Q3057683 (Q3057683): Difference between revisions

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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): Project objective Improve study environmentIn the first level professional higher education study programmes of Daugavpils Medical College “Māszinības” (41723) with a qualification “Sister” and “Meducation” (41721) with a qualification “Doctoral Assistant” to ensure competitive learning opportunities in the professional education program.Proced for the learning centre, to manage it, to achieve it requires:•Environment of learning-level technolog...)
Property / summary
Project objective Improve study environmentIn the first level professional higher education study programmes of Daugavpils Medical College “Māszinības” (41723) with a qualification “Sister” and “Meducation” (41721) with a qualification “Doctoral Assistant” to ensure competitive learning opportunities in the professional education program.Proced for the learning centre, to manage it, to achieve it requires:•Environment of learning-level technology•Improving the infrastructure of the college – to perform the conversion of college rooms and training cabs, providing the possibility to the environment for persons with functional impairments;•Advant of the learning equipment, and the enlightenable facilities for qualitative facilities.•Establishment of the learning facilities and technologies. Location of the project: Daugavpils, Miera iela 3/5 Project duration: 12 months (07/2017-06/2018)Benefit: Implementation of the planned activities of the project will promote more intensive and rational use of premises and equipment, improve and modernise the process of acquiring skills, promote load efficiency of buildings, premises and equipment, reduce fragmentation of machinery and equipment, ensure rational use of financial resources in improvement of college infrastructure, will allow for higher quality and intensive knowledge acquisition, ensuring the acquisition of close knowledge, skills and practical competences.Project total cost – EUR 295307 Available ERDF co-financing – 251010.95 (85 %) eligible state budget funding – 44296.05 (15 %) (English)
Property / summary: Project objective Improve study environmentIn the first level professional higher education study programmes of Daugavpils Medical College “Māszinības” (41723) with a qualification “Sister” and “Meducation” (41721) with a qualification “Doctoral Assistant” to ensure competitive learning opportunities in the professional education program.Proced for the learning centre, to manage it, to achieve it requires:•Environment of learning-level technology•Improving the infrastructure of the college – to perform the conversion of college rooms and training cabs, providing the possibility to the environment for persons with functional impairments;•Advant of the learning equipment, and the enlightenable facilities for qualitative facilities.•Establishment of the learning facilities and technologies. Location of the project: Daugavpils, Miera iela 3/5 Project duration: 12 months (07/2017-06/2018)Benefit: Implementation of the planned activities of the project will promote more intensive and rational use of premises and equipment, improve and modernise the process of acquiring skills, promote load efficiency of buildings, premises and equipment, reduce fragmentation of machinery and equipment, ensure rational use of financial resources in improvement of college infrastructure, will allow for higher quality and intensive knowledge acquisition, ensuring the acquisition of close knowledge, skills and practical competences.Project total cost – EUR 295307 Available ERDF co-financing – 251010.95 (85 %) eligible state budget funding – 44296.05 (15 %) (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Project objective Improve study environmentIn the first level professional higher education study programmes of Daugavpils Medical College “Māszinības” (41723) with a qualification “Sister” and “Meducation” (41721) with a qualification “Doctoral Assistant” to ensure competitive learning opportunities in the professional education program.Proced for the learning centre, to manage it, to achieve it requires:•Environment of learning-level technology•Improving the infrastructure of the college – to perform the conversion of college rooms and training cabs, providing the possibility to the environment for persons with functional impairments;•Advant of the learning equipment, and the enlightenable facilities for qualitative facilities.•Establishment of the learning facilities and technologies. Location of the project: Daugavpils, Miera iela 3/5 Project duration: 12 months (07/2017-06/2018)Benefit: Implementation of the planned activities of the project will promote more intensive and rational use of premises and equipment, improve and modernise the process of acquiring skills, promote load efficiency of buildings, premises and equipment, reduce fragmentation of machinery and equipment, ensure rational use of financial resources in improvement of college infrastructure, will allow for higher quality and intensive knowledge acquisition, ensuring the acquisition of close knowledge, skills and practical competences.Project total cost – EUR 295307 Available ERDF co-financing – 251010.95 (85 %) eligible state budget funding – 44296.05 (15 %) (English) / qualifier
point in time: 15 July 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 12:48, 15 July 2021

Project Q3057683 in Latvia
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Project Q3057683 in Latvia


