Restoration of degraded areas through the establishment of office space and public manufacturing infrastructure (Q3057465): Difference between revisions

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0.55 percent
Amount0.55 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 0.55 percent / rank
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Revision as of 09:55, 27 September 2021

Project Q3057465 in Latvia
Language Label Description Also known as
Restoration of degraded areas through the establishment of office space and public manufacturing infrastructure
Project Q3057465 in Latvia


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    882,745.71 Euro
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    1,601,788.63 Euro
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    29 November 2017
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    28 November 2019
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    56°31'43.00"N, 27°20'51.18"E
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    Projekta mērķis ir Rēzeknes pilsētas Ziemeļu rajona RSEZ teritorijas revitalizācija, reģenerējot degradēto teritoriju, nodrošinot videi draudzīgu un vides ilgtspēju veicinošu teritoriālo izaugsmi un jaunu darba vietu radīšanu.Projekta ietvaros ir plānots pārbūvēt esošo ēku Atbrīvošanas alejā 155A, k-1, par biroju telpu un ražošanas ēku ar kopējo platību – 3818,8 m2, kā arī ēkas austrumu un ziemeļu pusēs paredzēts izbūvēt asfaltētus laukumus ar autostāvvietām vieglajām automašīnām, kas būs izmantojami ne tikai Atbrīvošanas alejas 155A ēkas, bet arī citu ēku, kas atrodas tiešā tuvumā, apmeklētāju, klientu un darbinieku automašīnām. Pēc būvdarbu pabeigšanas, ēku plānots iznomāt komersantam vai komersantiem, kas tiks izvēlēts konkursa kārtībā.Projekta rezultātā, tiks radītas papildus vismaz 50 jaunas darba vietas un papildus piesaistītas nefinanšu investīcijas 910 759 EUR apmērā. Degradēto teritoriju samazinājums plānots līdz 2 ha.Projekta specifiskā mērķa grupa ir Rēzeknes pilsētas pašvaldība, saimnieciskās darbības veicēji un iedzīvotāji.Projekta kopējās izmaksas ir EUR 1 904 877,89, EUR 1 652 604,08 attiecināmās izmaksas, kuras tiek finansētas ar sekojošiem finanšu avotiem:ERAF 910 759 EUR, kas sastāda 55,11% no kopējā budžeta;Valsts budžeta dotācija 61 363,53 EUR (3,71%);Pašvaldības finansējums 184 090,59 EUR (11,14%);Privātās attiecināmās izmaksas 496 390,97 EUR (30,04%).Projekta īstenošanas ilgums ir 24 mēneši. (Latvian)
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    The aim of the project is revitalisation of RSEZ territory of Rezekne city by regenerating degraded territory, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-friendly territorial growth and creation of new jobs.Within the project it is planned to rebuild the existing building in Atbrīvošanas aleja 155A, k-1, as well as office space and production building with total area of 3818.8 m², as well as building on the eastern and northern sides of the building it is planned to build asphalted areas with car parking spaces that will be used for cars, but also 155 buildings for customers, as well as buildings in the vicinity of the customers, as well as on the eastern and northern sides of the building it is planned to build asphalted areas with car parks, which will be used for cars, which will be used not only for customers, but not only for the customers, as well as on the eastern and northern sides of the building is planned to build asphalted areas with car parks, which will be used for cars other than 155 buildings, which are not only accessible to the customers, but also the buildings are located in the vicinity of the building, which will be used for parking cars, which will be used not only for the customers, but also for the buildings in the eastern and northern sides of the building with parking spaces for cars, which will be used for cars, which will be used not only for the customers, but also the buildings near the customer, the buildings in the eastern and northern sides are planned to build asphalted areas with car parking spaces, which will be used for cars, which will be used not only for the customers, but also the buildings are located in the vicinity of the customer, which are not limited to 155 parking spaces, but also the buildings are located in the area of Atbrīvošanas aleja 155A, k-1, which will be used for the total area of 3818.8 m After the completion of the construction works, it is planned to rent the building to a merchant or merchants, who will be selected in a tender procedure.As a result of the project, at least 50 new jobs will be created and additional non-financial investments will be attracted in the amount of EUR 910759. The reduction of degraded areas is planned up to 2 ha.The project specific target group is Rezekne city municipality, economic operators and residents.The total project costs are EUR 1 904 877.89, including. EUR 1 652 604,08 eligible costs financed by the following financial sources:ERDF EUR 910759, which represents 55,11 % of the total budget;State budget grant EUR 61363,53 (3.71 %);Local Government funding EUR 184090.59 (11.14 %);Private eligible costs of EUR 496390.97 (30,04 %).The duration of the project is 24 months. (English)
    15 July 2021
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    Atbrīvošanas aleja 155A k-1, Rēzekne, LV-4604
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