Q3104186 (Q3104186): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: Setting new description)
(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The aim of projektu:Národný project Creating an efficient operator of high-quality e-services of health care has two main objectives: Improving the quality and availability of provided health services – Improving the efficiency of the functioning of the health sectorIncreasing the quality of eHealth provision (eHealth) – Increasing the quality, standard and availability of e-services of health – Innovative e-services of health (focusing on impro...)
Property / summary
The aim of projektu:Národný project Creating an efficient operator of high-quality e-services of health care has two main objectives: Improving the quality and availability of provided health services – Improving the efficiency of the functioning of the health sectorIncreasing the quality of eHealth provision (eHealth) – Increasing the quality, standard and availability of e-services of health – Innovative e-services of health (focusing on improving prevention and management of chronic diseases) Project activities The project implementation is divided into 4 main activities that are subject to implementation Action 1 – Design and implementation of the process model, competence and organisational model NCZIActivity 2 – Introduction of modern ways to manage the operation and development of e-services (eHealth)Activity 3 – Support of innovation in the Healthcare Project – Provision of innovation in Healthcare. Place of project implementation – The project will be implemented at the level of the whole Slovakia, all regions. Ziežová Group – Institutions and bodies of public administration (NCZI, MoE SR, UKL, Healthcare Providers), Healthcare Professionals, Citizens, Entrepreneurs. (English)
Property / summary: The aim of projektu:Národný project Creating an efficient operator of high-quality e-services of health care has two main objectives: Improving the quality and availability of provided health services – Improving the efficiency of the functioning of the health sectorIncreasing the quality of eHealth provision (eHealth) – Increasing the quality, standard and availability of e-services of health – Innovative e-services of health (focusing on improving prevention and management of chronic diseases) Project activities The project implementation is divided into 4 main activities that are subject to implementation Action 1 – Design and implementation of the process model, competence and organisational model NCZIActivity 2 – Introduction of modern ways to manage the operation and development of e-services (eHealth)Activity 3 – Support of innovation in the Healthcare Project – Provision of innovation in Healthcare. Place of project implementation – The project will be implemented at the level of the whole Slovakia, all regions. Ziežová Group – Institutions and bodies of public administration (NCZI, MoE SR, UKL, Healthcare Providers), Healthcare Professionals, Citizens, Entrepreneurs. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The aim of projektu:Národný project Creating an efficient operator of high-quality e-services of health care has two main objectives: Improving the quality and availability of provided health services – Improving the efficiency of the functioning of the health sectorIncreasing the quality of eHealth provision (eHealth) – Increasing the quality, standard and availability of e-services of health – Innovative e-services of health (focusing on improving prevention and management of chronic diseases) Project activities The project implementation is divided into 4 main activities that are subject to implementation Action 1 – Design and implementation of the process model, competence and organisational model NCZIActivity 2 – Introduction of modern ways to manage the operation and development of e-services (eHealth)Activity 3 – Support of innovation in the Healthcare Project – Provision of innovation in Healthcare. Place of project implementation – The project will be implemented at the level of the whole Slovakia, all regions. Ziežová Group – Institutions and bodies of public administration (NCZI, MoE SR, UKL, Healthcare Providers), Healthcare Professionals, Citizens, Entrepreneurs. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 15 September 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 13:46, 15 September 2021

Project Q3104186 in Slovakia
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Project Q3104186 in Slovakia


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    0.0 Euro
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    3,682,691.79 Euro
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    1 September 2019
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    1 June 2022
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    Národné centrum zdravotníckych informácií
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    48°8'54.96"N, 17°6'27.90"E
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    Ciež projektu:Národný projekt „Vytvorenie efektívneho prevádzkovateža kvalitných elektronických služieb zdravotníctva“ má dva hlavné ciele: Zvýšenie kvality a dostupnosti poskytovaných služieb zdravotníctva             - Zlepši efektivitu fungovania sektora zdravotníctvaZvýšenie kvality poskytovania elektronických služieb elektronického zdravotníctva (eZdravie)             - Zvýši kvalitu, štandard a dostupnos elektronických služieb zdravotníctva             - Inovova elektronické služby zdravotníctva (so zameraním na zlepšenie prevencie a manažment chronických ochorení) Aktivity projektuRealizácia projektu je rozdelená do 4 hlavných aktivít, ktoré sú predmetom realizácie Aktivita 1 - Návrh a implementácia procesného modelu, kompetenčného a organizačného modelu NCZIAktivita 2 - Zavedenie moderných spôsobov pre riadenie prevádzky a rozvoja elektronických služieb zdravotníctva (eZdravie)Aktivita 3 - Podpora inovácií v zdravotníctve prostredníctvom mobilných riešeníAktivita 4 - Návrh postupov pre verejné obstarávanie v zdravotníctve Predpokladané trvanie projektu - Hlavné aktivity sú plánované na obdobie Január 2019 - November 2020. Miesto realizácie projektu - Projekt sa bude realizova na úrovni celého Slovenska, všetky kraje. Ciežová skupina - Inštitúcie a subjekty verejnej správy (NCZI, MZ SR, ŠUKL, Poskytovatelia  zdravotnej starostlivosti), Zdravotnícki pracovníci, Občania, Podnikatelia. (Slovak)
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    The aim of projektu:Národný project Creating an efficient operator of high-quality e-services of health care has two main objectives: Improving the quality and availability of provided health services – Improving the efficiency of the functioning of the health sectorIncreasing the quality of eHealth provision (eHealth) – Increasing the quality, standard and availability of e-services of health – Innovative e-services of health (focusing on improving prevention and management of chronic diseases) Project activities The project implementation is divided into 4 main activities that are subject to implementation Action 1 – Design and implementation of the process model, competence and organisational model NCZIActivity 2 – Introduction of modern ways to manage the operation and development of e-services (eHealth)Activity 3 – Support of innovation in the Healthcare Project – Provision of innovation in Healthcare. Place of project implementation – The project will be implemented at the level of the whole Slovakia, all regions. Ziežová Group – Institutions and bodies of public administration (NCZI, MoE SR, UKL, Healthcare Providers), Healthcare Professionals, Citizens, Entrepreneurs. (English)
    15 September 2021
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