“Improving the Gołdap Lake in the Gołdap Spa” (Q132530): Difference between revisions
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(Created claim: summary (P836): The rehabilitation of Lake Gołdap is planned to be carried out on plot No 4, ob. ewid. 281803_4.0001 Gołdap, in Gołdap. The area of the plot to be analysed is 161.5839 ha. The Lake Gołdap is located in the western part of the Landscape Park of Rominka. As a result of the tests carried out, Lake Gołdap is classified as a type 6b, i.e. Lake with a high calcium content and with a high impact in the catchment area and not stratified. It is character...) |
Property / summary | |||
The rehabilitation of Lake Gołdap is planned to be carried out on plot No 4, ob. ewid. 281803_4.0001 Gołdap, in Gołdap. The area of the plot to be analysed is 161.5839 ha. The Lake Gołdap is located in the western part of the Landscape Park of Rominka. As a result of the tests carried out, Lake Gołdap is classified as a type 6b, i.e. Lake with a high calcium content and with a high impact in the catchment area and not stratified. It is characterised by the third category of downgrading. In order to address the identified problems, actions falling within the scope of this project should be carried out on the application of phosphates of phosphates in the form of clay aluminate clay to the surface of approximately 120-130 ha, excluding the coastal zone and the estuary of the River Goldaep. The continuous element of the project will be closely monitored in the year before the application (2017) and after complete sedimentation of the preparation at different times of the year. For details of the scope and solutions, please refer to 2.2 of the feasibility study and the accompanying extract to the application. The entire range of investments will be implemented by the beneficiaries. The municipality of Gołdap has separated from its structure a team of staff for the implementation of the project, who are highly qualified and experienced in the implementation of the projects implemented. in 2007-2013, as confirmed by chapter 2.4 of the study. The project was divided into the following elementy:zakup preparation, application, monitoring, water frame, feasibility study, project promotion, author’s supervision. The beneficiary shall have full capacity to implement the project in accordance with the criteria in this respect. By inviting the project to the greatest extent possible, the project will take the utmost account of the 2014-2020 ROP MP, as it assumes the rehabilitation of the Galdap Lake (1.3 sw). The main stakeholder group of the project is the inhabitants of Gołdai, the neighbouring municipalities, the region, tourists, visitors and curators. (English) | |||
Property / summary: The rehabilitation of Lake Gołdap is planned to be carried out on plot No 4, ob. ewid. 281803_4.0001 Gołdap, in Gołdap. The area of the plot to be analysed is 161.5839 ha. The Lake Gołdap is located in the western part of the Landscape Park of Rominka. As a result of the tests carried out, Lake Gołdap is classified as a type 6b, i.e. Lake with a high calcium content and with a high impact in the catchment area and not stratified. It is characterised by the third category of downgrading. In order to address the identified problems, actions falling within the scope of this project should be carried out on the application of phosphates of phosphates in the form of clay aluminate clay to the surface of approximately 120-130 ha, excluding the coastal zone and the estuary of the River Goldaep. The continuous element of the project will be closely monitored in the year before the application (2017) and after complete sedimentation of the preparation at different times of the year. For details of the scope and solutions, please refer to 2.2 of the feasibility study and the accompanying extract to the application. The entire range of investments will be implemented by the beneficiaries. The municipality of Gołdap has separated from its structure a team of staff for the implementation of the project, who are highly qualified and experienced in the implementation of the projects implemented. in 2007-2013, as confirmed by chapter 2.4 of the study. The project was divided into the following elementy:zakup preparation, application, monitoring, water frame, feasibility study, project promotion, author’s supervision. The beneficiary shall have full capacity to implement the project in accordance with the criteria in this respect. By inviting the project to the greatest extent possible, the project will take the utmost account of the 2014-2020 ROP MP, as it assumes the rehabilitation of the Galdap Lake (1.3 sw). The main stakeholder group of the project is the inhabitants of Gołdai, the neighbouring municipalities, the region, tourists, visitors and curators. (English) / rank | |||
