Q3097994 (Q3097994): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in en)
(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The general objective of the project is to reduce and prevent early school leaving and to promote equal access to preschool, primary and secondary education for 270 pre-schools and students with parents gone abroad, from 6 schools in Valcea county, through integrated educational and social measures, as well as through parental education and social counseling activities dedicated to the 270 Parents/Guardians/persons who care for children with par...)
Property / summary
The general objective of the project is to reduce and prevent early school leaving and to promote equal access to preschool, primary and secondary education for 270 pre-schools and students with parents gone abroad, from 6 schools in Valcea county, through integrated educational and social measures, as well as through parental education and social counseling activities dedicated to the 270 Parents/Guardians/persons who care for children with parents gone to work abroad. The general objective of the project is in accordance with the provisions, priorities and measures included in the National Strategy on Reduction of Early School Leave, the National Strategy on Social Inclusion of Romanian Citizens belonging to Rome Minority through the implementation of a program of extracurricular, support, recreational and counselling educational activities, namely social counseling and parental education for parents/guardians of children and students included in the target group, responds to their complex social, emotional and educational needs and thus increasing access to quality education, i.e. contributing to the prevention of early abandonment/preparation of school. Within the project will benefit from integrated services and measures: 34 children/students belonging to the Roma minority (representing 12.6 % of GT children/students), 60 children/students from rural areas (representing 22 % of GT children/students) and 15 children with ESC/disability (representing 5.5 % of the total target group children/students). The activities of the project are in accordance with the action directions of the Strategy to reduce the School’s Early Leave, contributing to the implementation of a plan to ensure adequate access to quality education and ensuring the completion of compulsory education by all students, especially for those from groups at risk. The measures provide a mix of financial and socio-educational support for families in order to eliminate obstacles to a higher access to quality education. The project will thus generate a positive long-term effect for the target group (270 children and pupils, respectively 270 parents and/or guardians/persons who care for the child with parents gone abroad) by stimulating participation in a quality education, applied to the needs of the target group, ultimately leading to the reduction of school dropout/early retirement of the school and the acquisition of key competences that will help students in transition to the labour market. The benefits of the project will be known, multiplied and outside the target group or the associated education units in the project, through the network of partners and collaborators, dedicated events and other programs such as thematic consultations/meetings organised outside the project. (English)
Property / summary: The general objective of the project is to reduce and prevent early school leaving and to promote equal access to preschool, primary and secondary education for 270 pre-schools and students with parents gone abroad, from 6 schools in Valcea county, through integrated educational and social measures, as well as through parental education and social counseling activities dedicated to the 270 Parents/Guardians/persons who care for children with parents gone to work abroad. The general objective of the project is in accordance with the provisions, priorities and measures included in the National Strategy on Reduction of Early School Leave, the National Strategy on Social Inclusion of Romanian Citizens belonging to Rome Minority through the implementation of a program of extracurricular, support, recreational and counselling educational activities, namely social counseling and parental education for parents/guardians of children and students included in the target group, responds to their complex social, emotional and educational needs and thus increasing access to quality education, i.e. contributing to the prevention of early abandonment/preparation of school. Within the project will benefit from integrated services and measures: 34 children/students belonging to the Roma minority (representing 12.6 % of GT children/students), 60 children/students from rural areas (representing 22 % of GT children/students) and 15 children with ESC/disability (representing 5.5 % of the total target group children/students). The activities of the project are in accordance with the action directions of the Strategy to reduce the School’s Early Leave, contributing to the implementation of a plan to ensure adequate access to quality education and ensuring the completion of compulsory education by all students, especially for those from groups at risk. The measures provide a mix of financial and socio-educational support for families in order to eliminate obstacles to a higher access to quality education. The project will thus generate a positive long-term effect for the target group (270 children and pupils, respectively 270 parents and/or guardians/persons who care for the child with parents gone abroad) by stimulating participation in a quality education, applied to the needs of the target group, ultimately leading to the reduction of school dropout/early retirement of the school and the acquisition of key competences that will help students in transition to the labour market. The benefits of the project will be known, multiplied and outside the target group or the associated education units in the project, through the network of partners and collaborators, dedicated events and other programs such as thematic consultations/meetings organised outside the project. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The general objective of the project is to reduce and prevent early school leaving and to promote equal access to preschool, primary and secondary education for 270 pre-schools and students with parents gone abroad, from 6 schools in Valcea county, through integrated educational and social measures, as well as through parental education and social counseling activities dedicated to the 270 Parents/Guardians/persons who care for children with parents gone to work abroad. The general objective of the project is in accordance with the provisions, priorities and measures included in the National Strategy on Reduction of Early School Leave, the National Strategy on Social Inclusion of Romanian Citizens belonging to Rome Minority through the implementation of a program of extracurricular, support, recreational and counselling educational activities, namely social counseling and parental education for parents/guardians of children and students included in the target group, responds to their complex social, emotional and educational needs and thus increasing access to quality education, i.e. contributing to the prevention of early abandonment/preparation of school. Within the project will benefit from integrated services and measures: 34 children/students belonging to the Roma minority (representing 12.6 % of GT children/students), 60 children/students from rural areas (representing 22 % of GT children/students) and 15 children with ESC/disability (representing 5.5 % of the total target group children/students). The activities of the project are in accordance with the action directions of the Strategy to reduce the School’s Early Leave, contributing to the implementation of a plan to ensure adequate access to quality education and ensuring the completion of compulsory education by all students, especially for those from groups at risk. The measures provide a mix of financial and socio-educational support for families in order to eliminate obstacles to a higher access to quality education. The project will thus generate a positive long-term effect for the target group (270 children and pupils, respectively 270 parents and/or guardians/persons who care for the child with parents gone abroad) by stimulating participation in a quality education, applied to the needs of the target group, ultimately leading to the reduction of school dropout/early retirement of the school and the acquisition of key competences that will help students in transition to the labour market. The benefits of the project will be known, multiplied and outside the target group or the associated education units in the project, through the network of partners and collaborators, dedicated events and other programs such as thematic consultations/meetings organised outside the project. