Q3101043 (Q3101043): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: import item from Slovakia)
(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The basic round with the mother wheel, Brodňanská 110/17, ilina is a full-organised basic round with nine step-by-step years. In the school year 2016/2017 there are 138 students who are in 9 classes and focus on environmental education. Of the total number of students per lap, there are 20 students with special educational problems (VVPs), of which 2 mentally affected variant A, and 5 of them the teaching assistant.  With M, he does not employ a...)
Property / summary
The basic round with the mother wheel, Brodňanská 110/17, ilina is a full-organised basic round with nine step-by-step years. In the school year 2016/2017 there are 138 students who are in 9 classes and focus on environmental education. Of the total number of students per lap, there are 20 students with special educational problems (VVPs), of which 2 mentally affected variant A, and 5 of them the teaching assistant.  With M, he does not employ any assistant teacher, which is a condition very alarming, in addition to 5 people who are entitled to the assistant teacher, it is not possible to provide this kind of professional assistance and care.On the round, a special pedagogue works on 0.2 time and is not possible to provide all people with adequate special-pedagogical care. His work is focused mainly on students with VVP, but at the same time he performs as well as a tower of consulting activities to parents and teachers, as well as administrative activity.Spare teachers working on the bike do not pursue and solve many of the problems associated with the educational process. For these reasons, the aim of the project is “to increase inclusiveness and equal access to quality education and to impair the results and competences of children and chicks” at Z with M Brodňanská 110/17, ilina. The objective in question will be met through 2 main activities:1. The creation and occupation of 2 new assistant posts for the purpose of integrating pupils with health disadvantages into the education process2. Creation and occupation of 1 new post of a school psychologist for the purpose of equalising the disadvantage of pupils and ensuring equal opportunities in the educational process.The selected activities will contribute to equalising the disadvantage of the pupils, ensure equal opportunities in the educational process, eliminate socio-pathological phenomena, improve the school success of the pupils, including those with special educational needs. The above mentioned contribution of the project will be mainly for the following target groups: Students with VVP, but also for other students, teachers and parents Z with M Brodňanská 110/17, ilina. By implementing the project we expect to achieve: an increase in the number of SCIs by 10 included in regular classes, up to 24 months after the end of the project, of which 2 from the SZP group. At the same time, we expect to improve the results 6 months after the implementation of the project in at least 9 students with VVP. (English)
Property / summary: The basic round with the mother wheel, Brodňanská 110/17, ilina is a full-organised basic round with nine step-by-step years. In the school year 2016/2017 there are 138 students who are in 9 classes and focus on environmental education. Of the total number of students per lap, there are 20 students with special educational problems (VVPs), of which 2 mentally affected variant A, and 5 of them the teaching assistant.  With M, he does not employ any assistant teacher, which is a condition very alarming, in addition to 5 people who are entitled to the assistant teacher, it is not possible to provide this kind of professional assistance and care.On the round, a special pedagogue works on 0.2 time and is not possible to provide all people with adequate special-pedagogical care. His work is focused mainly on students with VVP, but at the same time he performs as well as a tower of consulting activities to parents and teachers, as well as administrative activity.Spare teachers working on the bike do not pursue and solve many of the problems associated with the educational process. For these reasons, the aim of the project is “to increase inclusiveness and equal access to quality education and to impair the results and competences of children and chicks” at Z with M Brodňanská 110/17, ilina. The objective in question will be met through 2 main activities:1. The creation and occupation of 2 new assistant posts for the purpose of integrating pupils with health disadvantages into the education process2. Creation and occupation of 1 new post of a school psychologist for the purpose of equalising the disadvantage of pupils and ensuring equal opportunities in the educational process.The selected activities will contribute to equalising the disadvantage of the pupils, ensure equal opportunities in the educational process, eliminate socio-pathological phenomena, improve the school success of the pupils, including those with special educational needs. The above mentioned contribution of the project will be mainly for the following target groups: Students with VVP, but also for other students, teachers and parents Z with M Brodňanská 110/17, ilina. By implementing the project we expect to achieve: an increase in the number of SCIs by 10 included in regular classes, up to 24 months after the end of the project, of which 2 from the SZP group. At the same time, we expect to improve the results 6 months after the implementation of the project in at least 9 students with VVP. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The basic round with the mother wheel, Brodňanská 110/17, ilina is a full-organised basic round with nine step-by-step years. In the school year 2016/2017 there are 138 students who are in 9 classes and focus on environmental education. Of the total number of students per lap, there are 20 students with special educational problems (VVPs), of which 2 mentally affected variant A, and 5 of them the teaching assistant.  