Q3096820 (Q3096820): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in en)
(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The general objective of the project (GO) is to ensure the contribution to the social and economic integration of people belonging to vulnerable groups by supporting the establishment of 21 social enterprises (IS), including social enterprises of insertion (ISI) at the level of North_Est (NE), Sud_Est(SE) and South Muntenia (S_Munt) regions. By establishing, developing and ensuring the financial self-sustainability of IS/ISI, through successive...)
Property / summary
The general objective of the project (GO) is to ensure the contribution to the social and economic integration of people belonging to vulnerable groups by supporting the establishment of 21 social enterprises (IS), including social enterprises of insertion (ISI) at the level of North_Est (NE), Sud_Est(SE) and South Muntenia (S_Munt) regions. By establishing, developing and ensuring the financial self-sustainability of IS/ISI, through successive stages of information, revealing competences in social entrepreneurship, consulting and mentoring, the project will lead to increased investment in the communities concerned, together with the creation of new jobs, stable and including compatible needs pers. vulnerab. The long-term positive effects will be ensured both through activity by each of the 21 IS/ISI established within the framework of the project and through all the activities of the project that generate sustainable development, promoting and ensuring equal opportunities and non-discrimination, creating real opportunities for the people in the target group – potential and future social entrepreneurs – by proposing concrete and sustainable solutions and not the last row by increasing the chances of employment perstaining gr.vulnerable in IS/ISI type structures. The establishment and sustainable functioning of HE/ISI will generate other long-term effects: I am unveiling stable support mechanisms for social entrepreneurship initiatives at regional level, increasing public knowledge and trust regarding the specifics, advantages and role of IS/ISI in solving problems of employment and inclusion of vulnerable groups, improving regional practices in support of social entrepreneurship and shaping good practices that can be replicated in other counties within the framework of the regulation on social entrepreneurship. The GO of the project aims to achieve positive consequences in the development regions NE, SE and S_Munt as a whole, and at the level of the 105 beneficiaries of courses of expertise in social entrepreneurship, persons interested in starting some initiatives to fund/disv IS/ISI, but especially at the level of the 21 beneficiaries of de minimis aid for the establishment of IS/ISI, through the following types of measures that lead to the achievement of the specific objective of the programme and call: — development of social entrepreneurship skills through professional training courses certified by NCA; — strengthening entrepreneurial skills through information, counselling and personalised mentoring for future entrepreneurs in the realisation of IS/ISI business plans, specific to the business plans selected for financing;- support for the establishment and financing of IS/ISI (including for job creation in newly established social enterprises, including for pers belonging to vulnerable gr). By providing complex and integrated information services, profesio training (English)
Property / summary: The general objective of the project (GO) is to ensure the contribution to the social and economic integration of people belonging to vulnerable groups by supporting the establishment of 21 social enterprises (IS), including social enterprises of insertion (ISI) at the level of North_Est (NE), Sud_Est(SE) and South Muntenia (S_Munt) regions. By establishing, developing and ensuring the financial self-sustainability of IS/ISI, through successive stages of information, revealing competences in social entrepreneurship, consulting and mentoring, the project will lead to increased investment in the communities concerned, together with the creation of new jobs, stable and including compatible needs pers. vulnerab. The long-term positive effects will be ensured both through activity by each of the 21 IS/ISI established within the framework of the project and through all the activities of the project that generate sustainable development, promoting and ensuring equal opportunities and non-discrimination, creating real opportunities for the people in the target group – potential and future social entrepreneurs – by proposing concrete and sustainable solutions and not the last row by increasing the chances of employment perstaining gr.vulnerable in IS/ISI type structures. The establishment and sustainable functioning of HE/ISI will generate other long-term effects: I am unveiling stable support mechanisms for social entrepreneurship initiatives at regional level, increasing public knowledge and trust regarding the specifics, advantages and role of IS/ISI in solving problems of employment and inclusion of vulnerable groups, improving regional practices in support of social entrepreneurship and shaping good practices that can be replicated in other counties within the framework of the regulation on social entrepreneurship. The GO of the project aims to achieve positive consequences in the development regions NE, SE and S_Munt as a whole, and at the level of the 105 beneficiaries of courses of expertise in social