Development of a new activity within the company PRODUCTION SERVICE SERVICES COMER AGER SRL (Q2746929): Difference between revisions
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(Created claim: summary (P836): The overall objective of the project is to: The general objective of this project is to create a new production capacity in the urban environment, in the field of glass production activities and more precisely in the field of glass production, with the help of a new glass production line, fully automated to the latest European and Romanian standards. The objective of the company is to develop the production activity and to take advantage of the...) |
(Changed an Item: Edited by the beneficiary bot - attach the beneficiary based on the string) |
Property / beneficiary | |||
Property / beneficiary: Q3117802 / rank | |||
Normal rank |
Revision as of 15:48, 23 September 2021
Project Q2746929 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Development of a new activity within the company PRODUCTION SERVICE SERVICES COMER AGER SRL |
Project Q2746929 in Romania |
2,995,258.378 Romanian Leu
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4,995,432.94 Romanian Leu
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0.6 percent
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1 July 2018
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1 July 2019
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Obiectivul general al proiectului este: Obiectivul general al prezentului proiect este crearea unei noi capacitati de productie in mediul urban, in domeniul activitatilor de productie de sticla si mai exact in domeniul productiei de geamuri, cu ajutorul unei linii de productie sticla noua, complet automatizata la cele mai noi standarde europene si romanesti. Obiectivul societatii este de a dezvolta activitatea de productie si de a profita de oportunitatile ce sunt prezente in mediul urban pe acest segment. Pentru aceasta, compania isi propune sa aduca un aport la investita necesara industrializarii procesului de productie geam, astfel incat serviciile oferite sa aiba un nivel ridicat de calitate fata de oferta pietei din prezent. Primul pas in realizarea acestui obiectiv este implementarea investitiei ce face obiectul prezentului plan de afaceri. Implementarea acestei investitii va genera de asemenea o strategie de dezvoltare si crestere a competitivitatii care sa contribuie Ia cresterea calitatii serviciilor oferite, extinderea gamei de produse oferite populatiei urbane, imbunatatirea raportului cost/pret, reducerea termenelor de livrare a produselor catre clientii sai si cresterea gradului de profitabilitate a societatii. Acest obiectiv este corelat atat cu strategia firmei(de crestere durabila pe piata locala si regionala si maturizare organizationala) cu obiectivul specific al programului de finantare (Programul Operaţional Regional 2014-2020, Axa prioritară 2 - Îmbunătăţirea competitivităţii întreprinderilor mici şi mijlocii, Prioritatea de investiții 2.2 – Îmbunătățirea competitivității economice prin creșterea productivității muncii în IMM-uri, în sectoarele competitive identificate în SNC/2/Îmbunătățirea competitivității economice prin creșterea productivității muncii în IMM-uri, în sectoarele competitive identificate în SNC. (Romanian)
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The overall objective of the project is to: The general objective of this project is to create a new production capacity in the urban environment, in the field of glass production activities and more precisely in the field of glass production, with the help of a new glass production line, fully automated to the latest European and Romanian standards. The objective of the company is to develop the production activity and to take advantage of the opportunities that are present in the urban environment in this segment. For this, the company aims to make a contribution to the investment necessary for the industrialisation of the glass production process, so that the services offered have a high level of quality compared to the offer of the current market. The first step in achieving this objective is the implementation of the investment that is the subject of this business plan. The implementation of this investment will also generate a strategy for developing and increasing competitiveness that will contribute to increasing the quality of the services offered, expanding the range of products offered to the urban population, improving the cost/price ratio, reducing the delivery deadlines of the products to its customers and increasing the profitability of the company. This objective is correlated with both the company’s strategy (sustainable growth on the local and regional market and organizational maturation) with the specific objective of the financing programme (Regional Operational Programme 2014-2020, Priority Axis 2 – Improving the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises, Investment Priority 2.2 – Improving economic competitiveness by increasing labour productivity in SMEs, in competitive sectors identified in NCS/2/Improving economic competitiveness by increasing labour productivity in SMEs, in competitive sectors identified in the NCS. (English)
16 September 2021
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Oraş Întorsura Buzăului, Romania
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