Q3099116 (Q3099116): Difference between revisions

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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): General objective: Increase the safety and security of the sailing throughout the Romanian sector of the Danube and reduce its impact on the environment. Specific objectives: OS 1: The acquisition of two multifunctional maritime tugboats and two modern multifunctional river tugs with ice class will allow the Adminstraction to intervene promptly at critical points, in case of the occurrence of ice, in order to ensure the fluency of navigation on...)
Property / summary
General objective: Increase the safety and security of the sailing throughout the Romanian sector of the Danube and reduce its impact on the environment. Specific objectives: OS 1: The acquisition of two multifunctional maritime tugboats and two modern multifunctional river tugs with ice class will allow the Adminstraction to intervene promptly at critical points, in case of the occurrence of ice, in order to ensure the fluency of navigation on the Romanian sector of the Danube. It will also be possible to intervene with these vessels to dismantle seagoing vessels and river convoys, and to take part in fire-fighting actions on board ships and in quay installations. The ice-class tugs currently owned by FMAJ-RA Galați are between 26 and 37 years old, which is why they are worn both physically and morally, as a result of their age and exceeding their normal service life, tugs are maintained to operating standards by costly periodic repairs, both in terms of time and financially, one of the main problems being the disappearance of spare parts, which leads to great operational difficulties. They have low efficiency, very high fuel consumption and emissions of pollutants exceeding the permitted limits. OS 2: Creation of 48 new jobs to operate the four tugs at the end of project implementation. The implementation of the project will directly contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy and the Commission’s White Paper by promoting territorial cohesion, ensuring the interconnection of national territory to international routes and regional interconnectivity; efficiency, by removing bottlenecks and delays with an impact on the economic and social environment; sustainability, by promoting sustainable transport modes and energy efficiency measures, as well as Romania’s 2020 target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 20 % compared to 1990.The project falls under the categories of actions that can be financed under the Large Infrastructure Operational Programme, 2014-2020, Priority Axis 2 – Development of a multimodal, quality transport system, sustainable and efficient, Specific Objective 2.5 Increasing safety and security in all modes of transport and reducing the environmental impact of transport – Acquisition of fairway equipment – waterways and other types of equipment with a role in ensuring transport safety and security regardless of the mode of transport. The financing of the project will contribute to the achievement of the general objective of the Partnership Agreement of Romania 2014-2020 and specifically to the development of the Infrastructure, namely the achievement of the Thematic Objective no. 7 – Promotion (English)
Property / summary: General objective: Increase the safety and security of the sailing throughout the Romanian sector of the Danube and reduce its impact on the environment. Specific objectives: OS 1: The acquisition of two multifunctional maritime tugboats and two modern multifunctional river tugs with ice class will allow the Adminstraction to intervene promptly at critical points, in case of the occurrence of ice, in order to ensure the fluency of navigation on the Romanian sector of the Danube. It will also be possible to intervene with these vessels to dismantle seagoing vessels and river convoys, and to take part in fire-fighting actions on board ships and in quay installations. The ice-class tugs currently owned by FMAJ-RA Galați are between 26 and 37 years old, which is why they are worn both physically and morally, as a result of their age and exceeding their normal service life, tugs are maintained to operating standards by costly periodic repairs, both in terms of time and financially, one of the main problems being the disappearance of spare parts, which leads to great operational difficulties. They have low efficiency, very high fuel consumption and emissions of pollutants exceeding the permitted limits. OS 2: Creation of 48 new jobs to operate the four tugs at the end of project implementation. The implementation of the project will directly contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy and the Commission’s White Paper by promoting territorial cohesion, ensuring the interconnection of national territory to international routes and regional interconnectivity; efficiency, by removing bottlenecks and delays with an impact on the economic and social environment; sustainability, by promoting sustainable transport modes and energy efficiency measures, as well as Romania’s 2020 