Increasing the production capacity of the company successfully working in the industry by creating an additional roundwood stake production facility in Krāslava county in Kraslava (Q3056706): Difference between revisions
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(Created claim: summary (P836): The main activity of SIA “IT INTERNATIONAL” is related to the production of log posts, as well as the sale of wood chips and sawwood (NACE 2.0 1610 Sawing, planing and impregnation; 1624 Manufacture of wood packaging; 4613 Agents involved in the sale of timber and construction materials). Taking into account the development trends of the woodworking industry as well as the growing demand for the products offered by the company both from Latvia a...) |
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Increasing the production capacity of the company successfully working in the industry by creating an additional roundwood stake production facility in Krāslava county in Kraslava |
Revision as of 12:37, 15 July 2021
Project Q3056706 in Latvia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Increasing the production capacity of the company successfully working in the industry by creating an additional roundwood stake production facility in Krāslava county in Kraslava |
Project Q3056706 in Latvia |
681,010.03 Euro
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1,513,355.62 Euro
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18 January 2017
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17 May 2020
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Sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību "IT INTERNATIONAL"
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SIA „IT INTERNATIONAL” pamatdarbība ir saistīta ar apaļkoka mietu ražošanu, kā arī šķeldas un zāģbaļķu realizāciju (NACE 2.0 1610 Zāģēšana, ēvelēšana un impregnēšana; 1624 Koka taras ražošana; 4613 Kokmateriālu un būvmateriālu vairumtirdzniecības starpnieku darbība ). Ņemot vērā kokapstrādes nozares attīstības tendences, kā arī pieaugošo pieprasījumu pēc uzņēmuma piedāvātās produkcijas gan no Latvijas, gan ārvalstu sadarbības partneru puses, SIA „IT INTERNATIONAL” ir radusies nepieciešamība pēc papildus ražotnes izveidošanas, kā arī ražošanas procesa optimizācijas. Projekta mērķis ir uzņēmuma ražošanas jaudas palielināšana, izveidojot papildus ražotni SIA „IT INTERNATIONAL” iegādātajā rūpnieciskajā teritorijā Krāslavas novada Krāslavas pilsētā. Projekta ietvaros plānots veikt teritorijā esošo neizmantojamo ēku demontāžu (izmaksas netiek attiecinātas), vairāku ražošanas ēku rekonstrukciju, vairāku nojumju izbūvi kokmateriālu apžāvēšanai, tāpat arī noliktavu ēku un apsarga ēkas rekonstrukciju, paredzēts veikt labiekārtošanas darbus, elektrotīklu, apgaismojuma, ārējo ūdensvadu un kanalizācijas tīklu, lietus ūdens kanalizācijas tīklu izveidi/rekonstrukciju, kā arī katlu mājas izveidi. Papildus SIA „IT INTERNATIONAL” plāno veikt investīcijas kaltēšanas un impregnēšanas iekārtās, kā arī pilnībā automatizēt kokmateriālu mizošanas procesu. Projekta plānotais realizācijas ilgums ir 40 mēneši, kopējais attiecināmo izmaksu apjoms sastāda 1 513 355,62 EUR. Projekta rezultāti:?Izveidota virpotu apaļkoka mietu ražotne ar ražošanas jaudu līdz 1500 m3 gatavās produkcijas mēnesī;?Uzsākta augstas pievienotās vērtības, eksportspējīgas produkcijas ražošana;?Izveidotas 25 papildus darba vietas, kas bezdarba līmeni Krāslavas novadā samazinās no 13,2% uz 12,94%;?Papildus nodokļu ieņēmumi pašvaldības budžetā. (Latvian)
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The main activity of SIA “IT INTERNATIONAL” is related to the production of log posts, as well as the sale of wood chips and sawwood (NACE 2.0 1610 Sawing, planing and impregnation; 1624 Manufacture of wood packaging; 4613 Agents involved in the sale of timber and construction materials). Taking into account the development trends of the woodworking industry as well as the growing demand for the products offered by the company both from Latvia and foreign cooperation partners, SIA “IT INTERNATIONAL” has created a need for additional establishment of the production unit, as well as optimisation of the production process. The aim of the project is to increase the production capacity of the company by creating an additional production unit in the industrial territory of SIA “IT INTERNATIONAL” in Kraslava district of Krāslava. Within the framework of the project it is planned to carry out dismantling of unusable buildings in the territory (costs are not attributed), reconstruction of several production buildings, construction of several sheds for timber drying, as well as reconstruction of warehouse buildings and guarded building, improvement works, electricity grids, lighting, external water pipes and sewerage networks, construction/reconstruction of rainwater sewerage networks, as well as construction of boiler house. In addition, SIA “IT INTERNATIONAL” plans to invest in drying and impregnating equipment, as well as fully automate the process of peeling timber. The planned duration of the project is 40 months, the total amount of eligible costs is EUR 1513355,62.Production of the project results:?Ordered round timber stake production unit with production capacity up to 1500 m³ of finished products per month;?Manufacture of high added value, exportable production started;?25 additional jobs have been created, which decreases the unemployment rate in Kraslava region from 13.2 % to 12.94 %;?Additional tax revenue in the municipal budget. (English)
15 July 2021
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Lielā iela 49B, Krāslava, Krāslavas nov., LV-5601
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Lielā iela 49C, Krāslava, Krāslavas nov., LV-5601
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Lielā iela 49A, Krāslava, Krāslavas nov., LV-5601
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Lielā iela 47, Krāslava, Krāslavas nov., LV-5601
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Lielā iela 51, Krāslava, Krāslavas nov., LV-5601
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