Migration of IS systems Central Financial Information System for Public High Schools to the Government Cloud (Q3103365): Difference between revisions

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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Port of the Slovak Republic operates the Central Financial Information System for Public High Schools (hereinafter referred to as SOFIA IS) at the Data Centre of the College Department (hereinafter referred to as DCR) and provides its functionalities for 19 Slovak public high stakes (hereinafter referred to as the HEI) for ensuring financial, economic and other internal processes of the R & D. Thi...)
(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: translated_label)
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Migration of IS systems Central Financial Information System for Public High Schools to the Government Cloud

Revision as of 13:41, 15 September 2021

Project Q3103365 in Slovakia
Language Label Description Also known as
Migration of IS systems Central Financial Information System for Public High Schools to the Government Cloud
Project Q3103365 in Slovakia


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    540,051.63 Euro
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    717,266.72 Euro
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    0.75 percent
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    1 January 2019
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    1 February 2022
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    Ministerstvo školstva, vedy, výskumu a športu Slovenskej republiky
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    48°8'54.96"N, 17°6'27.90"E
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    Ministerstvo školstva, vedy, výskumu a športu Slovenskej republiky prevádzkuje Centrálny finančný informačný systém pre verejné vysoké školy( ďalej len IS SOFIA) v Dátovom centre rezortu školstva (ďalej len DCRŠ)a poskytuje svoju funkcionality pre 19 slovenských verejných vysokých škôl (ďalej len VVŠ ) pre zabezpečenie finančných, ekonomický a ďalších interných procesov VVŠ. Nejedná sa o vybudovanie nového ISVS a IS SOFIA a je obsiahnutý v koncepcií rozvoja ISVS Ministerstva školstva, vedy,výskumu a športu SR.Prodmetom projektu je migrácia IS SOFIA do Vláneho cloudu na základe uznesenia vlády SR č. 247/2014 vydalo Ministerstvo financií Slovenskej republiky (MFSR) Metodické usmernenie č. MF/020304/2014-1721 na spracovanie analýzy stavu a potrieb informačno-komunikačných technológií a na spracovanie harmonogramu migrácie informačno-komunikačných technológií jednotlivých rezortov do Dátového centra štátu. Ciežom projektu je do roku 2020 prevádkza IS SOFIA vo Vládnom cloude a zefektívnenie prevádzky ISVS MŠVVaŠ SR centralizáciou prevádzky ISVS v štátnej správe vo Vládnom cloude.Zároveň vzhžadom na morálnu zastaralos HW prostredia DCRŠ a potrebu ďalších investícií do jeho prevádzky a na základe ekonomickej analýzy ako výstupu štúdie uskutočnotežnosti je prevádzka IS SOFIA vo Vládnom cloude z pohžadu prevádzkových nákladov z dlhodobého hžadiska efektívnejšia v prostredí Vládneho Cloudu. (Slovak)
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    The Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Port of the Slovak Republic operates the Central Financial Information System for Public High Schools (hereinafter referred to as SOFIA IS) at the Data Centre of the College Department (hereinafter referred to as DCR) and provides its functionalities for 19 Slovak public high stakes (hereinafter referred to as the HEI) for ensuring financial, economic and other internal processes of the R & D. This is not about building a new ISVS and IS SOFIA and is included in the ISVS Development Concepts of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Port of the Slovak Republic. The project is migrating SOFIA to the Vlane Cloud on the basis of Slovak Government Resolution No 247/2014, issued by the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic (MFSR) Methodological Guideline No MF/020304/2014-1721 for processing the analysis of the state and needs of information and communication technologies and for processing the schedule of migration of information and communication technologies of individual departments to the Data Centre of the State. The aim of the project is to operate the SOFIA IS in the Government Cloud by 2020 and to streamline the operation of ISVS MVVA SR by centralising ISVS operation in the State Administration in the Government Cloud. At the same time, due to the moral outdated HW environment of the DCR environment and the need for further investments in its operation and based on the economic analysis as the output of the feasibility study, the operation of SOFIA IS in the Government Cloud is due to the need for operating costs from the long-term demand for efficiency in the Government Cloud environment. (English)
    15 September 2021
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