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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The range of proj is 2 multi-family buildings, in Olsztyn at ul. Mochecka 4/Orkana 5, with a combined use of use. 619.50 m². Buildings are included in the restoration of the buildings of the A- 3898 (Mochn.4) and of 3899 (Orkana 5) of 30.09.1988. the work of the façade of the building’s 2 buildings, the insulation of the front end. 2 buildings, the works of the basement of the 2 buildings, the work of preserving window and door frames and doors...)
Property / summary
The range of proj is 2 multi-family buildings, in Olsztyn at ul. Mochecka 4/Orkana 5, with a combined use of use. 619.50 m². Buildings are included in the restoration of the buildings of the A- 3898 (Mochn.4) and of 3899 (Orkana 5) of 30.09.1988. the work of the façade of the building’s 2 buildings, the insulation of the front end. 2 buildings, the works of the basement of the 2 buildings, the work of preserving window and door frames and doors in the Sch. and the basement of the 2 buildings, the replacement of water facilities and analysis. 2 buildings, works from the cage. 2 buildings, bottom line with the one of Brailla, mont burivet. Read more 1.1 sw; The project consists of people living in a stony and in the same area of revitalisation, tourists, canners., Gm. Olsztyn. Specific information on the material scope and solutions adopted. 2.2 pin and in the appendix to the proposal. It will be implemented by the beneficiary. WSP. Bellows. Nir. Mochem 4/Orkana 5, which will, together with the co-sponsor, provide a team for the implementation of project participants who are qualified and experienced in implementing projects, as confirmed by chapter 2.4 of the study. Project after the end of the project. Mochackat 4/Orkana 5 in Olsztyn, and will be opposed to the range of significant groups of residential flats, which is degraded, social and environmental, and the nature of the surrounding environment. It will also make an important contribution to the welfare of residential institutions and to reduce the level of visibility in the area. Take the form. SZOOP ROP WM 2014-2020, Oś 8 Obsz. required to be completed. 9 Prom. Enable. The fight against poverty and racism, Prior. Inwest. 9 b for the physics of the physicist., business and social affairs of the poor. A better quality of life. (English)
Property / summary: The range of proj is 2 multi-family buildings, in Olsztyn at ul. Mochecka 4/Orkana 5, with a combined use of use. 619.50 m². Buildings are included in the restoration of the buildings of the A- 3898 (Mochn.4) and of 3899 (Orkana 5) of 30.09.1988. the work of the façade of the building’s 2 buildings, the insulation of the front end. 2 buildings, the works of the basement of the 2 buildings, the work of preserving window and door frames and doors in the Sch. and the basement of the 2 buildings, the replacement of water facilities and analysis. 2 buildings, works from the cage. 2 buildings, bottom line with the one of Brailla, mont burivet. Read more 1.1 sw; The project consists of people living in a stony and in the same area of revitalisation, tourists, canners., Gm. Olsztyn. Specific information on the material scope and solutions adopted. 2.2 pin and in the appendix to the proposal. It will be implemented by the beneficiary. WSP. Bellows. Nir. Mochem 4/Orkana 5, which will, together with the co-sponsor, provide a team for the implementation of project participants who are qualified and experienced in implementing projects, as confirmed by chapter 2.4 of the study. Project after the end of the project. Mochackat 4/Orkana 5 in Olsztyn, and will be opposed to the range of significant groups of residential flats, which is degraded, social and environmental, and the nature of the surrounding environment. It will also make an important contribution to the welfare of residential institutions and to reduce the level of visibility in the area. Take the form. SZOOP ROP WM 2014-2020, Oś 8 Obsz. required to be completed. 9 Prom. Enable. The fight against poverty and racism, Prior. Inwest. 9 b for the physics of the physicist., business and social affairs of the poor. A better quality of life. (English) / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 13:07, 10 March 2020

Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language Label Description Also known as
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio


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    53°46'36.1"N, 20°28'40.1"E
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    Zakres proj. obejmuje 2 budynki wielorodz. położ. w Olsztynie przy ul. Mochnackiego 4/Orkana 5 o łącznej pow. użyt. 619,50 m2. Budynki są wpisane do rej. zabytków A- 3898 (Mochn.4) i 3899 (Orkana 5) z 30.09.1988 r. W wybranym do realiz. wariancie stanow. przedmiot niniejszego projektu nowa jakość budynku oraz przestrz. zostanie uzysk. poprzez następ. usprawn.: prace koserw. elewacji 2 budynków, wyk. izolacji przeciwilg. fundament. 2 budynków, prace koserw. piwnic 2 budynków, prace konserw. stolarki okiennej i drzwiowej klatki sch. oraz piwnicy 2 budynków, wymiana instalacji wodnej i kanaliz. 2 budynków, prace konserw. klatki schod. 2 budynków, inst. nakł. domof. z kodem Brailla, mont. budek ornit. Więcej w rozdz. 1.1 sw; Interesar. przedm. projektu są mieszkańcy kamienicy, a tym samym obszaru rewit., turyści, służby konserw., Gm. Olsztyn. Szczeg. inform. na temat zakresu rzecz. i przyjętych rozwiąz. znajduje się w rozdz. 2.2 sw. oraz w wyciągu z dokum. techn. będącej załączn. do wniosku. Cały zakres inw. wdraż. będzie przez beneficj., tj. Wsp. Mieszk. Nier. Mochnackiego 4/Orkana 5, która wraz z podm. współpr. zapewni zespół osób odpow. za wdroż. projektu, którzy posiadają kwalif. i doświad. w realiz. projektów , co potwierdza rozdział 2.4 studium. Projekt po jego zakoń. jednozn. rozw. jeden z istotn. probl. dotycz. najbardz. zniszcz. i zaniedb. infrastr. techn. przy ul. Mochnackiego 4/Orkana 5 w Olsztynie oraz będzie przeciwdz. margin. znacznych grup mieszk. zdegrad. społecz. i ekon, charakt. się zabytk. zabud. otoczenia. W istotny sposób przyczyni się także do społ. aktyw. mieszk. i wpłynie na obniż. poziomu wyst. zjawisk patol. społ. na danym terenie. Proj. wpis. się w założ. SZOOP RPO WiM 2014-2020, Oś 8 Obsz. wymag. rewit., Cel tem. 9 Prom. Włącz. Społ., walka z ubóstw. i wsz. dysk rym., Prior. Inwest. 9 b – Wsp. rewit. fizycz., gosp. i społ. ubogich społ.na obsz. miejs. i wiejsk., Cel szcz.: Lepsza jak. życia społ. zam. ob. probl. (Polish)
    0 references
    The range of proj is 2 multi-family buildings, in Olsztyn at ul. Mochecka 4/Orkana 5, with a combined use of use. 619.50 m². Buildings are included in the restoration of the buildings of the A- 3898 (Mochn.4) and of 3899 (Orkana 5) of 30.09.1988. the work of the façade of the building’s 2 buildings, the insulation of the front end. 2 buildings, the works of the basement of the 2 buildings, the work of preserving window and door frames and doors in the Sch. and the basement of the 2 buildings, the replacement of water facilities and analysis. 2 buildings, works from the cage. 2 buildings, bottom line with the one of Brailla, mont burivet. Read more 1.1 sw; The project consists of people living in a stony and in the same area of revitalisation, tourists, canners., Gm. Olsztyn. Specific information on the material scope and solutions adopted. 2.2 pin and in the appendix to the proposal. It will be implemented by the beneficiary. WSP. Bellows. Nir. Mochem 4/Orkana 5, which will, together with the co-sponsor, provide a team for the implementation of project participants who are qualified and experienced in implementing projects, as confirmed by chapter 2.4 of the study. Project after the end of the project. Mochackat 4/Orkana 5 in Olsztyn, and will be opposed to the range of significant groups of residential flats, which is degraded, social and environmental, and the nature of the surrounding environment. It will also make an important contribution to the welfare of residential institutions and to reduce the level of visibility in the area. Take the form. SZOOP ROP WM 2014-2020, Oś 8 Obsz. required to be completed. 9 Prom. Enable. The fight against poverty and racism, Prior. Inwest. 9 b for the physics of the physicist., business and social affairs of the poor. A better quality of life. (English)
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