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(Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: Setting new description) |
(Created claim: summary (P836): The main objective of the applicant, A4A – Agency 4 Academy, s.r.o., as part of the business plan of the project Innovation publishing activity stimulated by cultural and creative talent, is to stimulate the promotion of sustainable employment and job creation in the publishing sector of the cultural and creative industries by creating a favourable environment for the development of creativity and non-technological innovation, in a long-term mul...) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
The main objective of the applicant, A4A – Agency 4 Academy, s.r.o., as part of the business plan of the project Innovation publishing activity stimulated by cultural and creative talent, is to stimulate the promotion of sustainable employment and job creation in the publishing sector of the cultural and creative industries by creating a favourable environment for the development of creativity and non-technological innovation, in a long-term multiplication effect. The project will be implemented in Nitra and Rimavská Sobota and the specific objective will be met by three basic key sub-activities: 1) publishing publications/magazines intended for students of secondary and higher education (Guide to the first school, Do work, Guide to secondary vocational school, Guide to post-secondary education, Traineeships – Informatik);2) publishing special book editions implemented as low-cost editions (the product/service provided is the realisation of publishing activities and) the book edition of the beginning authors and b) the book edition of classical literature; 3) Creating a creative HUB with a bookstore. Overall, the submitted project:- is in line with the programme strategy and the intervention logic of IROP PO3;- it contributes to 5 strategic areas in the related national strategic documents;- the place of implementation of the project activities is located in the less developed region of Slovakia, in Nitra and also in Rimavská Sobota, i.e. also in the territory of the district, which is on the list of least developed districts according to Act No 336/2015 Coll. on the support of the least developed districts and on the amendment of certain laws;- the applicant has adequate material and technical background and sufficient internal administrative capacity with the appropriate professional competence and know-how to implement the project itself. Vladislav Mičátek, PhD. — Consulting on the basis of the public procurement carried out and also by the applicant’s managing directors, who have extensive experience in the management and implementation of projects financed by EU funds;- the main activities of the project build on the applicant’s current starting point within the CCIs, are linked to the interest of carrying out non-technological innovation (primarily marketing innovation and organisational innovation) and their implementation will lead to the development of the applicant’s business activity; the total number of new jobs is at least 4 of which at least 2 posts for the group of inactive and unemployed persons;- the amount of the grant per job created is EUR 49.994,36;- the applicant will provide co-financing in excess of the minimum level of co-financing compared to the State aid scheme for a total amount of EUR 36.151,31, and the aid intensity is 84,69 %;- the estimated cash volume of the newly contracted contracts at the time of completion of the project is at least 54, 38 % of operating costs – namely 59 565,EUR 00 for 12 customers, whose interest is based on a market interest survey;- achieving innovation (product/services) since RoPDE is 22.23;- the applicant declares the implementation of activities and activities aimed at achieving cooperation within local production systems in the form of attached contractual relations. (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The main objective of the applicant, A4A – Agency 4 Academy, s.r.o., as part of the business plan of the project Innovation publishing activity stimulated by cultural and creative talent, is to stimulate the promotion of sustainable employment and job creation in the publishing sector of the cultural and creative industries by creating a favourable environment for the development of creativity and non-technological innovation, in a long-term multiplication effect. The project will be implemented in Nitra and Rimavská Sobota and the specific objective will be met by three basic key sub-activities: 1) publishing publications/magazines intended for students of secondary and higher education (Guide to the first school, Do work, Guide to secondary vocational school, Guide to post-secondary education, Traineeships – Informatik);2) publishing special book editions implemented as low-cost editions (the product/service provided is the realisation of publishing activities and) the book edition of the beginning authors and b) the book edition of classical literature; 3) Creating a creative HUB with a bookstore. Overall, the submitted project:- is in line with the programme strategy and the intervention logic of IROP PO3;- it contributes to 5 strategic areas in the related national strategic documents;- the place of implementation of the project activities is located in the less developed region of Slovakia, in Nitra and also in Rimavská Sobota, i.e. also in the territory of the district, which is on the list of least developed districts according to Act No 336/2015 Coll. on the support of the least developed districts and on the amendment of certain laws;- the applicant has adequate material and technical background and sufficient internal administrative capacity with the appropriate professional competence and know-how to implement the project itself. Vladislav Mičátek, PhD. — Consulting on the basis of the public procurement carried out and also by the applicant’s managing directors, who have extensive