Q3097948 (Q3097948): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in en)
(‎Created claim: summary (P836): GENERAL OBJECTIVE: IAdaptation of workers and businesses to the dynamics of the pontential economic sectors/areas identified according to the NCS and NCSDS by improving equal access to lifelong learning for all age groups. Increasing the level of competence of employees in Romanian companies through professional training and business adaptation to the requirements of the competitive fields of SNC and SNCDI, as well as lifelong learning, includin...)
Property / summary
GENERAL OBJECTIVE: IAdaptation of workers and businesses to the dynamics of the pontential economic sectors/areas identified according to the NCS and NCSDS by improving equal access to lifelong learning for all age groups. Increasing the level of competence of employees in Romanian companies through professional training and business adaptation to the requirements of the competitive fields of SNC and SNCDI, as well as lifelong learning, including on-the-job learning are the main objectives of POCU, Priority Axis 3 “Jobs for all” which results in a more prepared human capital and adheres to the dynamics of the economy that contributes to maintaining viable enterprises and implicitly to maintaining jobs. The project fully responds to Specific Objective 3.12.: Improving the level of knowledge/skills/skills related to the economic sectors/areas identified according to the SNC and SNCDI of employees, by raising awareness of at least 400 employers/enterprises about the benefits of lifelong learning, of which a minimum of 60 will be supported by the project actions as follows: — a minimum of 1140 employees will be selected for participation in the project activities of which at least 120 are employees belonging to the 55-64 age group (through activity A1.1); — 1100 employees will participate in one of the 5 accredited training programs (A2.1 and A2.2); 40 employees will participate in A3.1 activity, which consists of assessing and certifying the skills obtained on other than formal paths; — of the minimum of 1140 employees participating in training activities (A2.1 and A2.2) and competent validation (A3.1) a minimum number of 1092 will be certified; — minimum 36 enterprises will receive support in order to build their capacity to implement work-based learning programs within A4.1); — minimum 36 persons (some of them may overlap with those previously certified) will participate in the Training Program Trainer in order to acquire the skills necessary to ensure the transfer of knowledge and practical experience to other people in the framework of future on-the-job learning programs; — at least 36 people (some of them may overlap with those previously certified) will participate in a bootcamp with the theme of learning in the workplace; — based on the core formed in the enterprise of the participants in the Training Course and those participating in Bootcamp, at the level of minimum 36 enterprises will be set up internal teams/working groups that will be involved in the elaboration and implementation of work-based learning; — at the level of minimum 3 enterprises will be piloted already during the implementation of the project programs for learning in the workplace; minimum 10 enterprises of which 6 SMEs will have the capacity to introduce programmes (English)
Property / summary: GENERAL OBJECTIVE: IAdaptation of workers and businesses to the dynamics of the pontential economic sectors/areas identified according to the NCS and NCSDS by improving equal access to lifelong learning for all age groups. Increasing the level of competence of employees in Romanian companies through professional training and business adaptation to the requirements of the competitive fields of SNC and SNCDI, as well as lifelong learning, including on-the-job learning are the main objectives of POCU, Priority Axis 3 “Jobs for all” which results in a more prepared human capital and adheres to the dynamics of the economy that contributes to maintaining viable enterprises and implicitly to maintaining jobs. The project fully responds to Specific Objective 3.12.: Improving the level of knowledge/skills/skills related to the economic sectors/areas identified according to the SNC and SNCDI of employees, by raising awareness of at least 400 employers/enterprises about the benefits of lifelong learning, of which a minimum of 60 will be supported by the project actions as follows: — a minimum of 1140 employees will be selected for participation in the project activities of which at least 120 are employees belonging to the 55-64 age group (through activity A1.1); — 1100 employees will participate in one of the 5 accredited training programs (A2.1 and A2.2); 40 employees will participate in A3.1 activity, which consists of assessing and certifying the skills obtained on other than formal paths; — of the minimum of 1140 employees participating in training activities (A2.1 and A2.2) and competent validation (A3.1) a minimum number of 1092 will be certified; — minimum 36 enterprises will receive support in order to build their capacity to implement work-based learning programs within A4.1); — minimum 