Improvement of the management process within the ATU Municipality of Drobeta Turnu Severin (Q3096259): Difference between revisions

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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The need for this project arose as a result of the municipality’s desire to have quality management of the local administration. Nationally relevant start-up documents, such as the Action Plan for the phased implementation of quality management in public authorities and institutions 2016-2020 and the Strategy for strengthening public administration 2014-2020, support the use of ISO systems and the CAF tool in LPAs. Given the fact that the munici...)
(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: translated_label)
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Improvement of the management process within the ATU Municipality of Drobeta Turnu Severin

Revision as of 15:49, 14 September 2021

Project Q3096259 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Improvement of the management process within the ATU Municipality of Drobeta Turnu Severin
Project Q3096259 in Romania


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    361,091.86 Romanian Leu
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    72,218.372 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    424,813.94 Romanian Leu
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    84,962.788 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.85 percent
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    7 March 2018
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    6 December 2019
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    UAT Municipiul Drobeta Turnu Severin
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    Necesitatea acestui proiect a aparut ca urmare a dorintei municipalitatii de a avea un management de calitate al administratiei locale. Documente startegice relevante la nivel national, precum Planul de actiuni pentru implementarea etapizata a managementului calitatii in autoritati si institutii publice 2016-2020 dar si Strategia pentru consolidarea administratiei publice 2014-2020, sustin utilizarea sistemelor ISO si a instrumentului CAF in APL-uri. Dat fiind faptul ca UAT Municipiul Drobeta Turnu Severin are deja implementat sistemul de management al calitatii ISO 9001, ISO 14001, aceasta isi propune pentru perioada urmatoare sa isi imbunatateasca procesul de management al calitatii , sa ridice nivelul de cunostinte si competente al personalului din administratia publica locala necesare consollidarii unei administratii moderne, performante, eficiente in beneficiul comunitatii pe care unitatea administrativ teritoriala o deserveste. Acest lucru va fi posibil prin implementarea instrumentului Cadru comun de autoevaluare a modului de functionare a acesteia, prin perfectionarea continua a personalului, fie el personal de executie, de conducere sau/si alesi locali, efectuarea de vizite de studiu atat la nivel national cat si international. Obiectivul general al proiectului consta asadar in imbunatatirea procesului de management al calitatii UAT Municipiul Drobeta Turnu Severin. Acest obiectiv vine in sprijinul atingerii obiectivului specific al axei 2 si anume acela al sustinerii unui management performant la nivelul autoritatilor si institutiilor publice locale prin introducerea de sisteme si standarde comune in adminsitratia publica locala. Cele trei obiective specifice propuse si anume: 1)dezvoltarea capacitatii manageriale in maxim 16 luni prin utilizarea de metode, tehnici si proceduri caracteristice unui management public modern, bazat pe performanta, 2) profesionalizarea activitatilor desfasurate in cadrul UAT Municipiul Drobeta Turnu Severin in 16 luni prin dezvoltarea capacitatii personalului de conducere si de executie, functionari publici si contractuali, indiferent de varsta, sex, etnie, 3) schimbarea valorilor si modului de actiune prin transfer direct in cadrul celor doua vizite de studiu in institutii publice europene dar si celor sase vizite de studiu in tara in maxim 16 luni, contribuie la atingerea obiectivului general al proiectului si sunt atinse ca urmare a obtinerii celor 7 rezultate asteptate descrise in sectiunea Rezultate asteptate. Fiecare rezultat stabilit poate fi atins ca urmare a realziarii activitatilor propuse, dupa cum urmeazaȘ - rezultatul 1 ca urmare a realizarii activitatii 1, 2,3,5 -rezultatul 2,3,4 ca urmare a realizarii activitatii 3, -rezultatul 5,7- ca urmare a realizarii activitatii 2 -rezultatul 6 ca urmare a realizarii activitatii 1. Rezultatele sunt cuantificate in indicatorii de proiect stabiliti: - 221 persoane participante la activitati de formare legate de introducerea de sist (Romanian)
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    The need for this project arose as a result of the municipality’s desire to have quality management of the local administration. Nationally relevant start-up documents, such as the Action Plan for the phased implementation of quality management in public authorities and institutions 2016-2020 and the Strategy for strengthening public administration 2014-2020, support the use of ISO systems and the CAF tool in LPAs. Given the fact that the municipality of Drobeta Turnu Severin has already implemented the quality management system ISO 9001, ISO 14001, it aims for the next period to improve its quality management process, to raise the level of knowledge and competence of the local public administration staff necessary for the convenience of a modern, efficient, efficient administration for the benefit of the community that the territorial administrative unit serves. This will be possible by implementing the common framework tool for self-assessment of its functioning, continuous improvement of the personnel, be it execution staff, management or local elected staff, carrying out study visits both at national and international level. The overall objective of the project is therefore to improve the quality management process of the ATU Municipality Drobeta Turnu Severin. This objective supports the achievement of the specific objective of Axis 2, namely to support an efficient management at the level of local authorities and public institutions by introducing common systems and standards in local public administration. The three specific objectives proposed, namely: 1)the development of the managerial capacity in maximum 16 months by using methods, techniques and procedures characteristic of a modern public management, based on performance, 2) professionalisation of the activities carried out within the ATU Drobeta Turnu Severin in 16 months by developing the capacity of management and execution staff, public and contractual officials, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, 3) changing the values and mode of action by direct transfer within the two study visits to European public institutions but also to the six study visits in the country in maximum 16 months, contribute to the achievement of the general objective of the project and are achieved as a result of achieving the 7 expected results described in the section Results await. Each established result can be achieved as a result of the realisation of the proposed activities, as follows: result 1 as a result of activity 1, 2,3.5 – result 2,3,4 as a result of the realisation of activity 3, – result 5,7 – as a result of the realisation of activity 2 – result 6 as a result of the realisation of activity 1. The results are quantified in the established project indicators: — 221 persons participating in training activities related to the introduction of the site (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Municipiul Drobeta-Turnu Severin, Romania
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