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    251,006.36 Euro
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    295,301.6 Euro
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    7 July 2017
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    30 June 2018
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    55°52'30.29"N, 26°32'21.41"E
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    Projekta mērķis Uzlabot studiju mācību vidi Daugavpils medicīnas koledžas pirmā līmeņa profesionālās augstākās izglītības studiju programmās “Māszinības” (41723) ar kvalifikāciju “māsa” un “Ārstniecība” (41721) ar kvalifikāciju “ārsta palīgs”, lai nodrošinātu konkurētspējīgas izglītības ieguves iespējas STEM jomas profesionālās izglītības programmās.Lai to sasniegtu, nepieciešams:•uzlabot koledžas infrastruktūru - veikt koledžas telpu un mācību kabinetu pārbūvi, iespēju robežās nodrošinot vides pieejamību personām ar funkcionāliem traucējumiem;•modernizēt studiju aprīkojumu, iekārtas un tehnoloģijas, racionalizēt koledžas telpu un tehnoloģisko iekārtu izmantošanu.Projektā plānotās darbības:•Izglītības infrastruktūras atjaunošana rosinošas un ētiskas mācību vides nodrošināšanai;•Nepieciešamo iekārtu un aprīkojuma iegāde kvalitatīva izglītības procesa nodrošināšanai.•Koledžas bibliotēkas fondu papildināšana,•Publicitātes pasākumu nodrošināšana,•Projekta vadība, uzraudzība.Projekta ietvaros tiks modernizētas sekojošas STEM izglītības programmas:1.pirmā līmeņa profesionālās augstākās izglītības studiju programma “Māszinības”,2.pirmā līmeņa profesionālās augstākās izglītības studiju programma “Ārstniecība”.Projekta īstenošanas rezultātā plānots izveidot:•Pacientu aprūpes procesa simulāciju centru,•Ārstnieciskās masāžas mācību centru,•Inovatīvo tehnoloģiju laboratoriju,•Neatliekamās medicīniskās palīdzības simulācijas centru.Projekta ietvaros plānots iegādāties:•Aprīkojumu pacientu aprūpes procesa simulāciju centram,•Aprīkojumu ārstnieciskās masāžas kabinetam,•Aprīkojumu inovatīvo tehnoloģiju laboratorijai,•Aprīkojumu neatliekamās medicīniskās palīdzības simulācijas centram,•Drukātos izdevumus bibliotēkas fondu papildināšanai. Projekta īstenošanas vieta: Daugavpils, Miera iela 3/5 Projekta īstenošanas laiks: 12 mēneši (07/2017-06/2018)Ieguvums: projektā plānoto darbību īstenošana sekmēs telpu un iekārtu intensīvāku un racionālāku izmantošanu, uzlabos un modernizēs iemaņu apguves procesu, sekmēs ēku, telpu un iekārtu noslodzes efektivitāti, mazinās iekārtu un aprīkojuma sadrumstalotību, nodrošinās finanšu līdzekļu racionālu izmantošanu koledžas infrastruktūras uzlabošanā, pavērs iespēju kvalitatīvākai un intensīvākai zināšanu apguvei, nodrošinot ciešu zināšanu, prasmju un praktisko kompetenču apguvi.Projekta kopējās izmaksas – 295307 EURPieejamais ERAF līdzfinansējums – 251010,95 (85 %)Attiecināmais valsts budžeta finansējums – 44296,05 (15 %) (Latvian)
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    Project objective Improve study environmentIn the first level professional higher education study programmes of Daugavpils Medical College “Māszinības” (41723) with a qualification “Sister” and “Meducation” (41721) with a qualification “Doctoral Assistant” to ensure competitive learning opportunities in the professional education program.Proced for the learning centre, to manage it, to achieve it requires:•Environment of learning-level technology•Improving the infrastructure of the college – to perform the conversion of college rooms and training cabs, providing the possibility to the environment for persons with functional impairments;•Advant of the learning equipment, and the enlightenable facilities for qualitative facilities.•Establishment of the learning facilities and technologies. Location of the project: Daugavpils, Miera iela 3/5 Project duration: 12 months (07/2017-06/2018)Benefit: Implementation of the planned activities of the project will promote more intensive and rational use of premises and equipment, improve and modernise the process of acquiring skills, promote load efficiency of buildings, premises and equipment, reduce fragmentation of machinery and equipment, ensure rational use of financial resources in improvement of college infrastructure, will allow for higher quality and intensive knowledge acquisition, ensuring the acquisition of close knowledge, skills and practical competences.Project total cost – EUR 295307 Available ERDF co-financing – 251010.95 (85 %) eligible state budget funding – 44296.05 (15 %) (English)
    15 July 2021
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    Miera iela 3/5, Daugavpils, LV-5404
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