36 persons (some of them may overlap with those previously certified) will participate in the Training Program Trainer in order to acquire the skills necessary to ensure the transfer of knowledge and practical experience to other people in the framework of future on-the-job learning programs; — at least 36 people (some of them may overlap with those previously certified) will participate in a bootcamp with the theme of learning in the workplace; — based on the core formed in the enterprise of the participants in the Training Course and those participating in Bootcamp, at the level of minimum 36 enterprises will be set up internal teams/working groups that will be involved in the elaboration and implementation of work-based learning; — at the level of minimum 3 enterprises will be piloted already during the implementation of the project programs for learning in the workplace; minimum 10 enterprises of which 6 SMEs will have the capacity to introduce programmes (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: GENERAL OBJECTIVE: IAdaptation of workers and businesses to the dynamics of the pontential economic sectors/areas identified according to the NCS and NCSDS by improving equal access to lifelong learning for all age groups. Increasing the level of competence of employees in Romanian companies through professional training and business adaptation to the requirements of the competitive fields of SNC and SNCDI, as well as lifelong learning, including on-the-job learning are the main objectives of POCU, Priority Axis 3 “Jobs for all” which results in a more prepared human capital and adheres to the dynamics of the economy that contributes to maintaining viable enterprises and implicitly to maintaining jobs. The project fully responds to Specific Objective 3.12.: Improving the level of knowledge/skills/skills related to the economic sectors/areas identified according to the SNC and SNCDI of employees, by raising awareness of at least 400 employers/enterprises about the benefits of lifelong learning, of which a minimum of 60 will be supported by the project actions as follows: — a minimum of 1140 employees will be selected for participation in the project activities of which at least 120 are employees belonging to the 55-64 age group (through activity A1.1); — 1100 employees will participate in one of the 5 accredited training programs (A2.1 and A2.2); 40 employees will participate in A3.1 activity, which consists of assessing and certifying the skills obtained on other than formal paths; — of the minimum of 1140 employees participating in training activities (A2.1 and A2.2) and competent validation (A3.1) a minimum number of 1092 will be certified; — minimum 36 enterprises will receive support in order to build their capacity to implement work-based learning programs within A4.1); — minimum 36 persons (some of them may overlap with those previously certified) will participate in the Training Program Trainer in order to acquire the skills necessary to ensure the transfer of knowledge and practical experience to other people in the framework of future on-the-job learning programs; — at least 36 people (some of them may overlap with those previously certified) will participate in a bootcamp with the theme of learning in the workplace; — based on the core formed in the enterprise of the participants in the Training Course and those participating in Bootcamp, at the level of minimum 36 enterprises will be set up internal teams/working groups that will be involved in the elaboration and implementation of work-based learning; — at the level of minimum 3 enterprises will be piloted already during the implementation of the project programs for learning in the workplace; minimum 10 enterprises of which 6 SMEs will have the capacity to introduce programmes (English) / qualifier
point in time: 16 September 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 10:47, 16 September 2021

Project Q3097948 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
No label defined
Project Q3097948 in Romania


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    3,873,508.02 Romanian Leu
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    774,701.604 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    4,632,362.22 Romanian Leu
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    926,472.444 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.84 percent