Normal rank |
Revision as of 13:04, 10 March 2020
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | “Improving the Gołdap Lake in the Gołdap Spa” |
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio |
3,394,358.55 zloty
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4,838,765.49 zloty
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85.0 percent
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26 April 2016
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28 September 2018
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Rekultywację jeziora Gołdap planuje się przeprowadzić w obrębie działki nr ew. 4, obr. ewid. 281803_4.0001 Gołdap, w miejscowości Gołdap. Powierzchnia analizowanej działki wynosi 161,5839 ha. Jezioro Gołdap położone jest w zachodniej części Parku Krajobrazowego Puszczy Rominckiej. W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań jezioro Gołdap zaliczono do typu 6b, tj. jeziora o wysokiej zawartości wapnia i o dużym wpływie zlewni oraz niestratyfikowane. Odznacza się III kategorią na degradację. W celu rozwiązania zidentyfikowanych problemów należy wykonać działania objęte zakresem niniejszego przedsięwzięcia w zakresie aplikacji adsorbenta fosforanów w postaci glinki bentonitowej lantanem na powierzchni około 120 – 130 ha, z wyłączeniem strefy przybrzeżnej i strefy przyujściowej rzeki Gołdapy. Stałym elementem projektu będzie ścisły monitoring w roku poprzedzającym aplikację (2017) oraz po całkowitej sedymentacji preparatu w różnych porach roku. Szczegółowe informacje na temat zakresu rzecz. i przyjętych rozwiązań znajdują się w rozdz. 2.2 studium wykonalności oraz w wyciągu z dokum. techn. będącej załącz. do wniosku. Cały zakres inwestycji wdrażany będzie przez benefic., tj. Gminę Gołdap, która wyodrębniła ze swej struktury zespół pracowników odpowiedz. za wdrożenie projektu, którzy posiadają wysokie kwalifikacje i doświadcz. w realizacji projektów wdroż. w latach 2007-2013, co potwierdza rozdział 2.4 studium. Realizacja projektu podzielona została na następujące elementy:zakup preparatu, aplikacja, monitoring, operat wodnoprawny, studium wykonalności, promocja projektu, nadzór autorski. Beneficjent posiada pełną zdolność realizacyjną do prawidłowej realizacji projektu zgodnie z zapisami kryteriów w tym zakresie. Poprzez zaprop. rozwiąz. projekt w najwyższym stopniu odpow. założeniom SzOOP RPO WiM 2014-2020, gdyż zakłada rekultywację jeziora Gołdap (r. 1.3 sw). Główną grupą interesariuszy projektu są mieszkańcy Gołdapi, gmin ościennych, regionu, turyści, goście i kuracjusze. (Polish)
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The rehabilitation of Lake Gołdap is planned to be carried out on plot No 4, ob. ewid. 281803_4.0001 Gołdap, in Gołdap. The area of the plot to be analysed is 161.5839 ha. The Lake Gołdap is located in the western part of the Landscape Park of Rominka. As a result of the tests carried out, Lake Gołdap is classified as a type 6b, i.e. Lake with a high calcium content and with a high impact in the catchment area and not stratified. It is characterised by the third category of downgrading. In order to address the identified problems, actions falling within the scope of this project should be carried out on the application of phosphates of phosphates in the form of clay aluminate clay to the surface of approximately 120-130 ha, excluding the coastal zone and the estuary of the River Goldaep. The continuous element of the project will be closely monitored in the year before the application (2017) and after complete sedimentation of the preparation at different times of the year. For details of the scope and solutions, please refer to 2.2 of the feasibility study and the accompanying extract to the application. The entire range of investments will be implemented by the beneficiaries. The municipality of Gołdap has separated from its structure a team of staff for the implementation of the project, who are highly qualified and experienced in the implementation of the projects implemented. in 2007-2013, as confirmed by chapter 2.4 of the study. The project was divided into the following elementy:zakup preparation, application, monitoring, water frame, feasibility study, project promotion, author’s supervision. The beneficiary shall have full capacity to implement the project in accordance with the criteria in this respect. By inviting the project to the greatest extent possible, the project will take the utmost account of the 2014-2020 ROP MP, as it assumes the rehabilitation of the Galdap Lake (1.3 sw). The main stakeholder group of the project is the inhabitants of Gołdai, the neighbouring municipalities, the region, tourists, visitors and curators. (English)
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