experience in the management and implementation of projects financed by EU funds;- the main activities of the project build on the applicant’s current starting point within the CCIs, are linked to the interest of carrying out non-technological innovation (primarily marketing innovation and organisational innovation) and their implementation will lead to the development of the applicant’s business activity; the total number of new jobs is at least 4 of which at least 2 posts for the group of inactive and unemployed persons;- the amount of the grant per job created is EUR 49.994,36;- the applicant will provide co-financing in excess of the minimum level of co-financing compared to the State aid scheme for a total amount of EUR 36.151,31, and the aid intensity is 84,69 %;- the estimated cash volume of the newly contracted contracts at the time of completion of the project is at least 54, 38 % of operating costs – namely 59 565,EUR 00 for 12 customers, whose interest is based on a market interest survey;- achieving innovation (product/services) since RoPDE is 22.23;- the applicant declares the implementation of activities and activities aimed at achieving cooperation within local production systems in the form of attached contractual relations. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The main objective of the applicant, A4A – Agency 4 Academy, s.r.o., as part of the business plan of the project Innovation publishing activity stimulated by cultural and creative talent, is to stimulate the promotion of sustainable employment and job creation in the publishing sector of the cultural and creative industries by creating a favourable environment for the development of creativity and non-technological innovation, in a long-term multiplication effect. The project will be implemented in Nitra and Rimavská Sobota and the specific objective will be met by three basic key sub-activities: 1) publishing publications/magazines intended for students of secondary and higher education (Guide to the first school, Do work, Guide to secondary vocational school, Guide to post-secondary education, Traineeships – Informatik);2) publishing special book editions implemented as low-cost editions (the product/service provided is the realisation of publishing activities and) the book edition of the beginning authors and b) the book edition of classical literature; 3) Creating a creative HUB with a bookstore. Overall, the submitted project:- is in line with the programme strategy and the intervention logic of IROP PO3;- it contributes to 5 strategic areas in the related national strategic documents;- the place of implementation of the project activities is located in the less developed region of Slovakia, in Nitra and also in Rimavská Sobota, i.e. also in the territory of the district, which is on the list of least developed districts according to Act No 336/2015 Coll. on the support of the least developed districts and on the amendment of certain laws;- the applicant has adequate material and technical background and sufficient internal administrative capacity with the appropriate professional competence and know-how to implement the project itself. Vladislav Mičátek, PhD. — Consulting on the basis of the public procurement carried out and also by the applicant’s managing directors, who have extensive experience in the management and implementation of projects financed by EU funds;- the main activities of the project build on the applicant’s current starting point within the CCIs, are linked to the interest of carrying out non-technological innovation (primarily marketing innovation and organisational innovation) and their implementation will lead to the development of the applicant’s business activity; the total number of new jobs is at least 4 of which at least 2 posts for the group of inactive and unemployed persons;- the amount of the grant per job created is EUR 49.994,36;- the applicant will provide co-financing in excess of the minimum level of co-financing compared to the State aid scheme for a total amount of EUR 36.151,31, and the aid intensity is 84,69 %;- the estimated cash volume of the newly contracted contracts at the time of completion of the project is at least 54, 38 % of operating costs – namely 59 565,EUR 00 for 12 customers, whose interest is based on a market interest survey;- achieving innovation (product/services) since RoPDE is 22.23;- the applicant declares the implementation of activities and activities aimed at achieving cooperation within local production systems in the form of attached contractual relations. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 15 September 2021
Revision as of 14:56, 15 September 2021
Project Q3105240 in Slovakia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | No label defined |
Project Q3105240 in Slovakia |
199,977.45 Euro
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236,128.76 Euro
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0.85 percent
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2 January 2017
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8 January 2022
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A4A - Agency 4 Academy, s.r.o.