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    OBIECTIV GENERAL: IAdaptarea lucrătorilor și a întreprinderilor la dinamica sectoarelor economice cu pontențial/ domeniilor identificate conform SNC și SNCDI prin îmbunătățirea accesului egal la învățarea pe tot parcursul vieții pentru toate grupurile de vârstă. Cresterea nivelului de competenta a angajatilor din firmele romanesti prin formare profesionala si adaptarea afacerilor la cerintele domeniilor competitive SNC si SNCDI precum si invatarea pe tot parcursul vietii inclusiv invatarea la locul de munca sunt principalele obiective ale POCU, Axa prioritara 3 “Locuri de muncă pentru toți’’ ce au ca rezultate un capital uman mai pregatit si adapat la dinamica economiei ce contribuie la mentinerea unor intreprinderi viabile si implicit la mentinerea locurilor de munca. Proiectul raspunde in totalitate Obiectivului specific 3.12.: Îmbunătățirea nivelului de cunoștințe/ competențe/ aptitudini aferente sectoarelor economice/ domeniilor identificate conform SNC și SNCDI ale angajaților, prin conștientizarea a minim 400 de angajatori/ întreprinderi cu privire la beneficiile invatarii pe tot parcursul vietii dintre care minim 60 vor fi sprijinite prin acțiunile proiectului astfel: - un numar de minim 1140 de angajati vor fi selectati pentru participarea la activitatile proiectului dintre care minim 120 sunt angajati ce apartin grupei de varsta 55-64 de ani (prin activitatea A1.1); - 1100 de angajati vor participa la unul dintre cele 5 programe de formare acreditate (A2.1 si A2.2); - 40 de angajati vor participa la activitatea A3.1 care consta in evaluarea si certificarea competentelor obtinute pe alte cai decat cele formale; - dintre cei minim 1140 de angajati participanti la activitatile de formare (A2.1 si A2.2) si validare competente (A3.1) un numar de minim 1092 vor fi certificati; - minim 36 de intreprinderi vor primi suport in scopul construirii capacitatii acestora de a implementa programe de invatare la locul de munca in cadrul A4.1); - minim 36 de persoane (unele dintre ele se pot suprapune cu cele certificate anterior) vor participa la Programul de formare Formator pentru a dobandi competentele necesare asigurarii transferului de cunoastere si experienta practica catre alte persoane in cadrul viitoarelor programe de invatare la locul de munca; - minim 36 de persoane (unele dintre ele se pot suprapune cu cele certificate anterior) vor participa la un bootcamp cu tematica invatarii la locul de munca; - avand la baza nucleul format in intreprindere din persoanele participante la Cursul de Formator si cele participante la Bootcamp, la nivelul a minim 36 de intreprinderi vor fi constituite echipe/ grupuri de lucru interne care vor fi implicate in elaborarea si implementarea invatarii la locul de munca; - la nivelul a minim 3 intreprinderi se vor pilota inca din perioada de implementare a proiectului programe de invatare la locul de munca; - minim 10 intreprinderi dintre care 6 IMM-uri vor detine capacitatea de a introduce programe (Romanian)
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    GENERAL OBJECTIVE: IAdaptation of workers and businesses to the dynamics of the pontential economic sectors/areas identified according to the NCS and NCSDS by improving equal access to lifelong learning for all age groups. Increasing the level of competence of employees in Romanian companies through professional training and business adaptation to the requirements of the competitive fields of SNC and SNCDI, as well as lifelong learning, including on-the-job learning are the main objectives of POCU, Priority Axis 3 “Jobs for all” which results in a more prepared human capital and adheres to the dynamics of the economy that contributes to maintaining viable enterprises and implicitly to maintaining jobs. The project fully responds to Specific Objective 3.12.: Improving the level of knowledge/skills/skills related to the economic sectors/areas identified according to the SNC and SNCDI of employees, by raising awareness of at least 400 employers/enterprises about the benefits of lifelong learning, of which a minimum of 60 will be supported by the project actions as follows: — a minimum of 1140 employees will be selected for participation in the project activities of which at least 120 are employees belonging to the 55-64 age group (through activity A1.1); — 1100 employees will participate in one of the 5 accredited training programs (A2.1 and A2.2); 40 employees will participate in A3.1 activity, which consists of assessing and certifying the skills obtained on other than formal paths; — of the minimum of 1140 employees participating in training activities (A2.1 and A2.2) and competent validation (A3.1) a minimum number of 1092 will be certified; — minimum 36 enterprises will receive support in order to build their capacity to implement work-based learning programs within A4.1); — minimum 36 persons (some of them may overlap with those previously certified) will participate in the Training Program Trainer in order to acquire the skills necessary to ensure the transfer of knowledge and practical experience to other people in the framework of future on-the-job learning programs; — at least 36 people (some of them may overlap with those previously certified) will participate in a bootcamp with the theme of learning in the workplace; — based on the core formed in the enterprise of the participants in the Training Course and those participating in Bootcamp, at the level of minimum 36 enterprises will be set up internal teams/working groups that will be involved in the elaboration and implementation of work-based learning; — at the level of minimum 3 enterprises will be piloted already during the implementation of the project programs for learning in the workplace; minimum 10 enterprises of which 6 SMEs will have the capacity to introduce programmes (English)
    16 September 2021
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