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 16 September 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 10:37, 16 September 2021

Project Q3097994 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
No label defined
Project Q3097994 in Romania


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    3,885,172.16 Romanian Leu
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    777,034.432 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    4,570,790.63 Romanian Leu
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    914,158.126 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.85 percent
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    25 May 2021
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    25 April 2023
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului este reducerea si prevenirea abandonului scolar timpuriu si promovarea accesului egal la invatamantul prescolar,primar si gimnazial pt 270 de prescolari si elevi cu parintii plecati la munca in strainatate, din 6 scoli din judetul Valcea,prin masuri integrate educationale si sociale, precum si prin activitati de educatie parentala si consiliere sociala dedicate celor 270 Parinti/tutori/persoane care au in grija copiii cu parinti plecati la munca in strainatate. Obiectivul general al proiectului este in concordanta cu prevederile,prioritatile si masurile incluse in strategia Nationala privind Reducerea Parasirii timpurii a scolii,strategia Nationala privind incluziunea sociala a Cetatenilor Romani apartinand Minoritatii Rome prin implementarea unui program de activitati educationale extracurriculare,de sprijin,recreative si de consiliere,respectiv consiliere sociala si educatie parentala pt parintii/tutorii copiilor si elevilor cuprinsi in grupul tinta pa raspunde nevoilor complexe sociale,emotionale si educationale ale acestora si sporind astfel accesul la o educatie de calitate,respectiv contribuind la prevenirea abandonului/parasirii timpurie a scolii. In cadrul proiectului vor beneficia de serviciile si masurile integrate: 34 de copii/elevi apartinand minoritatii rome (reprezentand 12,6% din GT copii/elevi),60 de copii/elevi ce provin din mediul rural (reprezentand 22% din GT copii/elevi) si 15 copii cu CES/dizabilitati (reprezentand 5,5% din totalul grupului tinta copii/elevi). Activitatile proiectului sunt in concordanta cu directiile de actiune ale Strategiei pt Reducerea Parasirii Timpurii a Scolii,contribuind la implementarea unui plan de asigurare a accesului adecvat la o educatie de calitate si asigurarea finalizarii studiilor obligatorii de catre toti elevii,in special pt cei din grupurile aflate in situatie de risc. Masurile prevad un mix de sprijin financiar si socio-educational acordat familiilor,in vederea eliminarii obstacolelor din calea unui acces mai ridicat la un invatamant de calitate. Proiectul va genera astfel un efect pozitiv pe termen lung pt grupul tinta ( 270 de copii si elevi,respectiv 270 de parinti si/sau tutori /persoane care au in grija copilul cu parinti plecati in strainatate) prin stimularea participarii la o educatie de calitate,aplicata pe nevoile grupului tinta,conducand in cele din urma la reducerea abandonului scolar/parasirii timpurii a scolii si achizitionarea de competente cheie care ii va ajuta pe elevi in tranzitia catre piata muncii. Beneficiile proiectului vor fi cunoscute,multiplicate si in afara grupului tinta sau a unitatilor de invatamant asociate in proiect,prin intermediul retelei de parteneri si colaboratori,a evenimentelor dedicate si a altor programe de tipul consfatuirilor/intalnirilor tematice organizate in afara proiectului. (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to reduce and prevent early school leaving and to promote equal access to preschool, primary and secondary education for 270 pre-schools and students with parents gone abroad, from 6 schools in Valcea county, through integrated educational and social measures, as well as through parental education and social counseling activities dedicated to the 270 Parents/Guardians/persons who care for children with parents gone to work abroad. The general objective of the project is in accordance with the provisions, priorities and measures included in the National Strategy on Reduction of Early School Leave, the National Strategy on Social Inclusion of Romanian Citizens belonging to Rome Minority through the implementation of a program of extracurricular, support, recreational and counselling educational activities, namely social counseling and parental education for parents/guardians of children and students included in the target group, responds to their complex social, emotional and educational needs and thus increasing access to quality education, i.e. contributing to the prevention of early abandonment/preparation of school. Within the project will benefit from integrated services and measures: 34 children/students belonging to the Roma minority (representing 12.6 % of GT children/students), 60 children/students from rural areas (representing 22 % of GT children/students) and 15 children with ESC/disability (representing 5.5 % of the total target group children/students). The activities of the project are in accordance with the action directions of the Strategy to reduce the School’s Early Leave, contributing to the implementation of a plan to ensure adequate access to quality education and ensuring the completion of compulsory education by all students, especially for those from groups at risk. The measures provide a mix of financial and socio-educational support for families in order to eliminate obstacles to a higher access to quality education. The project will thus generate a positive long-term effect for the target group (270 children and pupils, respectively 270 parents and/or guardians/persons who care for the child with parents gone abroad) by stimulating participation in a quality education, applied to the needs of the target group, ultimately leading to the reduction of school dropout/early retirement of the school and the acquisition of key competences that will help students in transition to the labour market. The benefits of the project will be known, multiplied and outside the target group or the associated education units in the project, through the network of partners and collaborators, dedicated events and other programs such as thematic consultations/meetings organised outside the project. (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Municipiul Râmnicu Vâlcea, Romania
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    Valea Mare, Romania
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    Frânceşti, Romania
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    Oraş Ocnele Mari, Romania
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    Oraş Băbeni, Romania
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