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Hlavným cieľom žiadateľa, A4A – Agency 4 Academy, s.r.o., v rámci podnikateľského plánu projektu Inovácia vydavateľskej činnosti stimulovaná kultúrnym a kreatívnym talentom je stimulovanie podpory udržateľnej zamestnanosti a tvorby pracovných miest vo vydavateľskom odvetví kultúrneho a v kreatívneho priemyslu prostredníctvom vytvorenia priaznivého prostredia pre rozvoj kreativity a netechnologických inovácií, a to v dlhodobom multiplikačnom efekte. Projekt bude realizovaný v meste Nitra a v meste Rimavská Sobota a špecifický cieľ bude napĺňaný tromi základnými kľúčovými subaktivitami:1) vydávanie publikácií / časopisov určených študentom stredných a vysokých škôl (Sprievodca prváka na vysokej škole, Do práce, Sprievodca po strednej odbornej škole, Sprievodca pomaturitným vzdelaním, Stáže – Informatik);2) vydávanie špeciálnych knižných edícií realizovaných ako nízkonákladové vydania (poskytovaným produktom / službou je realizácia vydavateľskej činnosť a) knižnej edícia začínajúcich autorov a b) knižnej edície klasickej literatúry;3) vytvorením kreatívneho HUB-u s kníhkupectvom. Celkovo možno konštatovať, že predložený projekt:- je v súlade s programovou stratégiou a intervenčnou logikou IROP PO3;- prispieva k 5 strategickým oblastiam v súvisiacich národných strategických dokumentoch;- miesto realizácie aktivít projektu sa nachádza v menej rozvinutom regióne Slovenska, v meste Nitra a zároveň v meste Rimavská Sobota, čiže aj na území okresu, ktorý je v zozname najmenej rozvinutých okresov podľa zákona č. 336/2015 Z. z. o podpore najmenej rozvinutých okresov a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov;- žiadateľ disponuje adekvátnym materiálno-technickým zázemím a dostatočnými internými administratívnymi kapacitami s náležitou odbornou spôsobilosťou a know-how pre realizáciu projektu v danej oblasti ako aj prevádzky samotného projektu;- administratívne kapacity žiadateľa na riadenie projektu podľa podmienok riadiacej dokumentácie IROP sú dostatočné, keďže žiadateľ ju má zabezpečenú externými kapacitami - zabezpečuje JUDr. Vladislav Mičátek, PhD. - consulting na základe zrealizovaného verejného obstarávania a zároveň konateľmi žiadateľa, ktorí majú bohaté skúsenosti s riadením a implementáciou projektov financovaných z fondov EÚ;- hlavné aktivity projektu nadväzujú na aktuálnu východiskovú situáciu žiadateľa v rámci KKP, sú previazané v záujem uskutočnenia netechnologickej inovácie (predovšetkým marketingová inovácia a organizačná inovácia) a ich realizáciou príde k rozvoju podnikateľskej činnosti žiadateľa;- celkový počet nových pracovných miest je min. 4 z toho min. 2 miesta pre skupinu neaktívnych a nezamestnaných osôb;- výška NFP na 1 vytvorené pracovné miesto je vo výške 49.994,36 eur;- žiadateľ zabezpečí spolufinancovanie nad rámec minimálnej výšky spolufinancovania oproti schéme štátnej pomoci v celkovej výške 36.151,31 eur, aj intenzita pomoci dosahuje 84,69%;- odhadovaný peňažný objem novozazmluvnených kontraktov v čase ukončenia realizácie projektu je minimálne vo výške 54,38% z prevádzkových nákladov – konkrétne 59 565,00 eur u 12 odberateľov, ktorých záujem je podložený prieskumom trhového záujmu;- dosiahnutie inovácie (produktu/služby) nakoľko RoPDE je 22,23;- žiadateľ deklaruje realizáciu aktivít a činností smerujúcich k dosiahnutiu kooperácie v rámci lokálnych produkčných systémov formou priložených zmluvných vzťahov. (Slovak)
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The main objective of the applicant, A4A – Agency 4 Academy, s.r.o., as part of the business plan of the project Innovation publishing activity stimulated by cultural and creative talent, is to stimulate the promotion of sustainable employment and job creation in the publishing sector of the cultural and creative industries by creating a favourable environment for the development of creativity and non-technological innovation, in a long-term multiplication effect. The project will be implemented in Nitra and Rimavská Sobota and the specific objective will be met by three basic key sub-activities: 1) publishing publications/magazines intended for students of secondary and higher education (Guide to the first school, Do work, Guide to secondary vocational school, Guide to post-secondary education, Traineeships – Informatik);2) publishing special book editions implemented as low-cost editions (the product/service provided is the realisation of publishing activities and) the book edition of the beginning authors and b) the book edition of classical literature; 3) Creating a creative HUB with a bookstore. Overall, the submitted project:- is in line with the programme strategy and the intervention logic of IROP PO3;- it contributes to 5 strategic areas in the related national strategic documents;- the place of implementation of the project activities is located in the less developed region of Slovakia, in Nitra and also in Rimavská Sobota, i.e. also in the territory of the district, which is on the list of least developed districts according to Act No 336/2015 Coll. on the support of the least developed districts and on the amendment of certain laws;- the applicant has adequate material and technical background and sufficient internal administrative capacity with the appropriate professional competence and know-how to implement the project itself. Vladislav Mičátek, PhD. — Consulting on the basis of the public procurement carried out and also by the applicant’s managing directors, who have extensive experience in the management and implementation of projects financed by EU funds;- the main activities of the project build on the applicant’s current starting point within the CCIs, are linked to the interest of carrying out non-technological innovation (primarily marketing innovation and organisational innovation) and their implementation will lead to the development of the applicant’s business activity; the total number of new jobs is at least 4 of which at least 2 posts for the group of inactive and unemployed persons;- the amount of the grant per job created is EUR 49.994,36;- the applicant will provide co-financing in excess of the minimum level of co-financing compared to the State aid scheme for a total amount of EUR 36.151,31, and the aid intensity is 84,69 %;- the estimated cash volume of the newly contracted contracts at the time of completion of the project is at least 54, 38 % of operating costs – namely 59 565,EUR 00 for 12 customers, whose interest is based on a market interest survey;- achieving innovation (product/services) since RoPDE is 22.23;- the applicant declares the implementation of activities and activities aimed at achieving cooperation within local production systems in the form of attached contractual relations. (English)
15 September 2021
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