Elaboration of the Local Development Strategy placed under the responsibility of the community at the level of Slatina Municipality (Q3095750): Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 10:08, 17 September 2021

Project Q3095750 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Elaboration of the Local Development Strategy placed under the responsibility of the community at the level of Slatina Municipality
Project Q3095750 in Romania


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    211,412.126 Romanian Leu
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    42,282.4252 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    222,539.08 Romanian Leu
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    44,507.816 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.95 percent
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    1 July 2017
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    31 December 2017
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    44°23'4.56"N, 26°2'49.13"E
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    OBIECTIVUL GENERAL al proiectului propus este implementarea in Municipiul Slatina a noului instrument de Dezvoltare teritoriala Locala plasata sub Responsabilitatea Comunitatii (DLRC) in vederea combaterii saraciei si a excluziunii sociale, in zonele urbane marginalizate (ZUM) de la nivelul Municipiului, prin stimularea implicarii comunitatilor in dezvoltarea locala, prin adaptarea parteneriatului Asociatia Grup de Actiune Locala “Poarta Olteniei” la cerintele mecanismului si intocmirea unei strategii integrate de dezvoltare locala in spiritul abordarii „de jos in sus”. Abordarea participativa de tip DLRC propusa de GAL „Poarta Olteniei” vizeaza mobilizarea si implicarea comunitatilor dezavantajate si a actorilor locali in procesul de elaborare si de implementare a strategiilor locale integrate, favorabile incluziunii, in concordanta cu Strategia Europa 2020. SCOPUL proiectului este obtinerea sprijinului financiar pentru derularea activitatilor de dezvoltare comunitara integrata – realizarea de analize cuprinzatoare la nivel de comunitate care sa evidentieze nevoile locale, potentialul de dezvoltare, inclusiv a mediului de afaceri, profile de resurse umane si competente, cererea locala/ a zonelor invecinate de pe piata fortei de munca, care sa urmareasca incluziunea sociala a persoanelor/ grupurilor/ comunitatilor vulnerabile; elaborare de strategii de dezvoltare a comunitatii si planuri de actiune/dezvoltare comunitara pentru rezolvarea problemelor comunitatii printr-o abordare participativa; campanii de constientizare si actiuni specifice pentru cresterea responsabilitatii sociale si promovarea incluziunii active (inclusiv prin valorizarea modelelor de succes din randul comunitatilor tinta prin combaterea tuturor formelor de discriminare si promovarea egalitatii de sanse). Proiectul contribuie la obiectivul axei prioritare 5 „Dezvoltare locala plasata sub responsabilitatea comunitatii”, obiectivul tematic 9 „Promovarea incluziunii sociale, combaterea saraciei si a oricarei forme de discriminare”, prioritatea de investitii 9.vi „Dezvoltare locala plasata sub responsabilitatea comunitatii” precum si la obiectivul specific 5.1 al programului „Reducerea numarului de persoane aflate in risc de saracie si excluziune sociala din comunitatile marginalizate (roma si non-roma) din orase cu peste 20.000 locuitori, cu accent pe cele cu populatie apartinand minoritatii roma, prin implementarea de masuri/ operatiuni integrate in contextul mecanismului de DLRC” prin activitatile si interventiile propuse care urmaresc reducerea riscului de saracie in comunitatile marginalizate si masuri de investitii „flexibile“ ce fac parte din proiecte integrate: o mai buna incluziune sociala pentru alte grupuri defavorizate, cum ar fi persoanele care sufera de dependenta de substante, violenta domestica, victime ale traficului de persoane si persoane private de libertate sau in perioada de probatiune; accesul sporit la servicii de calitate bazate pe comunitate, prin ma (Romanian)
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    The GENERAL objective of the proposed project is the implementation in Slatina of the new Local Territorial Development instrument placed under Community Responsibility (CLLD) in order to combat poverty and social exclusion, in marginalised urban areas (ZUM) at the level of the municipality, by stimulating the involvement of communities in local development, by adapting the partnership of the Local Action Group Association “Poarta Oltenia” to the requirements of the mechanism and developing an integrated local development strategy in the spirit of “bottom-up” approach. The participatory CLLD approach proposed by the LAG “Poarta Oltenia” aims to mobilise and involve disadvantaged communities and local actors in the process of developing and implementing integrated, inclusive local strategies in line with the Europe 2020 strategy. The aim of the project is to obtain financial support for the implementation of integrated community development activities – to carry out comprehensive analyses at community level that highlight local needs, development potential, including business environment, human resources profiles and skills, local demand/neighbouring areas on the labour market, to follow the social inclusion of vulnerable people/groups/communities; developing community development strategies and community action/development plans to solve community problems through a participatory approach; awareness campaigns and specific actions to increase social responsibility and promote active inclusion (including by capitalising on successful models among target communities by combating all forms of discrimination and promoting equal opportunities). The project contributes to the objective of priority axis 5 "Local development placed under the responsibility of the community", thematic objective 9 "Promoting social inclusion, combating poverty and any form of discrimination", investment priority 9.vi "Local development placed under the responsibility of the community" as well as to the specific objective 5.1 of the programme "Reduction of the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion in marginalised communities (Roma and non-Roma) in cities with more than 20,000 inhabitants, with a focus on those with population belonging to the Roma minority, by implementing measures/operations integrated in the context of the CLLD mechanism and the activities proposed by marginalised communities through the activities that are proposed to reduce the risk of the Roma population, through the implementation of measures/operations integrated in the context of the CLLD mechanism and the activities proposed by the "community" activities. better social inclusion for other disadvantaged groups, such as people suffering from substance dependence, domestic violence, victims of trafficking in human beings and persons deprived of liberty or during probation; increased access to quality community-based services through ma (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Municipiul Slatina, Romania
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