Q3102044 (Q3102044): Difference between revisions
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(Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: Setting new description) |
(Created claim: summary (P836): The aim of the project Vocational classrooms in Z with M tefana Moyses is to improve the key competences of the students in a fully organised elementary round in Banská Bystrica in the natural science field and to develop their information and communication skills. These are necessary not only for the orientation in life, in society, but also for further education and training in professional professions. Through three main activities, the creat...) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
The aim of the project Vocational classrooms in Z with M tefana Moyses is to improve the key competences of the students in a fully organised elementary round in Banská Bystrica in the natural science field and to develop their information and communication skills. These are necessary not only for the orientation in life, in society, but also for further education and training in professional professions. Through three main activities, the creation of one fully functional chemico-biological classroom for 12 students with related minor building modifications, its equipment with a modern laboratory workplace and didactic means will be ensured and the equipment of one ICT classroom for 16 students will be replenished. The capacity of the supported school infrastructure of the elementary school is 215 students, of which the half of which consists of the second stage and 25 students with special educational needs. The project will support the improvement of the results of the pupils in the international and national measurement of achieved knowledge, ensure the interlinkage of learning outcomes with the requirements of practice and consequently increase the likelihood of future graduates’ success in the labour market. (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The aim of the project Vocational classrooms in Z with M tefana Moyses is to improve the key competences of the students in a fully organised elementary round in Banská Bystrica in the natural science field and to develop their information and communication skills. These are necessary not only for the orientation in life, in society, but also for further education and training in professional professions. Through three main activities, the creation of one fully functional chemico-biological classroom for 12 students with related minor building modifications, its equipment with a modern laboratory workplace and didactic means will be ensured and the equipment of one ICT classroom for 16 students will be replenished. The capacity of the supported school infrastructure of the elementary school is 215 students, of which the half of which consists of the second stage and 25 students with special educational needs. The project will support the improvement of the results of the pupils in the international and national measurement of achieved knowledge, ensure the interlinkage of learning outcomes with the requirements of practice and consequently increase the likelihood of future graduates’ success in the labour market. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The aim of the project Vocational classrooms in Z with M tefana Moyses is to improve the key competences of the students in a fully organised elementary round in Banská Bystrica in the natural science field and to develop their information and communication skills. These are necessary not only for the orientation in life, in society, but also for further education and training in professional professions. Through three main activities, the creation of one fully functional chemico-biological classroom for 12 students with related minor building modifications, its equipment with a modern laboratory workplace and didactic means will be ensured and the equipment of one ICT classroom for 16 students will be replenished. The capacity of the supported school infrastructure of the elementary school is 215 students, of which the half of which consists of the second stage and 25 students with special educational needs. The project will support the improvement of the results of the pupils in the international and national measurement of achieved knowledge, ensure the interlinkage of learning outcomes with the requirements of practice and consequently increase the likelihood of future graduates’ success in the labour market. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 15 September 2021
Revision as of 13:27, 15 September 2021
Project Q3102044 in Slovakia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | No label defined |
Project Q3102044 in Slovakia |
54,988.51 Euro
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64,692.36 Euro
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0.85 percent
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1 December 2018
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1 September 2021
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Rímskokatolícka cirkev Biskupstvo Banská Bystrica
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Ciežom projektu Odborné učebne v Z s M tefana Moysesa je zlepenie kžúčových kompetencií iakov v plnoorganizovanej základnej kole v Banskej Bystrici v prírodovednej oblasti a rozvoj ich informačno-komunikačných zručností. Tie sú potrebné nielen pri orientácii v ivote, v spoločnosti ale aj pri ďalej výchove a vzdelávaní v odborných profesiách.Prostredníctvom troch hlavných aktivít sa zabezpečí vytvorenie jednej plne funkčnej chemicko-biologickej učebne pre 12 iakov so súvisiacimi drobnými stavebnými úpravami, jej vybavenie moderným laboratórnym pracoviskom a didaktickými prostriedkami a zabezpečí sa doplnenie vybavenia jednej IKT učebne pre 16 iakov. Kapacita podporenej kolskej infratruktúry základnej koly je 215 iakov, z toho pribline polovicu tvoria iaci druhého stupňa a 25 iakov so peciálnymi výchovno-vzdelávacími potrebami.Projekt podporí zlepenie výsledkov iakov v medzinárodnom aj národnom meraní dosiahnutých vedomostí, zabezpečí previazanos výstupov vzdelávania s poiadavkami praxe a následne zvýi pravdepodobnos úspenosti budúcich absolventov na trhu práce. (Slovak)
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The aim of the project Vocational classrooms in Z with M tefana Moyses is to improve the key competences of the students in a fully organised elementary round in Banská Bystrica in the natural science field and to develop their information and communication skills. These are necessary not only for the orientation in life, in society, but also for further education and training in professional professions. Through three main activities, the creation of one fully functional chemico-biological classroom for 12 students with related minor building modifications, its equipment with a modern laboratory workplace and didactic means will be ensured and the equipment of one ICT classroom for 16 students will be replenished. The capacity of the supported school infrastructure of the elementary school is 215 students, of which the half of which consists of the second stage and 25 students with special educational needs. The project will support the improvement of the results of the pupils in the international and national measurement of achieved knowledge, ensure the interlinkage of learning outcomes with the requirements of practice and consequently increase the likelihood of future graduates’ success in the labour market. (English)
15 September 2021
0 references
0 references