Q2770078 (Q2770078): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: import item from Greece)
(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The physical object of this project includes:i. The implementation of a new repressive control application to improve information support for the internal functions of the audit services of the Court of Auditors. The audit services of the Court of Auditors are located in the Central Branch of the Court of Auditors and in 92 points scattered throughout the prefectures throughout the Greek territory and control repressively about 14,000 bodies of...)
Property / summary
The physical object of this project includes:i. The implementation of a new repressive control application to improve information support for the internal functions of the audit services of the Court of Auditors. The audit services of the Court of Auditors are located in the Central Branch of the Court of Auditors and in 92 points scattered throughout the prefectures throughout the Greek territory and control repressively about 14,000 bodies of the General Government in accordance with Article 98 of the Constitution and Law 4129/13 “ratification of the Code of Laws for the Court of Auditors”, as currently in force. With the introduction of the new application, ways of simplifying the administrative procedures of expost control may also be implemented.ii. The achievement of interoperability of the new application of repressive control with the information systems of the bodies audited by the Court of Auditors, for the two-way supply of audit data of the stakeholders of the General Government in a timely and valid manner. The data will be circulated between the central node of the information system of the Court of Auditors and the information systems of the audited bodies of the General Government and will be disseminated internally to all audit services of the Court of Auditors exercising repressive control. Interoperability will initially operate with mature technologically controlled bodies by the Court of Auditors and will gradually extend to all the bodies audited by the General Government.iii. The training of the staff of the Court of Auditors in the re-implementation of expost control. The training will take place before the re-implementation of an expost audit by the Court of Auditors.iv. The supply and installation of additional equipment (e.g. RAM memories) to upgrade the existing computing equipment of the Court of Auditors. The upgraded equipment will be used for the operation of the new repressive control application and the relevant programming interface.The total budget of the project amounts to EUR 74,254.26. The expected starting date is 01/08/2019 and the expiration date of 31/05/2021. (English)
Property / summary: The physical object of this project includes:i. The implementation of a new repressive control application to improve information support for the internal functions of the audit services of the Court of Auditors. The audit services of the Court of Auditors are located in the Central Branch of the Court of Auditors and in 92 points scattered throughout the prefectures throughout the Greek territory and control repressively about 14,000 bodies of the General Government in accordance with Article 98 of the Constitution and Law 4129/13 “ratification of the Code of Laws for the Court of Auditors”, as currently in force. With the introduction of the new application, ways of simplifying the administrative procedures of expost control may also be implemented.ii. The achievement of interoperability of the new application of repressive control with the information systems of the bodies audited by the Court of Auditors, for the two-way supply of audit data of the stakeholders of the General Government in a timely and valid manner. The data will be circulated between the central node of the information system of the Court of Auditors and the information systems of the audited bodies of the General Government and will be disseminated internally to all audit services of the Court of Auditors exercising repressive control. Interoperability will initially operate with mature technologically controlled bodies by the Court of Auditors and will gradually extend to all the bodies audited by the General Government.iii. The training of the staff of the Court of Auditors in the re-implementation of expost control. The training will take place before the re-implementation of an expost audit by the Court of Auditors.iv. The supply and installation of additional equipment (e.g. RAM memories) to upgrade the existing computing equipment of the Court of Auditors. The upgraded equipment will be used for the operation of the new repressive control application and the relevant programming interface.The total budget of the project amounts to EUR 74,254.26. The expected starting date is 01/08/2019 and the expiration date of 31/05/2021. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The physical object of this project includes:i. The implementation of a new repressive control application to improve information support for the internal functions of the audit services of the Court of Auditors. The audit services of the Court of Auditors are located in the Central Branch of the Court of Auditors and in 92 points scattered throughout the prefectures throughout the Greek territory and control repressively about 14,000 bodies of the General Government in accordance with Article 98 of the Constitution and Law 4129/13 “ratification of the Code of Laws for the Court of Auditors”, as currently in force. With the introduction of the new application, ways of simplifying the administrative procedures of expost control may also be implemented.ii. The achievement of interoperability of the new application of repressive control with the information systems of the bodies audited by the Court of Auditors, for the two-way supply of audit data of the stakeholders of the General Government in a timely and valid manner. The data will be circulated between the central node of the information system of the Court of Auditors and the information systems of the audited bodies of the General Government and will be disseminated internally to all audit services of the Court of Auditors exercising repressive control. Interoperability will initially operate with mature technologically controlled bodies by the Court of Auditors and will gradually extend to all the bodies audited by the General Government.iii. The training of the staff of the Court of Auditors in the re-implementation of expost control. The training will take place before the re-implementation of an expost audit by the Court of Auditors.iv. The supply and installation of additional equipment (e.g. RAM memories) to upgrade the existing computing equipment of the Court of Auditors. The upgraded equipment will be used for the operation of the new repressive control application and the relevant programming interface.The total budget of the project amounts to EUR 74,254.26. The expected starting date is 01/08/2019 and the expiration date of 31/05/2021. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 2 July 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 14:52, 2 July 2021

