciei și a excluziunii sociale prin facilitarea accesului de servicii sociale și de sănătate”, vizand dezvoltarea resurselor umane prin asigurarea accesului la educatie a copiilor si a adultilor. Proiectul contribuie la îndeplinirea obiectivelor Strategiei privind reducerea Părăsirii Timpurii a Școlii prin modul în care grupurile vulnerabile vizate de strategie sunt implicate, sprijinte si motivate in vederea mentinerii acestora in cadrul proiectului. Prezentam mai jos cateva aspecte legate de abordarea generala a proiectului/structura GT in corelare cu Strategia : i) Participantii din Rosia și Vurpăr trăiesc în zone rurale marginalizate conform Analizelor de nevoi efectuate; ii) participantii din zone rurale: 156 copii, 462elevi, 38 tineri/adulti, respectiv 309 de parinti; iii) 347 dintre membrii GT vizat aparţin minorităţii rome; iv) pentru un numar de 116 elevi cu cerințe educaționale speciale sunt prevazute, de asemenea abordari specifice in implementare; participantii se află temporar sau permanent într-o stare de sănătate afectată; v) 38 tineri și adulți care nu au terminat învățământul obligatoriu vor fi integrati in programe tip ADS. (Romanian)
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    Access to education and implementation of effective tools and services to reduce and prevent early school leaving among disadvantaged children, especially those with CES from the Rosia Gymnasium School, the New Gymnasium School, the Waldorf Secondary School and the Vurpar Secondary School, in the context of an integrated community approach. These will be supported by involving adults as beneficiaries of ADS-type education programs and parental counseling. The general objective is based on needs analyses carried out at the level of the associated partner schools and at the level of the supported communities. The objective, in the context of ensuring a long-term impact, in conjunction with the call for projects, also describes the need to increase the administrative capacity of schools in terms of improving tools and supporting human resources. The objective of the project is fully consistent with the main objective of the POCU programme – “development of human resources by increasing access to a quality education and training system, stimulating employment, especially for young people, reducing poverty and social exclusion by facilitating access to social and health services”, aiming to develop human resources by ensuring access to education for children and adults. The project contributes to the achievement of the objectives of the Strategy on reducing Early Leave of the School by the way in which vulnerable groups targeted by the strategy are involved, supported and motivated in order to maintain them within the project. We present below some aspects related to the general approach of the project/structure of the TG in relation to the Strategy: I) Participants from Rosia and Vurpar live in rural areas marginalised according to the needs analyses performed; II) participants in rural areas: 156 children, 462 students, 38 young/adults and 309 parents respectively; III) 347 of the TG members concerned belong to the Roma minority; IV) for a number of 116 students with special educational requirements are also provided specific approaches in implementation; the participants are temporarily or permanently in an affected state of health; v) 38 young people and adults who have not completed compulsory education will be integrated into ADS programs. (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Roşia, Romania
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    Vurpăr, Romania
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    Municipiul Sibiu, Romania
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