entrepreneurship, persons interested in starting some initiatives to fund/disv IS/ISI, but especially at the level of the 21 beneficiaries of de minimis aid for the establishment of IS/ISI, through the following types of measures that lead to the achievement of the specific objective of the programme and call: — development of social entrepreneurship skills through professional training courses certified by NCA; — strengthening entrepreneurial skills through information, counselling and personalised mentoring for future entrepreneurs in the realisation of IS/ISI business plans, specific to the business plans selected for financing;- support for the establishment and financing of IS/ISI (including for job creation in newly established social enterprises, including for pers belonging to vulnerable gr). By providing complex and integrated information services, profesio training (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The general objective of the project (GO) is to ensure the contribution to the social and economic integration of people belonging to vulnerable groups by supporting the establishment of 21 social enterprises (IS), including social enterprises of insertion (ISI) at the level of North_Est (NE), Sud_Est(SE) and South Muntenia (S_Munt) regions. By establishing, developing and ensuring the financial self-sustainability of IS/ISI, through successive stages of information, revealing competences in social entrepreneurship, consulting and mentoring, the project will lead to increased investment in the communities concerned, together with the creation of new jobs, stable and including compatible needs pers. vulnerab. The long-term positive effects will be ensured both through activity by each of the 21 IS/ISI established within the framework of the project and through all the activities of the project that generate sustainable development, promoting and ensuring equal opportunities and non-discrimination, creating real opportunities for the people in the target group – potential and future social entrepreneurs – by proposing concrete and sustainable solutions and not the last row by increasing the chances of employment perstaining gr.vulnerable in IS/ISI type structures. The establishment and sustainable functioning of HE/ISI will generate other long-term effects: I am unveiling stable support mechanisms for social entrepreneurship initiatives at regional level, increasing public knowledge and trust regarding the specifics, advantages and role of IS/ISI in solving problems of employment and inclusion of vulnerable groups, improving regional practices in support of social entrepreneurship and shaping good practices that can be replicated in other counties within the framework of the regulation on social entrepreneurship. The GO of the project aims to achieve positive consequences in the development regions NE, SE and S_Munt as a whole, and at the level of the 105 beneficiaries of courses of expertise in social entrepreneurship, persons interested in starting some initiatives to fund/disv IS/ISI, but especially at the level of the 21 beneficiaries of de minimis aid for the establishment of IS/ISI, through the following types of measures that lead to the achievement of the specific objective of the programme and call: — development of social entrepreneurship skills through professional training courses certified by NCA; — strengthening entrepreneurial skills through information, counselling and personalised mentoring for future entrepreneurs in the realisation of IS/ISI business plans, specific to the business plans selected for financing;- support for the establishment and financing of IS/ISI (including for job creation in newly established social enterprises, including for pers belonging to vulnerable gr). By providing complex and integrated information services, profesio training (English) / qualifier
point in time: 16 September 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 10:29, 16 September 2021

Project Q3096820 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
No label defined
Project Q3096820 in Romania


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    9,548,268.17 Romanian Leu
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    1,909,653.634 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    11,325,986.95 Romanian Leu
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    2,265,197.39 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.84 percent
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    15 October 2019
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    14 September 2022
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului (OG) il reprezinta asigurarea contribuției la integrarea socială și economică a persoanelor aparținând grupurilor vulnerabile prin sprijinirea infiintarii a 21 intreprinderi sociale (IS), inclusiv intreprinderi sociale de insertie (ISI) la nivelul regiunilor Nord_Est (NE), Sud_Est(SE) și Sud Muntenia (S_Munt). Prin infiintarea, dezvoltarea si asigurarea auto-sustenabilitatii financiare a IS/ISI, prin etape succesive de informare, dezv competente in antreprenoriat social, consultanta si mentorat, proiectul va conduce la cresterea investiilor in comunitatile vizate, laolalta cu crearea de noi locuri de munca, stabile si inclusiv compatibile nevoilor pers apart. gr. vulnerab. Efectele pozitive pe termen lung vor fi asigurate atat prin intermediul activit desfas de fiecare dintre cele 21 de IS/ISI infiintate in cadrul pr cat si prin toate activitatilor proiectului care genereaza dezvoltare durabila, promovarea si