With M, he does not employ any assistant teacher, which is a condition very alarming, in addition to 5 people who are entitled to the assistant teacher, it is not possible to provide this kind of professional assistance and care.On the round, a special pedagogue works on 0.2 time and is not possible to provide all people with adequate special-pedagogical care. His work is focused mainly on students with VVP, but at the same time he performs as well as a tower of consulting activities to parents and teachers, as well as administrative activity.Spare teachers working on the bike do not pursue and solve many of the problems associated with the educational process. For these reasons, the aim of the project is “to increase inclusiveness and equal access to quality education and to impair the results and competences of children and chicks” at Z with M Brodňanská 110/17, ilina. The objective in question will be met through 2 main activities:1. The creation and occupation of 2 new assistant posts for the purpose of integrating pupils with health disadvantages into the education process2. Creation and occupation of 1 new post of a school psychologist for the purpose of equalising the disadvantage of pupils and ensuring equal opportunities in the educational process.The selected activities will contribute to equalising the disadvantage of the pupils, ensure equal opportunities in the educational process, eliminate socio-pathological phenomena, improve the school success of the pupils, including those with special educational needs. The above mentioned contribution of the project will be mainly for the following target groups: Students with VVP, but also for other students, teachers and parents Z with M Brodňanská 110/17, ilina. By implementing the project we expect to achieve: an increase in the number of SCIs by 10 included in regular classes, up to 24 months after the end of the project, of which 2 from the SZP group. At the same time, we expect to improve the results 6 months after the implementation of the project in at least 9 students with VVP. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 15 September 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 13:13, 15 September 2021

Project Q3101043 in Slovakia
Language Label Description Also known as
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Project Q3101043 in Slovakia


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    90,729.0 Euro
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    106,740.0 Euro
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    0.85 percent
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    1 January 2018
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    1 December 2020
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    Základná škola s materskou školou, Brodňanská 110/17, Žilina
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    49°12'23.87"N, 18°46'19.88"E
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    Základná škola s materskou školou, Brodňanská 110/17, Žilina je plnoorganizovaná základná škola s deviatimi postupovými ročníkmi. V školskom roku 2016/2017 navštevuje školu 138 žiakov, ktorí sú v 9 triedach a zameriava na environmentálnu výchovu. Z celkového počtu žiakov na škole je 20  žiakov so špeciálnymi výchovno-vzdelávacími problémami (ŠVVP), z toho sú 2 mentálne postihnutí – variant A, a 5 žiaci vyžadujúci asistenta učiteža.  ZŠ s MŠ nezamestnáva žiadneho asistenta učiteža, čo je stav vežmi alarmujúci, nakožko 5 žiakom, ktorí majú nárok na asistenta učiteža, nie je možné poskytnú tento druh odbornej pomoci a starostlivosti.Na škole pracuje špeciálny pedagóg na 0,2 úväzku a nie je možné, aby dokázal zabezpeči všetkým žiakom primeranú špeciálno-pedagogickú starostlivos. Jeho práca je zameraná hlavne na žiakov so ŠVVP, no zároveň vykonáva ako aj veža poradenskej činnosti rodičom a učitežom, tak aj administratívnu činnos.Triedni učitelia pracujúci na škole, nestíhajú zachyti a rieši množstvo problémov spojených s výchovno-vzdelávacím procesom. Z uvedených dôvodov je ciežom projektu "Zvýši inkluzívnos a rovnaký prístup ku kvalitnému vzdelávaniu a zlepši výsledky a kompetencie detí a žiakov" na ZŠ s MŠ Brodňanská 110/17, Žilina. Predmetný ciež bude naplnený prostredníctvom 2 hlavných aktivít:1. Vytvorenie a obsadenie 2 nových pracovných miesta asistenta učiteža za účelom začlenenia žiakov so zdravotným znevýhodnením do vzdelávacieho procesu2. Vytvorenie a obsadenie 1 nového pracovného miesta školského psychológa pre účely vyrovnávania znevýhodnenia žiakov a zabezpečenia rovnosti príležitostí vo výchovno-vzdelávacom procese.Zvolené aktivity prispejú k vyrovnávaniu znevýhodnenia žiakov, zabezpečia rovnos príležitostí vo výchovno-vzdelávacom procese, eliminujú socio-patologické javy, zlepšia školskú úspešnos žiakov vrátane žiakov so špeciálnymi výchovno-vzdelávacími potrebami. Uvedený prínos projektu bude určený hlavne pre tieto ciežové skupiny: žiakov so ŠVVP, ale aj pre ostatných žiakov, učitežov a rodičov ZŠ s MŠ Brodňanská 110/17, Žilina. Realizáciou projektu predpokladáme dosiahnu: navýšenie počtu žiakov so ŠVVP o 10 zaradených v bežných triedach, do 24 mesiacov po skončení projektu, z toho 2 zo skupiny SZP. Zároveň predpokladáme zlepšenie študijných výsledkov 6 mesiacov po realizácií projektu u minimálne 9 žiakov so ŠVVP. (Slovak)
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    The basic round with the mother wheel, Brodňanská 110/17, ilina is a full-organised basic round with nine step-by-step years. In the school year 2016/2017 there are 138 students who are in 9 classes and focus on environmental education. Of the total number of students per lap, there are 20 students with special educational problems (VVPs), of which 2 mentally affected variant A, and 5 of them the teaching assistant.  With M, he does not employ any assistant teacher, which is a condition very alarming, in addition to 5 people who are entitled to the assistant teacher, it is not possible to provide this kind of professional assistance and care.On the round, a special pedagogue works on 0.2 time and is not possible to provide all people with adequate special-pedagogical care. His work is focused mainly on students with VVP, but at the same time he performs as well as a tower of consulting activities to parents and teachers, as well as administrative activity.Spare teachers working on the bike do not pursue and solve many of the problems associated with the educational process. For these reasons, the aim of the project is “to increase inclusiveness and equal access to quality education and to impair the results and competences of children and chicks” at Z with M Brodňanská 110/17, ilina. The objective in question will be met through 2 main activities:1. The creation and occupation of 2 new assistant posts for the purpose of integrating pupils with health disadvantages into the education process2. Creation and occupation of 1 new post of a school psychologist for the purpose of equalising the disadvantage of pupils and ensuring equal opportunities in the educational process.The selected activities will contribute to equalising the disadvantage of the pupils, ensure equal opportunities in the educational process, eliminate socio-pathological phenomena, improve the school success of the pupils, including those with special educational needs. The above mentioned contribution of the project will be mainly for the following target groups: Students with VVP, but also for other students, teachers and parents Z with M Brodňanská 110/17, ilina. By implementing the project we expect to achieve: an increase in the number of SCIs by 10 included in regular classes, up to 24 months after the end of the project, of which 2 from the SZP group. At the same time, we expect to improve the results 6 months after the implementation of the project in at least 9 students with VVP. (English)
    15 September 2021
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