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(Created claim: summary (P836): The aim of this business plan is to make a website of the web magazine – cultural and news portal, which is operated in Slovak and Hungarian languages, which presents information from the field of live and written culture. Publishing activity focuses on three sites, i.e. three websites with specific regional content focus on the current needs of the regions. The output of the project is three web portals, Internet journals with cultural and soci...) |
(Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: translated_label) |
label / en | label / en | || |
Revision as of 14:56, 15 September 2021
Project Q3105217 in Slovakia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | |
Project Q3105217 in Slovakia |
176,624.9 Euro
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207,794.0 Euro
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0.85 percent
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4 January 2020
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5 January 2021
0 references
0 references
Cieľom tohto podnikateľského plánu je zhotovenie webovej stránky internetového časopisu – kultúrno-spravodajského portálu, ktoré sa prevádzkuje v slovenskom a maďarskom jazyku, ktorý prezentuje informácie z oblasti živej a písanej kultúry. Vydavateľská činnosť sa zameriava na tri lokality, tj. tri webové stránky so špecifickým regionálnym obsahom sa zameriavajú na aktuálne potreby regióny. Výstupom projektu sú tri webové portály, internetové časopisy s kultúrno-spoločenským obsahom pre tri regióny, ktoré denne prezentujú nový obsah so zámerom na potreby regióny pod rámci projektu sa obstaráva zariadenie na prevádzku portálov, vytvoria sa portály a k nim aplikácie, ktoré dotvárajú interaktívnu komunikáciu medzi čitateľmi. Tá bude nestaranne testovaná. Síce veríme v kvalite publikovaných textov, ktoré sú medzerutvorné, avšak porjekt musí byť podporený marketingovou kampaňou. Realizuje sa on-line kampaň, ktorá by mala eliminovať výhody zabehnutých portálov. Projekt prihliada na trvalo udržateľný rozvoj portálu. Kladie dôraz na talentovanú a vzdelanú pracovnú silu. Uvedomuje si svoju mienkutvornú silu. (Slovak)
0 references
The aim of this business plan is to make a website of the web magazine – cultural and news portal, which is operated in Slovak and Hungarian languages, which presents information from the field of live and written culture. Publishing activity focuses on three sites, i.e. three websites with specific regional content focus on the current needs of the regions. The output of the project is three web portals, Internet journals with cultural and social content for three regions, which present daily new content with a view to the needs of regions under the project procures equipment for the operation of the portals, creates portals and applications to complete interactive communication between readers. She'll be unsafely tested. Although we believe in the quality of published texts that are niche, the porjekt must be supported by a marketing campaign. An online campaign is being implemented, which should eliminate the benefits of running portals. The project takes into account the sustainable development of the portal. It puts emphasis on a talented and educated workforce. He realises his opinion-creating power. (English)
15 September 2021
0 references
0 references