Regeneration of the Mikovíni ul. in Nitra (Q3103792): Difference between revisions

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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The aim of the project Regeneration of the inner block Mikovíni ul. in Nitra is landscape-architectural adaptations and design of suitable vegetation for the selected area, application of ecological principles of creation, protection and maintenance of greenery, thus increasing the environmental aspects of the settlement and poor management of grain ratios in the area. The purpose of the proposal is to regenerate the internal block both in envir...)
(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: translated_label)
label / enlabel / en
Regeneration of the Mikovíni ul. in Nitra

Revision as of 13:57, 15 September 2021

Project Q3103792 in Slovakia
Language Label Description Also known as
Regeneration of the Mikovíni ul. in Nitra
Project Q3103792 in Slovakia


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    45,353.98 Euro
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    53,357.62 Euro
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    0.85 percent
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    1 August 2018
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    1 October 2021
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    Mesto Nitra
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    47°52'23.52"N, 18°10'58.76"E
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    Ciežom projektu Regenerácia vnútrobloku Mikovíniho ul. v Nitre sú krajinno-architektonických úpravy a návrh vhodnej vegetácie pre vybrané územie, uplatnenie ekologických princípov tvorby, ochrany a údržby zelene čím sa zvýšia environmentálne aspekty sídla a zlepší sa manažment zrážkových pomerov v území. Účelom návrhu je tak regenerácia vnútrobloku ako po environmentálnej stránke, tak i zo spoločenského aspektu, kedy vytvorením nových prvkov vegetácie a prvkov drobnej architektúry podporíme realizáciou projektu v riešenom území bližšie prepojenie obyvatežov s prírodným prostredím, vytvoria sa nové podnety a nové aktivity obyvatežov v území, podporí sa rozšírenie biodiverzity na riešenej ploche a zlepšia sa podmienky pre existujúce dreviny. Zeleň je navrhnutá tak, aby plnila svoju funkciu (mikroklimatickú, izolačnú a estetickú) pre čo najdlhšie obdobie. (Slovak)
    0 references
    The aim of the project Regeneration of the inner block Mikovíni ul. in Nitra is landscape-architectural adaptations and design of suitable vegetation for the selected area, application of ecological principles of creation, protection and maintenance of greenery, thus increasing the environmental aspects of the settlement and poor management of grain ratios in the area. The purpose of the proposal is to regenerate the internal block both in environmental terms and socially. By creating new elements of vegetation and elements of small architecture, we will support the connection of the inhabitants with the natural environment through the implementation of the project in the rivered area, create new incentives and new activities of the inhabitants in the area, promote the expansion of biodiversity on the diluted area and improve the conditions for existing plants. Greenery is designed to perform its function (microclimatic, insulating and aesthetic) for as long as possible. (English)
    15 September 2021
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