Project Q2770078 in Greece
Language Label Description Also known as
No label defined
Project Q2770078 in Greece


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    74,254.0 Euro
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    80.0 percent
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    1 August 2019
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    31 May 2021
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    37°3'49.72"N, 25°29'1.79"E
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    35°11'2.58"N, 24°58'5.63"E
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    38°3'38.27"N, 23°43'46.24"E
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    40°21'14.47"N, 21°29'48.08"E
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    38°35'26.70"N, 22°37'5.92"E
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    37°3'49.72"N, 25°29'1.79"E
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    41°10'1.60"N, 25°1'29.57"E
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    37°19'52.07"N, 22°20'54.35"E
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    40°54'2.41"N, 22°57'19.80"E
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    39°9'24.48"N, 26°21'8.17"E
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    39°32'59.71"N, 22°14'37.14"E
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    39°34'38.86"N, 20°46'24.17"E
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    38°41'1.00"N, 21°24'37.51"E
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    38°13'51.92"N, 20°33'5.29"E
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    Το φυσικό αντικείμενο του παρόντος έργου περιλαμβάνει:i. Την υλοποίηση νέας εφαρμογής κατασταλτικού ελέγχου για την βελτίωση της πληροφοριακής υποστήριξης των εσωτερικών λειτουργιών των υπηρεσιών ελέγχου του Ελεγκτικού Συνεδρίου. Οι υπηρεσίες ελέγχου του Ελεγκτικού Συνεδρίου εδρεύουν στο Κεντρικό Κατάστημα αυτού και σε 92 σημεία διάσπαρτα σε πρωτεύουσες νομών σε ολόκληρη την Ελληνική επικράτεια και ελέγχουν κατασταλτικά περίπου 14.000 φορείς της Γενικής Κυβέρνησης σύμφωνα με το άρθρο 98 του Συντάγματος και τον ν.4129/13 «Κύρωση του Κώδικα Νόμων για το Ελεγκτικό Συνέδριο», όπως ισχύει σήμερα. Με την εισαγωγή της νέας εφαρμογής μπορεί επίσης να υλοποιηθούν τρόποι απλούστευσης των διοικητικών διαδικασιών του κατασταλτικού ελέγχου.ii. Την επίτευξη διαλειτουργικότητας της νέας εφαρμογής κατασταλτικού ελέγχου με τα πληροφοριακά συστήματα των ελεγχόμενων από το Ελεγκτικό Συνέδριο φορέων, για την αμφίδρομη τροφοδοσία με ελεγκτικά δεδομένα των εμπλεκόμενων φορέων της Γενικής Κυβέρνησης κατά τρόπο έγκαιρο και έγκυρο. Τα δεδομένα θα διακινούνται μεταξύ του κεντρικού κόμβου του πληροφοριακού συστήματος του Ελεγκτικού Συνεδρίου και των πληροφοριακών συστημάτων των ελεγχόμενων φορέων της Γενικής Κυβέρνησης και θα διαχέονται εσωτερικά σε όλες τις ελεγκτικές υπηρεσίες του Ελεγκτικού Συνεδρίου που ασκούν κατασταλτικό έλεγχο. Η διαλειτουργικότητα θα λειτουργήσει αρχικά με ώριμους τεχνολογικά ελεγχόμενους από το Ελεγκτικό Συνέδριο φορείς και θα επεκταθεί σταδιακά στο σύνολο των ελεγχόμενων φορέων της Γενικής Κυβέρνησης.iii. Την εκπαίδευση του προσωπικού του Ελεγκτικού Συνεδρίου στη νέα εφαρμογή κατασταλτικού ελέγχου. Η εκπαίδευση θα πραγματοποιηθεί πριν τη θέση της νέας εφαρμογής κατασταλτικού ελέγχου του Ελεγκτικού Συνεδρίου σε λειτουργία.iv. Την προμήθεια και εγκατάσταση πρόσθετου εξοπλισμού (π.χ. μνήμες RAM) προς αναβάθμιση του υφιστάμενου υπολογιστικού εξοπλισμού του Ελεγκτικού Συνεδρίου. Ο αναβαθμισμένος εξοπλισμός θα χρησιμοποιηθεί για την λειτουργία της νέας εφαρμογής κατασταλτικού ελέγχου και της σχετικής προγραμματιστικής διεπαφής.Ο συνολικός προϋπολογισμός του έργου ανέρχεται στο ποσό των 74.254,26 ευρώ. Η προβλεπόμενη ημερομηνία έναρξης είναι η 01/08/2019 και η ημερομηνία λήξης η 31/05/2021. (Greek)
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    The physical object of this project includes:i. The implementation of a new repressive control application to improve information support for the internal functions of the audit services of the Court of Auditors. The audit services of the Court of Auditors are located in the Central Branch of the Court of Auditors and in 92 points scattered throughout the prefectures throughout the Greek territory and control repressively about 14,000 bodies of the General Government in accordance with Article 98 of the Constitution and Law 4129/13 “ratification of the Code of Laws for the Court of Auditors”, as currently in force. With the introduction of the new application, ways of simplifying the administrative procedures of expost control may also be implemented.ii. The achievement of interoperability of the new application of repressive control with the information systems of the bodies audited by the Court of Auditors, for the two-way supply of audit data of the stakeholders of the General Government in a timely and valid manner. The data will be circulated between the central node of the information system of the Court of Auditors and the information systems of the audited bodies of the General Government and will be disseminated internally to all audit services of the Court of Auditors exercising repressive control. Interoperability will initially operate with mature technologically controlled bodies by the Court of Auditors and will gradually extend to all the bodies audited by the General Government.iii. The training of the staff of the Court of Auditors in the re-implementation of expost control. The training will take place before the re-implementation of an expost audit by the Court of Auditors.iv. The supply and installation of additional equipment (e.g. RAM memories) to upgrade the existing computing equipment of the Court of Auditors. The upgraded equipment will be used for the operation of the new repressive control application and the relevant programming interface.The total budget of the project amounts to EUR 74,254.26. The expected starting date is 01/08/2019 and the expiration date of 31/05/2021. (English)
    2 July 2021
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