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(Changed label, description and/or aliases in en) |
(Created claim: summary (P836): The general objective of this project is to strengthen social cohesion and reduce the number of people belonging to vulnerable groups and present, at risk of poverty, developing the infrastructure of social services and presents added value (it comes as ADAUGATE VALOARE) by providing social/medical, socio-professional and vocational training services appropriate to specific needs, and last but not least the implementation of the measures include...) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
The general objective of this project is to strengthen social cohesion and reduce the number of people belonging to vulnerable groups and present, at risk of poverty, developing the infrastructure of social services and presents added value (it comes as ADAUGATE VALOARE) by providing social/medical, socio-professional and vocational training services appropriate to specific needs, and last but not least the implementation of the measures included in the National Strategy for Promoting Active Ageing and Protection of the Elderly for the period 2015-2020 and at the same time implementing the measures included in the National Strategy on Social Inclusion and Reduction of Saracy for the period 2015-2020. Thus Specific Objective 4.4: The reduction of the number of persons belonging to vulnerable groups by providing social/medical/socio-professional/training services appropriate to specific needs is met following the implementation of the project and the main result expected through the financial support provided in the implementation of the project, Number of persons belonging to vulnerable groups (older persons) who have overcome the vulnerability situation due to the support provided, namely the achievement of indicator 4S42 (number of persons belonging to vulnerable groups (older persons) who exceed the vulnerability situation as a result of the support received will be 110 persons), providing social/medical/professional/socio-professional/training services appropriate to the specific needs is achieved by achieving marginalised services at 4 level: 1. One type of medical services: 1 (a) type of care and care at home (evaluation of physiological parameters, temperature, breathing, pulse, blood pressure) as well as care of patients in the terminal phase, respectively treatment and prevention of escare, application of pampers for people with incontinence, administration of drugs, simple wound care, body hygiene care, glycaemic measurement) service that will provide within the project The applicant (the applicant will be authorised to provide home care services and will develop and apply a own procedure for accessing the service according to the law in force, Annex_9_Quality Standard Order Law197) The applicant will provide the home assistance service based on appointments of the persons included in the target group and this service will benefit at least 105 persons (5 persons/day * 21 days) of persons at least 2 times/month – by establishing this service 4S161 indicators will be performed (of which: rural) at the level of marginalised communities at risk of poverty or social exclusion supported, of which: Medical services: 1 and the Functional Services Indicator ( (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The general objective of this project is to strengthen social cohesion and reduce the number of people belonging to vulnerable groups and present, at risk of poverty, developing the infrastructure of social services and presents added value (it comes as ADAUGATE VALOARE) by providing social/medical, socio-professional and vocational training services appropriate to specific needs, and last but not least the implementation of the measures included in the National Strategy for Promoting Active Ageing and Protection of the Elderly for the period 2015-2020 and at the same time implementing the measures included in the National Strategy on Social Inclusion and Reduction of Saracy for the period 2015-2020. Thus Specific Objective 4.4: The reduction of the number of persons belonging to vulnerable groups by providing social/medical/socio-professional/training services appropriate to specific needs is met following the implementation of the project and the main result expected through the financial support provided in the implementation of the project, Number of persons belonging to vulnerable groups (older persons) who have overcome the vulnerability situation due to the support provided, namely the achievement of indicator 4S42 (number of persons belonging to vulnerable groups (older persons) who exceed the vulnerability situation as a result of the support received will be 110 persons), providing social/medical/professional/socio-professional/training services appropriate to the specific needs is achieved by achieving marginalised services at 4 level: 1. One type of medical services: 1 (a) type of care and care at home (evaluation of physiological parameters, temperature, breathing, pulse, blood pressure) as well as care of patients in the terminal phase, respectively treatment and prevention of escare, application of pampers for people with incontinence, administration of drugs, simple wound