target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 20 % compared to 1990.The project falls under the categories of actions that can be financed under the Large Infrastructure Operational Programme, 2014-2020, Priority Axis 2 – Development of a multimodal, quality transport system, sustainable and efficient, Specific Objective 2.5 Increasing safety and security in all modes of transport and reducing the environmental impact of transport – Acquisition of fairway equipment – waterways and other types of equipment with a role in ensuring transport safety and security regardless of the mode of transport. The financing of the project will contribute to the achievement of the general objective of the Partnership Agreement of Romania 2014-2020 and specifically to the development of the Infrastructure, namely the achievement of the Thematic Objective no. 7 – Promotion (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: General objective: Increase the safety and security of the sailing throughout the Romanian sector of the Danube and reduce its impact on the environment. Specific objectives: OS 1: The acquisition of two multifunctional maritime tugboats and two modern multifunctional river tugs with ice class will allow the Adminstraction to intervene promptly at critical points, in case of the occurrence of ice, in order to ensure the fluency of navigation on the Romanian sector of the Danube. It will also be possible to intervene with these vessels to dismantle seagoing vessels and river convoys, and to take part in fire-fighting actions on board ships and in quay installations. The ice-class tugs currently owned by FMAJ-RA Galați are between 26 and 37 years old, which is why they are worn both physically and morally, as a result of their age and exceeding their normal service life, tugs are maintained to operating standards by costly periodic repairs, both in terms of time and financially, one of the main problems being the disappearance of spare parts, which leads to great operational difficulties. They have low efficiency, very high fuel consumption and emissions of pollutants exceeding the permitted limits. OS 2: Creation of 48 new jobs to operate the four tugs at the end of project implementation. The implementation of the project will directly contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy and the Commission’s White Paper by promoting territorial cohesion, ensuring the interconnection of national territory to international routes and regional interconnectivity; efficiency, by removing bottlenecks and delays with an impact on the economic and social environment; sustainability, by promoting sustainable transport modes and energy efficiency measures, as well as Romania’s 2020 target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 20 % compared to 1990.The project falls under the categories of actions that can be financed under the Large Infrastructure Operational Programme, 2014-2020, Priority Axis 2 – Development of a multimodal, quality transport system, sustainable and efficient, Specific Objective 2.5 Increasing safety and security in all modes of transport and reducing the environmental impact of transport – Acquisition of fairway equipment – waterways and other types of equipment with a role in ensuring transport safety and security regardless of the mode of transport. The financing of the project will contribute to the achievement of the general objective of the Partnership Agreement of Romania 2014-2020 and specifically to the development of the Infrastructure, namely the achievement of the Thematic Objective no. 7 – Promotion (English) / qualifier
point in time: 16 September 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 11:01, 16 September 2021

Project Q3099116 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
No label defined
Project Q3099116 in Romania


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    108,756,303.3 Romanian Leu
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    21,751,260.66 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    127,948,592.1 Romanian Leu
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    25,589,718.42 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.85 percent
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    31 July 2017
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    30 September 2020
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    Obiectiv General: Creşterea gradului de siguranta si securitate a navigatiei pe întreg sectorul românesc al Dunării și reducerea impactului acesteia asupra mediului. Obiective Specifice: OS 1: Achizitionarea a două remorchere remorchere maritime multifuncționale și două remorchere fluviale multifuncționale cu clasă de gheață, moderne, vor da posibilitatea Adminstrației de a interveni cu promptitudine în punctele critice, în cazul producerii fenomenului de gheață, pentru asigurarea fluenței navigației pe sectorul românesc al Dunării. De asemenea cu aceste nave se va putea interveni pentru dezeşuarea navelor maritime şi a convoaielor fluviale, se va putea participa la acţiuni de stins incendiul la bordul navelor