Programs for children and young people in Kopčany housing estate (Q3100782): Difference between revisions

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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The Project Programs for Children and Young People in Kopčany housing estate focuses on priority axis No.4-Social inclusion with a specific objective- Transition from institutional to community-based care. Through the main activity and sub-activities, it contributes to the support of the field of social legal protection of children and social guardianship for the implementation of programmes and professional methods of work. It will thus take pl...)
(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: translated_label)
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Programs for children and young people in Kopčany housing estate

Revision as of 13:08, 15 September 2021

Project Q3100782 in Slovakia
Language Label Description Also known as
Programs for children and young people in Kopčany housing estate
Project Q3100782 in Slovakia


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    132,038.39 Euro
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    264,076.79 Euro
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    0.5 percent
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    1 October 2017
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    1 August 2021
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    48°6'39.13"N, 17°6'41.54"E
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    Projekt Programy pre deti a mladých žudí na sídlisku Kopčany sa zameriava na prioritnú os č.4-Sociálne začlenenie so špecifickým ciežom- Prechod z inštitucionálnej na komunitnú starostlivos.Prostredníctvom hlavnej aktivity a podaktivitami prispieva k podpore oblasti sociálnoprávnej ochrany detí a sociálnej kurately na vykonávanie programov a odborných metód práce. Udeje sa tak formou výkonov opatrení v otvorenom prostredí na sídlisku Kopčany a formou skupinových klubových aktivít; vzdelávacích; stimulačno vzdelávacích programov; výchovno-rekreačných; jednorazových a komunitných aktivít. Aktivity sú zamerané na podporu riešení náročných situácií detí a mladých žudí v rodine, v škole, na pomoc pri riešení výchovných problémov, sociálnych problémov a iných problémov v rodine a v medzižudských vzahoch, rozvoj životných a sociálnych zručností. Včasné riešenie problémov pomáha predchádza vyňatiu dieaa z rodiny. Zvyšovanie dostupnosti aktivít a rozvoj zručností znižuje riziko sociálneho vylúčenia detí a plnoletých a pomáha prekonáva jeho dopady. V rámci projektu sa zameriavame na zvýšenie intenzity výkonu opatrení v rámci už realizovaných programov pre klientov. (Slovak)
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    The Project Programs for Children and Young People in Kopčany housing estate focuses on priority axis No.4-Social inclusion with a specific objective- Transition from institutional to community-based care. Through the main activity and sub-activities, it contributes to the support of the field of social legal protection of children and social guardianship for the implementation of programmes and professional methods of work. It will thus take place in the form of measures in an open environment in Kopčany housing estate and group club activities; educational; incentivising educational programmes; educational-recreational; one-time and community activities. The activities are aimed at supporting solutions to the difficult situations of children and young people in the family, in the round, to help solve educational problems, social problems and other problems in the family and in inter-human backgrounds, development of life and social skills. Early resolution of problems helps prevent the removal of the diea from the family. Increasing the availability of activities and skills development reduces the risk of social exclusion for children and adults and helps overcome its impacts. As part of the project, we focus on increasing the intensity of the performance of actions within the implemented programs for clients. (English)
    15 September 2021
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