care, body hygiene care, glycaemic measurement) service that will provide within the project The applicant (the applicant will be authorised to provide home care services and will develop and apply a own procedure for accessing the service according to the law in force, Annex_9_Quality Standard Order Law197) The applicant will provide the home assistance service based on appointments of the persons included in the target group and this service will benefit at least 105 persons (5 persons/day * 21 days) of persons at least 2 times/month – by establishing this service 4S161 indicators will be performed (of which: rural) at the level of marginalised communities at risk of poverty or social exclusion supported, of which: Medical services: 1 and the Functional Services Indicator ( (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The general objective of this project is to strengthen social cohesion and reduce the number of people belonging to vulnerable groups and present, at risk of poverty, developing the infrastructure of social services and presents added value (it comes as ADAUGATE VALOARE) by providing social/medical, socio-professional and vocational training services appropriate to specific needs, and last but not least the implementation of the measures included in the National Strategy for Promoting Active Ageing and Protection of the Elderly for the period 2015-2020 and at the same time implementing the measures included in the National Strategy on Social Inclusion and Reduction of Saracy for the period 2015-2020. Thus Specific Objective 4.4: The reduction of the number of persons belonging to vulnerable groups by providing social/medical/socio-professional/training services appropriate to specific needs is met following the implementation of the project and the main result expected through the financial support provided in the implementation of the project, Number of persons belonging to vulnerable groups (older persons) who have overcome the vulnerability situation due to the support provided, namely the achievement of indicator 4S42 (number of persons belonging to vulnerable groups (older persons) who exceed the vulnerability situation as a result of the support received will be 110 persons), providing social/medical/professional/socio-professional/training services appropriate to the specific needs is achieved by achieving marginalised services at 4 level: 1. One type of medical services: 1 (a) type of care and care at home (evaluation of physiological parameters, temperature, breathing, pulse, blood pressure) as well as care of patients in the terminal phase, respectively treatment and prevention of escare, application of pampers for people with incontinence, administration of drugs, simple wound care, body hygiene care, glycaemic measurement) service that will provide within the project The applicant (the applicant will be authorised to provide home care services and will develop and apply a own procedure for accessing the service according to the law in force, Annex_9_Quality Standard Order Law197) The applicant will provide the home assistance service based on appointments of the persons included in the target group and this service will benefit at least 105 persons (5 persons/day * 21 days) of persons at least 2 times/month – by establishing this service 4S161 indicators will be performed (of which: rural) at the level of marginalised communities at risk of poverty or social exclusion supported, of which: Medical services: 1 and the Functional Services Indicator ( (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 14 September 2021
Revision as of 15:45, 14 September 2021
Project Q3096541 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | No label defined |
Project Q3096541 in Romania |
2,280,858.0 Romanian Leu
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456,171.60000000003 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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2,723,021.88 Romanian Leu
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0.84 percent
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1 August 2019
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31 January 2022
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Obiectivul general al prezentului proiect îl reprezintă întărirea coeziunii sociale şi reducerea numărului de persoane aparţinând grupurilor vulnerabile si prezinta, aflate în risc de sărăcie dezvoltând infrastructura serviciilor sociale si prezinta valoare adaugata ( vine ca VALOARE ADAUGATA) prin furnizarea unor servicii sociale/ medicale, socio-profesionale şi de formare profesională adecvate nevoilor specifice, si nu in ultimul rand implementarea masurilor incluse in Strategia Nationala pentru Promovarea Imbatranirii Active si Protectia Persoanelor Varstnice pentru perioada 2015-2020 si totodata implementarea masurilor incluse in Strategia Nationala privind Incluziunea Sociala si Reducerea Saraciei pentru perioada 2015-2020. Astfel Obiectivul Specific 4.4: Reducerea numărului de persoane aparţinând grupurilor vulnerabile prin furnizarea unor servicii sociale/ medicale/ socio-profesionale/ de formare profesională adecvate nevoilor specifice este indeplinit in urma implementarii proiectului iar principalul rezultat aşteptat prin sprijinul