asigurarea egalitatii de sanse si a nediscriminarii, crearea de oportunitati reale pentru persoanele din grupul tinta – potentiali si viitori antreprenori sociali - prin propunerea de solutii concrete si sustenabile si nu in utimul rand prin crest sanselor de ocupare a pers apartinad gr.vulnerabile in structuri de tip IS/ISI. Infiintarea si functionarea sustenabila a IS/ISI va genera si alte efecte poz pe termen lung resp: dezv unor mecanisme de sprijin stabile pt dezv initiativelor de antreprenoriat social la nivel regional, cresterea cunoasterii si increderii publicului in ceea ce priveste specificul, avantajele si rolul IS/ISI in rezolvarea problemelor de ocupare si incluziune a gr. vulnerabile, imbunatatirea practicilor regionale de sprijinire a antreprenoriatului social si conturarea de bune practici ce pot fi replicate la nivelul altor judete din cadrul reg de implem a pr. OG al proiectului vizeaza obtinerea consecintelor pozitive la nivelul regiunilor de dezvoltare NE, SE si S_Munt in ansamblu, si la nivelul celor 105 de beneficiari de cursuri de de dezv competente in antreprenoriatul social, persoane interesate in demararea unor initiative de infintare/dezv IS/ISI, dar mai ales la nivelul celor 21 de beneficiari de ajutor de minimis pentru infiintarea de IS/ISI , prin urmatoarele tipuri de masuri care conduc la realizarea obiectivului specific al programului si apelului: - dezvoltarea competentelor de antreprenoriat social prin cursuri de formare profesionala certificate ANC; - consolidarea competentelor antreprenoriale prin act. de informare, consiliere si mentorat personalizate pentru viitorii antreprenori in realizarea pl de afaceri ale IS/ISI, specifice domeniilor de activitate ale planurilor de afaceri selectate spre finantare;- sprijin pentru infiintarea si finantarea IS/ISI (inclusiv pentru crearea de locuri de munca in cadrul intreprinderilor sociale nou infiintate, inclusiv pt pers apartinand gr vulnerabile). Prin furniz de servicii complexe si integrate de informare, formare profesio (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project (GO) is to ensure the contribution to the social and economic integration of people belonging to vulnerable groups by supporting the establishment of 21 social enterprises (IS), including social enterprises of insertion (ISI) at the level of North_Est (NE), Sud_Est(SE) and South Muntenia (S_Munt) regions. By establishing, developing and ensuring the financial self-sustainability of IS/ISI, through successive stages of information, revealing competences in social entrepreneurship, consulting and mentoring, the project will lead to increased investment in the communities concerned, together with the creation of new jobs, stable and including compatible needs pers. vulnerab. The long-term positive effects will be ensured both through activity by each of the 21 IS/ISI established within the framework of the project and through all the activities of the project that generate sustainable development, promoting and ensuring equal opportunities and non-discrimination, creating real opportunities for the people in the target group – potential and future social entrepreneurs – by proposing concrete and sustainable solutions and not the last row by increasing the chances of employment perstaining gr.vulnerable in IS/ISI type structures. The establishment and sustainable functioning of HE/ISI will generate other long-term effects: I am unveiling stable support mechanisms for social entrepreneurship initiatives at regional level, increasing public knowledge and trust regarding the specifics, advantages and role of IS/ISI in solving problems of employment and inclusion of vulnerable groups, improving regional practices in support of social entrepreneurship and shaping good practices that can be replicated in other counties within the framework of the regulation on social entrepreneurship. The GO of the project aims to achieve positive consequences in the development regions NE, SE and S_Munt as a whole, and at the level of the 105 beneficiaries of courses of expertise in social entrepreneurship, persons interested in starting some initiatives to fund/disv IS/ISI, but especially at the level of the 21 beneficiaries of de minimis aid for the establishment of IS/ISI, through the following types of measures that lead to the achievement of the specific objective of the programme and call: — development of social entrepreneurship skills through professional training courses certified by NCA; — strengthening entrepreneurial skills through information, counselling and personalised mentoring for future entrepreneurs in the realisation of IS/ISI business plans, specific to the business plans selected for financing;- support for the establishment and financing of IS/ISI (including for job creation in newly established social enterprises, including for pers belonging to vulnerable gr). By providing complex and integrated information services, profesio training (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Judeţul Vrancea, Romania
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    Judeţul Galaţi, Romania
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    Judeţul Constanţa, Romania
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    Judeţul Buzău, Romania
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    Judeţul Neamţ, Romania
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    Judeţul Iaşi, Romania
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    Judeţul Botoşani, Romania
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