Q3104831 (Q3104831): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: Setting new description)
(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The aim of the project “Supporting jobs in BENA SK” is to provide job seekers (hereinafter referred to as UoZ) with sustainable and quality employment and thereby increase employment and employability, including disadvantaged jobseekers (hereinafter referred to as Zuoz), to maintain jobs for UoZ and Zuoz registered at the Office of Labour in Dunajska Streda. By realising this main objective, we will contribute to the specific objective 3.1.1 OP...)
Property / summary
The aim of the project “Supporting jobs in BENA SK” is to provide job seekers (hereinafter referred to as UoZ) with sustainable and quality employment and thereby increase employment and employability, including disadvantaged jobseekers (hereinafter referred to as Zuoz), to maintain jobs for UoZ and Zuoz registered at the Office of Labour in Dunajska Streda. By realising this main objective, we will contribute to the specific objective 3.1.1 OP HR – increase employment, employability and reduce unemployment The applicant is the company BENA SK s.r.o., it is a newly created company on 8.9.2018, which focuses exclusively on economic and accounting services, archiving services. The need to employ UoZ arose on the basis of an increasing increase in contracts in the district of Dunajská Streda, especially in the region of Trnavský kraja.Objective groups within the project tvoria:uchádzač for employment – UoZ pursuant to Section 6 of the Employment Services Act, disadvantaged jobseeker – Zuoz according to Section 8 of the Act on Employment ServicesThe territory on which the project that is the subject of the application will be implemented is Trnavský kraj, okres Dunajská Streda.  The project will implement the following aktivity:Hlavnou activity will be: Support for the application of UoZ and Zuoz on the labour market.This activity will be implemented within 24 months, in two successive parts: search and selection of UoZ and ZUoZ employing UoZ and Zuoz with the possibility of using mentoringOur project will offer qualified employment for UoZ and Zuoz with the possibility of personal development and career development. Our company plans to educate these employed UoZ and Zuoz and lead them in further professional growth. In our project, we employ a total of 13 unemployed persons, of which 9 UoZ and 4 disadvantaged UoZs who are disadvantaged under the Employment Services Act § 8, letter:(b) a citizen older than 50 years of ageg) a citizen who lives as a single adult with one or more persons dependent on his care or caring for at least one child before the end of compulsory education(h) a citizen with disabilities. By successfully implementing the project and meeting the project goal, we will achieve quantitative results in the form of measurable indicators defined in OP ĽZ:P0097 Unemployed persons, including long-term unemployed – 13P0109 (English)
Property / summary: The aim of the project “Supporting jobs in BENA SK” is to provide job seekers (hereinafter referred to as UoZ) with sustainable and quality employment and thereby increase employment and employability, including disadvantaged jobseekers (hereinafter referred to as Zuoz), to maintain jobs for UoZ and Zuoz registered at the Office of Labour in Dunajska Streda. By realising this main objective, we will contribute to the specific objective 3.1.1 OP HR – increase employment, employability and reduce unemployment The applicant is the company BENA SK s.r.o., it is a newly created company on 8.9.2018, which focuses exclusively on economic and accounting services, archiving services. The need to employ UoZ arose on the basis of an increasing increase in contracts in the district of Dunajská Streda, especially in the region of Trnavský kraja.Objective groups within the project tvoria:uchádzač for employment – UoZ pursuant to Section 6 of the Employment Services Act, disadvantaged jobseeker – Zuoz according to Section 8 of the Act on Employment ServicesThe territory on which the project that is the subject of the application will be implemented is Trnavský kraj, okres Dunajská Streda.  