financiar acordat în cadrul implementarii proiectului respectiv, Număr de persoane aparţinând grupurilor vulnerabile (persoane vârstnice) care au depăşit situaţia de vulnerabilitate urmare a sprijinului acordat, respectiv realizarea indicatorului 4S42 ( numarul de persoane care aparţin grupurilor vulnerabile (persoane vârstnice) care depăşesc situaţia de vulnerabilitate urmare a sprijinului primit va fi de 110 persoane), prin furnizarea unor servicii sociale/ medicale/ socio-profesionale/ de formare profesională adecvate nevoilor specifice este indeplinit prin infiintarea/dezvoltarea a 4 servicii la nivelul comunitatii marginalizate si anume : 1. Un tip de Servicii medicale: 1 ( un) serviciu de tip asistenta si ingrijire medicala la domiciliu ( evaluare parametri fiziologici, temperatura, respiratie, puls, tensiune arteriala) cat si ingrijirea pacientilor in faza terminala , respectiv tratare si prevenire escare, aplicare de pampers pentru persoanele cu incontinenta, administrare medicamente, ingrijire plagi simple, ingrijiri in igiena corporala, masurare glicemie) serviciu pe care il va asigura in cadru proiectului Solicitantul ( Solicitantul se va autoriza pentru furnizarea de servicii de ingrijire la domiciliu si va elabora si aplica o procedura proprie de de accesare a serviciului conform legistlatiei in vigoare, respectiv Anexa_9_OrdinStandardeCalitateLege197) Solicitantul va asigura serviciul de asistenta la domiciliu in baza unor programari persoanelor incluse in grupul tinta iar de acest serviciu vor beneficia minim 105 persoane ( 5 persoane / zi * 21 zile) de persoane de cel putin 2 ori/ luna - prin infiintarea acestui serviciu se vor realizeaza indicatori 4S161 Servicii (din care: din zona rurală) la nivelul comunităţilor marginalizate aflate în risc de sărăcie sau excluziune socială care beneficiază de sprijin, din care: Servicii medicale: 1 si indicatorul Servicii funcţionale ( (Romanian)
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The general objective of this project is to strengthen social cohesion and reduce the number of people belonging to vulnerable groups and present, at risk of poverty, developing the infrastructure of social services and presents added value (it comes as ADAUGATE VALOARE) by providing social/medical, socio-professional and vocational training services appropriate to specific needs, and last but not least the implementation of the measures included in the National Strategy for Promoting Active Ageing and Protection of the Elderly for the period 2015-2020 and at the same time implementing the measures included in the National Strategy on Social Inclusion and Reduction of Saracy for the period 2015-2020. Thus Specific Objective 4.4: The reduction of the number of persons belonging to vulnerable groups by providing social/medical/socio-professional/training services appropriate to specific needs is met following the implementation of the project and the main result expected through the financial support provided in the implementation of the project, Number of persons belonging to vulnerable groups (older persons) who have overcome the vulnerability situation due to the support provided, namely the achievement of indicator 4S42 (number of persons belonging to vulnerable groups (older persons) who exceed the vulnerability situation as a result of the support received will be 110 persons), providing social/medical/professional/socio-professional/training services appropriate to the specific needs is achieved by achieving marginalised services at 4 level: 1. One type of medical services: 1 (a) type of care and care at home (evaluation of physiological parameters, temperature, breathing, pulse, blood pressure) as well as care of patients in the terminal phase, respectively treatment and prevention of escare, application of pampers for people with incontinence, administration of drugs, simple wound care, body hygiene care, glycaemic measurement) service that will provide within the project The applicant (the applicant will be authorised to provide home care services and will develop and apply a own procedure for accessing the service according to the law in force, Annex_9_Quality Standard Order Law197) The applicant will provide the home assistance service based on appointments of the persons included in the target group and this service will benefit at least 105 persons (5 persons/day * 21 days) of persons at least 2 times/month – by establishing this service 4S161 indicators will be performed (of which: rural) at the level of marginalised communities at risk of poverty or social exclusion supported, of which: Medical services: 1 and the Functional Services Indicator ( (English)
14 September 2021
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Judeţul Argeş, Romania
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Judeţul Teleorman, Romania
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Judeţul Prahova, Romania
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Judeţul Ialomiţa, Romania
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Judeţul Giurgiu, Romania
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Judeţul Dâmboviţa, Romania
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Judeţul Călăraşi, Romania
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