Increasing the capacity of civil society to formulate alternative public policies to support environmental protection by regulating the applicability of laws on forest curtains – RPR (Q3096205): Difference between revisions

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Property / coordinate location
45°59'29.87"N, 21°20'45.60"E
Property / coordinate location: 45°59'29.87"N, 21°20'45.60"E / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 15:39, 15 September 2021

Project Q3096205 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Increasing the capacity of civil society to formulate alternative public policies to support environmental protection by regulating the applicability of laws on forest curtains – RPR
Project Q3096205 in Romania


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    813,615.65 Romanian Leu
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    162,723.13 Euro
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    988,547.05 Romanian Leu
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    197,709.41000000003 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    7 June 2018
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    4 October 2019
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    44°26'10.10"N, 26°6'9.79"E
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    44°33'40.46"N, 25°56'32.68"E
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    46°7'31.22"N, 27°25'17.40"E
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    46°7'31.22"N, 27°25'17.40"E
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    46°49'43.21"N, 24°12'55.33"E
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    47°36'20.23"N, 22°14'4.88"E
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    45°59'29.87"N, 21°20'45.60"E
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    OBIECTIVUL GENERAL: Obiectivul general al proiectului este de imbunatatire a procesului de elaborare participativa a politicilor publice pentru asigurarea aplicarii, reglementarii si functionarii Legii 46/2008 numită şi Legea Codului silvic şi a Legii 289/2002 republicată în 2014 denumită şi Legea perdelelor forestiere de protecţie, precum si implementarea sistemului de perdele forestiere de protectie, prin cresterea capacitatii organizatiei non-guvernamentale de a formula si a promova politici publice alternative la politicile publice initiate de Guvern, avand ca scop dezvoltarea si introducerea unor sisteme si standarde in administratia publica, orientate catre cetateni si mediul de afaceri, in concordanta cu SCAP. SCOPUL PROIECTULUI: Scopul proiectului este de a sustine si de a creşte capacitatea ONG-ului in vederea formularii si promovarii politicilor publice alternative la politicile publice initiate de Guvern pentru asigurarea aplicarii, reglementarii si functionarii Legii 46/2008 numită şi Legea Codului silvic şi a Legii 289/2002 republicată în 2014 denumită şi Legea perdelelor forestiere de protecţie, precum si implementarea sistemului de perdele forestiere de protectie, ca urmare a facilitarii dezvoltarii mecanismelor de formulare, promovare, monitorizare a politicilor publice si de consolidare a dialogului social si civic, precum si intelegerea nevoii de reformare a administratiei publice, a activitatilor de dezvoltare a cunostintelor, competentelor si abilitatilor celor 30 de persoane din grupul tinta, reprezentanti ai propriului ONG, a dezvoltarii mecanismului pentru formularea si promovarea de politici publice si a dezvoltarii de instrumente cu aplicabilitate de monitorizare si evaluare a politicilor publice si de consolidare a dialogului social si civic. Proiectul asigura obtinerea de beneficii durabile pentru grupul tinta, prin cresterea capacitatii acestora de a intelege nevoile reale si existente pentru asigurarea aplicarii, reglementarii si functionarii Legii 46/2008 numită şi Legea Codului silvic şi a Legii 289/2002 republicată în 2014 denumită şi Legea perdelelor forestiere de protecţie, precum si implementarea sistemului de perdele forestiere de protectie, prin dobandirea unor cunostinte, competente, aptitudini si abilitati in elaborarea politicilor publice si in management strategic, prin intarirea dialogului social si civic intre reprezentantii ONG-ului, reprezentantii partenerilor sociali si personalul din autoritatile/institutiile publice locale, dar si prin crearea unui mecanism de elaborare, interpretare, promovare, monitorizare si evaluare a politicilor publice in acest domeniu. Proiectul contribuie la indeplinirea Obiectivului Specific 1.1: Dezvoltarea și introducerea de sisteme și standarde comune în administrația publică ce optimizează procesele decizionale orientate către cetățeni și mediul de afaceri în concordanță cu SCAP, deoarece are ca scop si ca impact asigurarea aplicarii, reglementarii si (Romanian)
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    GENERAL OBJECTIVE: The general objective of the project is to improve the participatory development of public policies to ensure the application, regulation and functioning of Law 46/2008, also called the Forest Code Law and Law 289/2002 republished in 2014 also referred to as the Protection Forest Curtains Law, as well as the implementation of the system of forest protection curtains, by increasing the capacity of the non-governmental organisation to formulate and promote alternative public policies to public policies initiated by the Government, aiming to develop and introduce systems and standards in public administration, oriented towards citizens and the business environment, in accordance with SCAP. PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of the NGO to formulate and promote alternative public policies to public policies initiated by the Government to ensure the application, regulation and functioning of Law 46/2008 also called the Forest Code Law and Law 289/2002 republished in 2014 also referred to as the Protection Forest Curtains Law, as well as the implementation of the system of forest protection curtains, as a result of facilitating the development of formulation mechanisms, promoting, monitoring public policies and strengthening social and civic dialogue, as well as understanding the need to reform public administration, activities to develop the knowledge, skills and abilities of the 30 people in the target group, representatives of their own NGO, the development of the mechanism for formulating and promoting public policies and the development of tools with applicability to monitor and evaluate public policies and to strengthen social and civic dialogue. The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand the real and existing needs for ensuring the application, regulation and functioning of Law 46/2008, also known as the Forest Code Law and Law 289/2002 republished in 2014 also referred to as the Protection Forest Curtains Law, as well as the implementation of the system of forest protection curtains, by acquiring knowledge, competence, skills and abilities in public policy development and strategic management, by strengthening social and civic dialogue between representatives of the NGO, representatives of social partners and staff from local public authorities/institutions, but also by creating a mechanism for elaboration, interpretation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in this field. The project contributes to the achievement of Specific Objective 1.1: Development and introduction of common systems and standards in public administration that optimise decision-making processes oriented towards citizens and business environment in line with SCAP, because it has the purpose and impact of ensuring enforcement, regulation and (English)
    14 September 2021
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