The project will implement the following aktivity:Hlavnou activity will be: Support for the application of UoZ and Zuoz on the labour market.This activity will be implemented within 24 months, in two successive parts: search and selection of UoZ and ZUoZ employing UoZ and Zuoz with the possibility of using mentoringOur project will offer qualified employment for UoZ and Zuoz with the possibility of personal development and career development. Our company plans to educate these employed UoZ and Zuoz and lead them in further professional growth. In our project, we employ a total of 13 unemployed persons, of which 9 UoZ and 4 disadvantaged UoZs who are disadvantaged under the Employment Services Act § 8, letter:(b) a citizen older than 50 years of ageg) a citizen who lives as a single adult with one or more persons dependent on his care or caring for at least one child before the end of compulsory education(h) a citizen with disabilities. By successfully implementing the project and meeting the project goal, we will achieve quantitative results in the form of measurable indicators defined in OP ĽZ:P0097 Unemployed persons, including long-term unemployed – 13P0109 (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The aim of the project “Supporting jobs in BENA SK” is to provide job seekers (hereinafter referred to as UoZ) with sustainable and quality employment and thereby increase employment and employability, including disadvantaged jobseekers (hereinafter referred to as Zuoz), to maintain jobs for UoZ and Zuoz registered at the Office of Labour in Dunajska Streda. By realising this main objective, we will contribute to the specific objective 3.1.1 OP HR – increase employment, employability and reduce unemployment The applicant is the company BENA SK s.r.o., it is a newly created company on 8.9.2018, which focuses exclusively on economic and accounting services, archiving services. The need to employ UoZ arose on the basis of an increasing increase in contracts in the district of Dunajská Streda, especially in the region of Trnavský kraja.Objective groups within the project tvoria:uchádzač for employment – UoZ pursuant to Section 6 of the Employment Services Act, disadvantaged jobseeker – Zuoz according to Section 8 of the Act on Employment ServicesThe territory on which the project that is the subject of the application will be implemented is Trnavský kraj, okres Dunajská Streda.  The project will implement the following aktivity:Hlavnou activity will be: Support for the application of UoZ and Zuoz on the labour market.This activity will be implemented within 24 months, in two successive parts: search and selection of UoZ and ZUoZ employing UoZ and Zuoz with the possibility of using mentoringOur project will offer qualified employment for UoZ and Zuoz with the possibility of personal development and career development. Our company plans to educate these employed UoZ and Zuoz and lead them in further professional growth. In our project, we employ a total of 13 unemployed persons, of which 9 UoZ and 4 disadvantaged UoZs who are disadvantaged under the Employment Services Act § 8, letter:(b) a citizen older than 50 years of ageg) a citizen who lives as a single adult with one or more persons dependent on his care or caring for at least one child before the end of compulsory education(h) a citizen with disabilities. By successfully implementing the project and meeting the project goal, we will achieve quantitative results in the form of measurable indicators defined in OP ĽZ:P0097 Unemployed persons, including long-term unemployed – 13P0109 (English) / qualifier
point in time: 15 September 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 14:59, 15 September 2021

Project Q3104831 in Slovakia
Language Label Description Also known as
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Project Q3104831 in Slovakia


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    160,795.99 Euro
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    189,171.75 Euro
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    0.85 percent
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    10 January 2019
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    9 January 2021
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    BENA SK s. r. o.
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    47°59'29.87"N, 17°37'14.27"E