și la instalațiile de cheu. Remorcherele cu clasă de gheață, deținute în prezent de AFDJ-RA Galați, au o vechime cuprinsă între 26 și 37 de ani, motiv pentru care sunt uzate atât din punct de vedere fizic cât și moral, Ca urmare a vechimii lor și a depășirii duratei normale de funcționare, remorcherele sunt menținute la standarde de funcționare prin reparații periodice costisitoare, atât din punct de vedere al timpului efectuării lor, cât și financiar, una din principalele probleme fiind dispariția pieselor de schimb, aspect ce duce la dificultăți mari în exploatare. Acestea au un randament diminuat, consumuri de combustibil foarte ridicate și emisii de noxe ce depășesc limitele admise. OS 2: Crearea de 48 noi locuri de muncă în vederea operării celor patru remorchere, la finalul implementării proiectului. Implementarea Proiectului va contribui în mod direct la îndeplinirea obiectivelor Strategiei Europa 2020 și Cartea albă a Comisiei, prin promovarea coeziunii teritoriale, asigurând interconectarea teritoriului naţional la rutele internaţionale şi interconectivitatea regională; eficienţei, prin eliminarea blocajelor şi întârzierilor cu impact asupra mediului economic şi social; durabilităţii, prin promovarea modurilor de transport durabile și a măsurilor de eficientizare a consumului de energie, precum și la îndeplinirea obiectivului României pentru 2020, în ceea ce privește reducerea emisiilor de gaze cu efect de seră cu 20% față de 1990.Proiectul se încadrează în categoriile de acțiuni finanțabile in cadrul Programului Operațional Infrastructură Mare, 2014-2020, Axa Prioritară 2 - Dezvoltarea unui sistem de transport multimodal, de calitate, durabil şi eficient, Obiectivul Specific 2.5 Creşterea gradului de siguranţă şi securitate pe toate modurile de transport şi reducerea impactului transporturilor asupra mediului - Achiziţionarea de echipamente de pe şenale - canal navigabil şi alte tipuri de echipamente cu rol în asigurarea siguranţei şi securităţii transporturilor indiferent de modul de transport. Finanțarea Proiectului va contribui la realizarea obiectivului general al Acordului de Parteneriat al Romaniei 2014-2020 si in mod specific la dezvoltarea Infrastructurii, respectiv realizarea Obiectivului Tematic nr. 7 - Promovare (Romanian)
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    General objective: Increase the safety and security of the sailing throughout the Romanian sector of the Danube and reduce its impact on the environment. Specific objectives: OS 1: The acquisition of two multifunctional maritime tugboats and two modern multifunctional river tugs with ice class will allow the Adminstraction to intervene promptly at critical points, in case of the occurrence of ice, in order to ensure the fluency of navigation on the Romanian sector of the Danube. It will also be possible to intervene with these vessels to dismantle seagoing vessels and river convoys, and to take part in fire-fighting actions on board ships and in quay installations. The ice-class tugs currently owned by FMAJ-RA Galați are between 26 and 37 years old, which is why they are worn both physically and morally, as a result of their age and exceeding their normal service life, tugs are maintained to operating standards by costly periodic repairs, both in terms of time and financially, one of the main problems being the disappearance of spare parts, which leads to great operational difficulties. They have low efficiency, very high fuel consumption and emissions of pollutants exceeding the permitted limits. OS 2: Creation of 48 new jobs to operate the four tugs at the end of project implementation. The implementation of the project will directly contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy and the Commission’s White Paper by promoting territorial cohesion, ensuring the interconnection of national territory to international routes and regional interconnectivity; efficiency, by removing bottlenecks and delays with an impact on the economic and social environment; sustainability, by promoting sustainable transport modes and energy efficiency measures, as well as Romania’s 2020 target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 20 % compared to 1990.The project falls under the categories of actions that can be financed under the Large Infrastructure Operational Programme, 2014-2020, Priority Axis 2 – Development of a multimodal, quality transport system, sustainable and efficient, Specific Objective 2.5 Increasing safety and security in all modes of transport and reducing the environmental impact of transport – Acquisition of fairway equipment – waterways and other types of equipment with a role in ensuring transport safety and security regardless of the mode of transport. The financing of the project will contribute to the achievement of the general objective of the Partnership Agreement of Romania 2014-2020 and specifically to the development of the Infrastructure, namely the achievement of the Thematic Objective no. 7 – Promotion (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Municipiul Galaţi, Romania
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