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    Cieľom projektu s názvom Podpora pracovných miest v spoločnosti BENA SK je poskytnúť uchádzačom o zamestnanie (ďalej len UoZ) udržateľné a kvalitné zamestnanie a tým zvýšiť zamestnanosť a zamestnateľnosť vrátane znevýhodnených uchádzačov o zamestnanie (ďalej len ZUoZ), udržať pracovné miesta pre UoZ a ZUoZ evidovaných na Úrade práce v Dunajskej Strede.Realizovaním tohto hlavného cieľa prispejeme k plneniu  špecifického cieľa 3.1.1 OP ĽZ - zvýšiť zamestnanosť, zamestnateľnosť a znížiť nezamestnanosť Žiadateľom je firma BENA SK s.r.o., ide o novozaloženú firmu k 8.9.2018,  ktorá sa zameriava v rámci projektu výhradne na ekonomické a účtovnícke služby, archivačné služby, stavebnú činnosť. Potreba zamestnať UoZ vznikla na základe rozširujúceho sa nárastu zákaziek v okrese Dunajská Streda, najmä v regióne Trnavského kraja.Cieľové skupiny v rámci projektu tvoria:uchádzač o zamestnanie - UoZ   podľa podľa § 6 zákona o službách zamestnanostiznevýhodnený uchádzač o zamestnanie - ZUoZ   podľa podľa § 8 zákona o službách zamestnanostiÚzemím, na ktorom sa bude realizovať projekt, ktorý je predmetom žiadosti je Trnavský kraj, okres Dunajská Streda.  V rámci projektu budú realizované nasledovné aktivity:Hlavnou aktivitou bude: Podpora uplatnenia UoZ a ZUoZ na trhu práce.Táto aktivita sa bude realizovať počas 24 mesiacov, v dvoch na seba nadväzujúcich častiach:vyhľadávanie a výber UoZ a ZUoZzamestnávanie UoZ a ZUoZ s možnosťou využitia mentorskej činnostiNáš projekt ponúkne pre UoZ a ZUoZ  kvalifikované zamestnanie s možnosťou osobného rozvoja a kariérneho rastu. Naša spoločnosť plánuje týchto zamestnaných UoZ a ZUoZ vzdelávať a viesť ich v ďalšom profesionálnom raste. V našom projekte zamestnáme celkom 13 nezamestnaných osob, z toho 9 UoZ a 4 znevýhodnených UoZ, ktorí sú znevýhodnenými podľa Zákona o službách zamestnanosti § 8, písmeno :b) občan starší ako 50 rokov vekug) občan, ktorý žije ako osamelá dospelá osoba s jednou alebo viacerými osobami odkázanými na jeho starostlivosť alebo starajúca sa aspoň o jedno dieťa pred skončením povinnej školskej dochádzkyh) občan so zdravotným postihnutím.Úspešnou realizáciou projektu a splnením cieľa projektu dosiahneme kvantitatívne výsledky vo forme merateľných ukazovateľov, ktoré sú zadefinované v OP ĽZ:P0097 Nezamestnané osoby vrátane dlhodobo nezamestnaných – 13P0109 Osoby vo veku nad 50 rokov - 2 (Slovak)
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    The aim of the project “Supporting jobs in BENA SK” is to provide job seekers (hereinafter referred to as UoZ) with sustainable and quality employment and thereby increase employment and employability, including disadvantaged jobseekers (hereinafter referred to as Zuoz), to maintain jobs for UoZ and Zuoz registered at the Office of Labour in Dunajska Streda. By realising this main objective, we will contribute to the specific objective 3.1.1 OP HR – increase employment, employability and reduce unemployment The applicant is the company BENA SK s.r.o., it is a newly created company on 8.9.2018, which focuses exclusively on economic and accounting services, archiving services. The need to employ UoZ arose on the basis of an increasing increase in contracts in the district of Dunajská Streda, especially in the region of Trnavský kraja.Objective groups within the project tvoria:uchádzač for employment – UoZ pursuant to Section 6 of the Employment Services Act, disadvantaged jobseeker – Zuoz according to Section 8 of the Act on Employment ServicesThe territory on which the project that is the subject of the application will be implemented is Trnavský kraj, okres Dunajská Streda.  The project will implement the following aktivity:Hlavnou activity will be: Support for the application of UoZ and Zuoz on the labour market.This activity will be implemented within 24 months, in two successive parts: search and selection of UoZ and ZUoZ employing UoZ and Zuoz with the possibility of using mentoringOur project will offer qualified employment for UoZ and Zuoz with the possibility of personal development and career development. Our company plans to educate these employed UoZ and Zuoz and lead them in further professional growth. In our project, we employ a total of 13 unemployed persons, of which 9 UoZ and 4 disadvantaged UoZs who are disadvantaged under the Employment Services Act § 8, letter:(b) a citizen older than 50 years of ageg) a citizen who lives as a single adult with one or more persons dependent on his care or caring for at least one child before the end of compulsory education(h) a citizen with disabilities. By successfully implementing the project and meeting the project goal, we will achieve quantitative results in the form of measurable indicators defined in OP ĽZ:P0097 Unemployed persons, including long-term unemployed – 13P0109 (English)
    15 September 2021
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